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Posts posted by countrygirl66

  1. It makes me so sad. I wonder if some people understand what marriage is. For better or worse, sickness or health for eternity. For heavens sake if your that selfish I don't see how a marriage can survive. I don't understand how you could hurt someone you love like that. I have been married for 24 yrs and something like that would cause untold damage to our marriage. It seems like satan is really pushing sin harder than ever before.:huh:

  2. I am part indian, one of my daughters is part black, and one is part mexican. I don't think there is anything more offensive to me that when someone equates the issues of race with the issue of homosexuality. Race is something you are born with. I have teenagers and they have each have a friend or two that beleive they are gay or bisexual. When I see these kids in my home what I have noticed is some very unhappy kids. Not even old enough to be contemplating questions of sexuality. The reality is they have home problems, divorce, abuse, alcoholism, neglect etc. or they have so many things and almost no dicipline and structure. At a time in their lives when home should be a bedrock of security and love it is a slippery slope for most of them. This makes them easy picking for those who would do them evil.

    I think all the media blitz about "we were born this way" is just that, satans media blitz. I do think some people have these feelings, some of my own family members do. My cousin (girl) was repeatedly raped as a teen by a neighbor boy. My cousing (girl) was severely neglected and abused by her stepmom and ignored by her dad. My cousin (boy) was severly starved for love by his dad and tortured by his stepmom. My point is that I love the dearly and it breaks my heart that they were such easy victims for those that told them they were gay. They weren't gay they were starved for love and people took advantage of that. I think heavenly father will give them some understanding for that. I do think that my cousins were so starved for love and have such low self esteem that it will be difficult for them to find a way out. I think there are many loving people that don't understand homosexuality so they are unsure what to think.

  3. hi and welcome

    I would ask if ok if you have had counciling for your thoughts. Is it because you think you can't go on or you think the world would be better without you? I have had thoughts like that at different times in my life. What has helped me is first talk to someone i trust. For me it is a sister. Second if you can a therapist may be needed to see if you need anti depressants. Third don't isolate yourself, (it is what i usually want to do) but go to lunch with friends, visit your aunts and uncles, call your parents. fourth make your bishop aware of your struggle that way he can work to ensure you don't fall through the cracks. Bishops have a heavy load and sometimes if we don't tell them what is going on they can't help us. fifth find somewhere to serve. One of my nieces was suicidal for a long time (she was a recovering meth addict) and she says what saved her was voulenteering at the school, she felt that she couldn't not be there for the kids and she didn't want them to have to know that she had commited suicide. (the good news is this can and will get better) take care and keep posting. There are a lot of people here smarter than me that can help you.:)

  4. Please tell me a right way to say, "I think you're fat and I really wish you would lose some weight." <-- That is the short, simple and completely honest truth that so many men want to say. Many will spend years and years wanting to broach the subject. But they do not dare say a thing, for fear of having their throats slit while they sleep.

    I do not think there is any possible way to state that truth without making a woman go completely ballistic. If women would be so kind as to provide the magical combination of words for the men in their lives, then the men in their lives won't have to go crazy in silence, wanting to say something but knowing they can't, for fear of slow and painful death.

    If any woman can answer this riddle, she will be praised and adored by men for all-time, for she will have accomplished a feat that is truly impossible. She will have solved, the ULTIMATE RIDDLE.

    Here are a couple of my thoughts.

    When I am overweight, my h physically ignores me, so when I lose weight (and i do) then he wants to give me physical attention. (my reaction is NOOOOO!) If you couldn't love me when I was overweight then what in heaven makes you think I am interested now.

    Problem: Physical attraction and intimacy mean different things to us.

    Solution: I have to work to remember that for him it can be a more (not all) but more purely physical thing. He needs to remember that for me all things are linked and tied together.

    Problem: He will say things like "I will help with the kids and run places so you can do your physical therapy and have time to yourself" It seldom happens and so I think "whatever".

    Solution: I need to be clear in what I need done to help me. He needs to actually do what I need done not what he thinks I need.

    Problem: Gym memberships, hairstyles, clothes, nails and makeup cost $$$$$.

    Solution: I need to budget for those kind of things even though they are only for me. He needs to decide if it/me is worth the money.

    Problem: AFFECTION!!! and Physical intimact are not one in the same to women. Go give your wife true affection and she will grant you most anything you desire. Ignore it because it isn't important to you or you don't really need (hand holding, kisses, hugs, snuggling etc.) Your wife will be very lonely and when you say something about her weight, it will be a nail in your coffin.

    In short if you want to approach the subject, lay the groundwork and then include yourself in the solution. Meaning, I have been looking at us joining a weight class, or spinning class, or I want us to spend one on one time going for a walk each night. I have been looking at how we can live longer by changing our diet. I want us to go swimming. The key for women is we and us. Never ever say you are fat or you need to lose weight. (to me anyways)

    Maybe this is just me. I hope it helps.

  5. Just a coupe of my thoughts

    My weight has gone up and down over the years. Right now it is up. I would first say that I am very aware of it. I am not feeling well and that is complicating it even more. I know my h has noticed. His being overwieght hasn't ever bothered me but me being overweight bothers him. He doesn't say anything about it and so we're good. I know he still loves me and we laugh together a lot. We go out on a date almost every weekend. The reality is if he really wanted me to lose weight, he would make time available for me to go to the gym or go with me. When he takes time to pamper me and make me feel like I look great, I take more interest in looking great. (not immediately but eventually) When he forgets, I keep running kids, doing laundry, cooking etc. but there is no boss to say great job. So eventually I burn out and then he remembers. The good part is that he always loves me we just keep working on the rest. I hope your friend can find some answers. Maybe some long term pampering would help and a break can do wonders.

  6. Hi Gatsby,

    I have had to forgive some pretty big things in my life and (for me) it hasn't been a simple process. I have found for me that I have gone through varying degrees of forgiveness. For example, I am finally ok with my bio father going to heaven, (But I hope the place is big enough we don't have to see each other). So I have come a long way but I am far from perfect. For me a great starting place was to pray for the other person. Sometimes it was just to pray that they may some day understand the pain they have caused. Now (many years later) it might just be a prayer that they find their way in this life. Take care. My only other advice is to know that no experience is ever a waste we always learn and progress from all of them.

  7. President Hinkley said (I don't have the exact words) but it was basically if we would spend our time in pursuit of the happiness of our spouse, divorce would almost completely dry up. I have known of a few situations where I think divorce was the best option, but in most cases it comes about from someone trying to make themselves happy instead of concentrating on the happiness of their spouse. Marriage is not always easy but somehow a lot of young people getting married seem to think there should be no hard times. That just isn't so. Life is full of good and bad times, marriage is about going through them with someone you love and are committed to. I grew up around so much divorce, and most of the commentary I always heard started with I or me. I have been married 23 years and yes I have made tons of mistakes and we have had ups and downs. But when we are the happiest is when we are trying to make each other happy instead of ourselves.

  8. I am not saying obama is any more or less dishonest than most politicians, but he has to be the absolute worst salesman I have ever seen.

    First AIG is not the first to misuse our money in this mess. I haven't heard one concrete thing (specific) about what is going to change the misuse of our money. Heck I could say we're not going to tolorate this. So what. People need specifics. ex - A federal IRS audit should be done every 2-3 months on our bailout money. I think the IRS could actually do it. They scare me.

    Second. I feel like we are in the film it's a wonderful life. We (regular people) are George Baily and the huge corporations with money are Mr. Potter. Their are people buying right now and getting fire sale prices because of the perception. It is in the interest of big business to keep the recession/perception going. They will make tons of money in a few years and we will keep paying the bill for stupit bailouts.

    Did you know that the banks required to take bailout money have to get government permission to repay it. One bank in particular had to take bailout money to buy Wachovia even though they didn't want it and didn't need it. Now they are having a heck of a time trying to get the government to take the money back.

    If Obama's people had a brain between them, they would be shouting from the rooftops "look we are already getting you money back" My plan is working. Even if it isn't. But instead they say nothing but we can't let AIG fail. The only thing their selling is "Hey regular people we need you to spend the money you have to keep the economy going"

    Another thing??? California???? He could make himself look so good by working something out with homeowners/now homeless people. ??? We have bailed out the banks there. So we have basically bought the houses that now sit empty. Citizens are now living in tent cities. We are at some point goin to have to provide services to help. Crime is going up rapidly in these empty neighborhoods. With the houses we bought with our federal tax money, I would like to take my share and help one of these families (from a reasonable home) get back into it. I mean I own part of the home and am not using what i own. Oh wait, I am not trusted to know what to do with tax money. HA HA:huh:

  9. Hey yall, what's cracking? I haven't been able to visit much due to college and preparing for the mission.

    But what do I do in a situation like this?

    So, I have this friend that I think of as a sister. A little over a month ago our little conversations that we had randomly ended. Nothing. I wasn't to concerned as I figured she was busy, and I knew for sure that I was. But tonight I was like, 'what the hey, I'll just say hi'. So I drop her a message. Next thing I know I get a message back calling me a liar, and I'm acting like I'm in grade 2.

    Me? In the dark, not a clue as to what's going on. When I ask her to clarify she says that I know, and that she's already told me what happened...that I lied about talking to her. She says sorry for some reason, I tell her there's nothing to forgive, but that I hope she'll forgive me for whatever she thinks I did. She says it's different on her side, and things aren't right anymore.

    So what do I do? I don't know what happened, and no matter how many theories I can come up with I won't know unless she tells me. I still care for her obviously, but I don't know how to approach this.

    As of right now, I'm just going to let it sit for a couple days, pray for guidance and for comfort for me as well as her.

    In this type of a situation my h always says "What? What did I do?" answer, wait a day or two and you will find out. You probably won't even remember doing whatever you did. Girls are girls. Don't worry too much and keep busy with other stuff. You might even get a message from her that says something like "sorry I was having a bad day and you hurt my feelings". Take care only our creator really understands us.

  10. Your grandmother sounds so much like my stepmother. I wish I could understand why they do that. I haven't had contact in many years with her, but she still pops into my head from time to time. I wonder sometimes if a person chooses to be evil. Because I don't know what else would describe trying to destroy another person. I hope you find the answers you are looking for. Take care

  11. What i think is so hard in abusive situations is that the abuser is not a monster all the time. Sometimes they can be very charming, and that is confusing. They have a way wether they are spouses, parents, siblings of tearing you down until you feel that you are nothing and completely unlovable. That is what brings you back. A lot of people that say why didn't you just tell, leave or press charges don't get that. I can remember as a kid thinking that everyone lived like I did, I just thought it was how life was. I still remember sitting in primary and having a teacher tell me that our parents spanked us because they loved us. The situation I was in, I took it to heart and it cemented my beleif that that was how life was. When I was finally put in a foster home at 8 I abused myself often, because my foster parents didn't hurt and hit and humiliate and hate me I was completely confused. There was no counciling available so it took me a long time to accecpt that their way of life was the real normal. I don't think these issues are ever simple and sometimes you have to be basically trained to spot pre-abusive behavior, especially if you have been raised around abusers. No warning bells go off until the hitting starts.

  12. As far as the border being armed from what i understand that the majority of the weapons are comming from america into mexico. Because we do not check cars going into mexico it is easy to cross into mexico with weapons.

    Oh and by the way guess where me and the fam is going on vacation this year? That's right mexico.

    As far as drugs being everywhere, I beleive that is true. I have a now 16 yr old that tried it once and we caught him. (Me the mom can't sleep until everyone is home) So he was totally caught.

    Punishment from us - Summer grounded, no driving, working 40 hrs instead of 30 for his dad, mom and dad made him turn himself into the police, 20 hours community service, $1000 in fines (his entire car fund), no cell phone, and drug testing by mom and dad with dad watching. Mom contacting the parents of any friends involved. A drug and alcahol evaluation. Liscence suspended.

    It has been about a 1 year process for him to go to court, pay his fines, and earn some of his privledges back.

    My suprise. Everyone else involved got a lecture by mom and dad and then went on with life. So sad to me but most of them are still smoking weed. My son hasn't since, not because he thinks it is evil, but because it wasn't worth it. At least he has time to grow up and hopefully get it. I was so suprised to have law enforcement, parole officer, therapist, judge, etc. say that they almost never see a kid who is punished by their parents, they all said that the parents can't bear to see them punished and so most wind up in the system after they have an addiction. I wish I knew why that is. My h and I did what our parents would have done to us.

  13. There is a perfectly constitutional, safe, and cost effective method to deal with the "drug war". Abolish federal drug laws.

    Upon legalization, the drug cartels would be put out of business quite instantly. Even if they continued to supply drugs to the U.S., the distribution channels would be direct and transparent. Much of the violence would simply become unnecessary. Alcohol suppliers did not continue to find voilence a practical business activity when the prohibition was repealed in 1933, and it is just as likely that suppliers of other intoxicants would find the same.

    The myriad of reasons people harbor for the statist control of what a man can possess and take into his body include statements like: "we must protect children". But the sad truth is that illegal drugs are as much if not more available to children than tobacco and alcohol because of the underground distribution system made possible only by the drug laws.

    Others fear that legalization would mean that the whole nation would go into drug addiction. However, most of the people expressing this fear claim they themselves will continue to abstain from drugs if legalized.

    I heard one claim that marijuana should remain illegal because they don't want to be exposed to second-hand marijuana smoke. Of course, a national trend banning public smoking has swept the country on the municipal level already and this sort of fear is quite unfounded therefore.

    There is nothing in the Constitution granting the federal government the power to forbid the production and consumption of any intoxicants. This is why the prohibition required an amendment. The federal government gets around this by regulating the trade of drugs rather than their use. Possession and distribution are illegal, while being intoxicated itself is not.

    The cost of the drug war is impressive. We spend over $18 million dollars a day holding people in prison for possession of drugs alone. These are not accused of any crime other than possession.

    With taxpayers losing billions on it and lives being lost in it, the drug war seems mighty expensive in view of the fact that the multi-billion dollar drug industry survives quite well despite it. The UN estimates that the global illicit drug market is as much as 10% of the global retail GDP. Why so high? Mark-up. The profit margin is staggering. Estimated at $13 billion at production, the global illicit drug market has retail sales estimated at $322 billion. What a mark-up! The consumer pays 25 times the production cost! No wonder this business is alive and well.

    The huge mark-up is directly the result of the illegal nature of the product. The vast fortunes being built are not going toward honest law-abiding citizens, but mafia-like cartels now able to afford private armies.

    I want what is best for my family, my posterity, my neighbors, this nation. Freedom is what is best. An underground system of corruption, deceit, and murder is not in our best interests, such a system is the direct result of the federal war on drugs. We must let the states and localities make their own policies toward these things and keep the liberty crushing federal government out of local affairs.

    Abolish federal drug laws.


    wow I can see we definitely are on different sides of the spectrum. But that being said do you mean to say that because drugs being illegal is too expensive so we should legalize them and just give up? It sounds like drugs being legal would benefit those not using drugs and those caught up in them should just be written off. I am not trying to be combative, but I am trying to understand your thoughts.

    My experience - If it hadn't been for meth being illegal my daughter who is now ten could have never been removed from the custody of her mother. Because she wouldn't have been doing anything wrong. She is (partially because of drug use) one of the most dangerous people I have known. Do we just write off those in society that have the misfortune of being born into a mess? I was born into the same mess. Legalizing drugs in my situation as a kid would have given me not means to be removed.

    I think it would be hard for the states to each have their own policy. Can you imagine if yours was the state had the most lax laws. You might as well sign your state government over the the cartel.

    I do however wish that we concentrated on prevention and treatment. I think we could empty a lot of our prisons if we did. My other concern is that legalizing drugs wouldn't stop the cartels, it would just change who they are. My concern is that they would become politicians and wallstreet guys. California has legalized medical marijuana and it isn't really working. Instead of going to a street dealer, people go to a disreputable doctor and say they are in pain, then they get a perscription and go the the local mary jane shop and tada they have weed. There are medical marijuana shops all over california. It is a doorway drug and I think it will be sad to see the fallout of this over the next 20 years for the state.

    My brothers and I were born in the 60's and 70's. It was all about free love and expanding your mind with drugs. While our bio mom and many many fathers were busy having free love and expanding their minds we were born and had no sober adults to raise us. I think legalization would be a quick fix but a long term nightmare.

  14. true. However the regular police force on the arizona border for example spends all their time saving kidnapped victims. The victims are mostly involved in the drug cartels. They are set up in regular neighborhoods where regular people live. The police force doesn't have much choice, because we save anyone we can in our country. (i don't think that is a bad thing) But something has to be done, and noone has any answers. The problem is that the cartels spilling over the border are ruthless, so there isn't much room for negotiation. It has kind of made me think of the gadiantions.

  15. I guess somewhere in my mind I have always beleived that if something like that were happening on the border of say Utah that the governor would be able to mobilize the national guard immediately not wait until the govt creates a committee to see if they should create a study group to decide if there is a problem.:eek:

    I guess the last few years america has been a bit fractured for me. Still love my country, but it seems that those minding the store are in a word corrupt and self centered.

    Hurrricane Katrina, mexican border, wall street, preditory lending, I just wonder where are the leaders that walk the walk, not just wait to see what we want to hear.

  16. I was wondering what you think of the current (war) my word (violent acts) government word on the border of mexico. Should the national guard be put on the border? Why are the vehicles leaving the us not inspected? in tiauana (sorry spelling) there have been 138 murders so far this year. Kidnappings on the us side of the border are out of control. I haven't seen a discussion on this, maybe I missed it. What do you guys think should be done?

  17. I don't believe anyone is born bad. I do beleive though that there times when you have to cut your losses with a person and leave it to the lord. A step mom I had as a kid. I pray that she is mentally ill, because if not then she is just evil. I have told my kids that there are safety rules and if you break them there are no second chances in this life to fix them with other people. That being said, I do beleive that anyone (and I mean anyone) can be forgiven anything. But being forgiven doesn't mean that you are trusted. It doesn't mean that you are given your rights and privledges back in society. I have a bio father that I never reconciled with in this life. I don't feel bad about it. I think that if I see him in heaven I will know weather or not all is well. He crossed lines in this life, that although forgiven made him lose my trust forever. I did not feel the need to continually deal with him and what he felt he wanted in this life. Just because you are forgiven, doesn't mean you are trusted again. Just because you repent of murder, doesn't mean you get out of jail. Just because your repent of abusing your child, doesn't give you a free pass back into their life. I think sometimes in our wish to be pc, we forget that it is not the job of the victim to absolve the abuser of his or her guilt. That is only something the lord can do and we humans may not resolve some relationships in this life. And I don't think that makes us bad people. Only the lord can judge a persons heart, but we must use our judgement as to what is good and acceptable in our life and what is not.

  18. I would say follow your concience. For me I don't even expect hollywood to follow the gospel, because I don't think they have any concept of what it is. I am sure someone here who is smarter than me can tell you the names (I can't remember). I would follow the example of the religious leader that was blasted for saying marriage should only be between a man and a woman but when the people were protesting in front of his church, it was him and his members who gave them water and refreshments. Hate the sin but love the sinner. We are all sinners and all fall sometime. When we know better, we do better. I have toy story, monsters inc, that darn cat, (old version) lion king and lots of others. I have no real idea of the stars values. That isn't why I have them. They are just entertainment. I also love rock hudson and doris day. And I am pretty sure if they asked rock hudson where he stood on the issue, it would be far from where I am. Take care

  19. My thoughts for what it's worth. It can be heartbreaking because in a perfect world he would sense your needs and do what he needed to to meet them. It just plain hurts. That being said, you probably need to take a look and see if you could live with him working like he is now forever. Right now your dating, and don't feel that your a priority, with marriage things just get busier and more stressful and then when kids come, well even busier.

    For some people they can make that work and be very happy, but if your not one who can, it isn't fair to either of you to think you can change it completely. I am one who has to have my h home on the weekends and evenings so we live on less money. We both feel the same way so it works. I have a good friend whos h is a dr and he works terrible hours, she picks up most of the slack and they seem very happy. I guess i am saying, no matter how it hurts take a long look at what you want, and pray and see if you feel like you could really meet each others needs. I am sure it is not his intent to see you unhappy. Take care.

  20. It can be hard to find the time when your kids are little. My current goal with service is to say something positive about or to everyone I meet or whos name comes up in conversation. It can be daunting at times, but has been a great lesson for my family in eliminating gossip. If you have to think of something good to say about someone who may be a bit difficult your to busy to be thinking of gossip about them.

    Also I have found when i don't have a lot of time phone calls are great. My kids even make them, just to ask how grandma or grandpa or etc is. Email is great too. I am starting to have my kids email some far away relatives and it is a good connection for them.

    For myself I do a lot of handwork that I am able to donate. It not only keeps my arthritis moving but when I make quilts, newborn hats, winter hats etc, I think and ponder on who they may bless and send them with all the love they are made with.

    The service that I love the best when I receive it is just to visit with my neighbors in the yard on a nice day. It seldom happens because we are all overbusy but it is what I enjoy the best. Good luck, I would love to hear about what you come up with.

  21. I have on the computer in word a document for each of the things or people that cause stress or agitation. I write in them depending on what is going on. I helps me to express some of what i am feeling without having to talk to a person directly. I also often feel heavenly father and my parents close at times when I am expressing myself. Take care.