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Posts posted by countrygirl66

  1. hi unixknight,

    Just wanted to say thanks for not making your kids feel like if they love their mom they are betraying you. Sounds like that is where she may be putting them. I was raised in a messy situation to say the least and as an adult I look back and so appreciate those adults who were the adult and didn't leave me in the middle. It sounds like your trying to make your house a home for your kids where they get to be the kids. Being honest with them is great! Don't know how many times I had about 50 percent of the info on a situation but because I was a kid would never ask for the rest. It just left me scared and confused. My hats off to you for being the dad and letting you know that they will be loved by you no matter what happens between you and ex.

  2. Hi. I hope I don't get in trouble for my thoughts on this. My parents are both gone mom for about 15 years and dad 18. When my dad died he was in the hospital for about 2 1/2 months before he died. I had a 6 month old baby at the time and was working full time I tried to be wife, mom, employee and daughter and all I ended up being was stressed out all the time and short tempered. It came full circle when I was driving to work and fell asleep on the road. I was lucky and didn't crash or anything just kind of drove off the road. In looking back with my dad I don't regret any time I spent with him at all but I also beleive that he now understands why I couldn't always be there. What I'm saying is don't be afraid to take a break from you mom. It doesn't mean you don't love her. You will probably have more patience if you do. They're daycare (probably not a good word) places that parents can go and you can get a break. She may balk about going but remember as you would with your children they don't always appreciate that your doing what is best for them. The best thing you can do for your mom is keep yourself sane. My mom lived with me for about 3 months. It was hard. She would do things like call me at work and say I want coleslaw from KFC a hamburger from AC and a drink from the gas station for dinner. I would do it and be very frustrated in the process. For one I couldn't really afford it and two it made an hour late getting home and I had two little boys at this point. She would critisize how I cooked things (say things like I guess some people would like to eat that). She would even critisize the pajamas I put my kids in. I have no regrets about having her there, but I have come to realize she was probably bored out of her mind and didn't feel very needed. If I could go back I would go the the bishop or whoever and ask for a high priest couple or older visiting teachers with a lot of patience just for her. I would take a break so that I could enjoy her more, I found I was short on patience and I feel bad about it now. The comfort is that she had a mother too and was once in my shoes. I think it must be hard to know that you once were in charge of everything and now you have no place in the world. Take care. Hope you find some peace in your life.;)

  3. Hey for my 2cents I think you should make a list of every possibilty including getting married and becomming a parent and then prioritize what you want to do most and then make short term goals that will get you there. EX (study abroad) save money, work extra job to keep out of mischief, get passport, research expense etc. Just my 2cents

  4. Hi I've been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for most of my life. It hasn't always been easy. I love the gospel and know it is true. I have a 15 year old son that isn't sure. I know that he will have to find his own testimony and it will come about in the way best for him. One thing that I try to remind him of is that you don't have to beleive right now you don't even have to have faith you only have to start with a hope of faith. My suggestion is go and enjoy the people and the spirit there. You will know what is right for you. Hope is the key to all good things in life.

  5. I don't know much about your situation but when you mentioned foster care I thought I would let you know about a resource that may be available. I was a foster child and a foster parent. In the state of Utah the foster care system has volunteers that do what is called peer parenting. It is people that have a lot of patience and experience that offer their help with parenting issues. I would suggest that you at least look into it. It sounds like you need someone in your corner to help you get to where you can make whatever decisions would be best for you and your children.

  6. Hi. I absolutely hate swimsuits but this may help. I buy a speedo racerback about once every 3 years. You have to try several on to make sure it fits right. And get it at a sporting goods store there is a huge difference in quality. Then I buy running shorts to match. They are not as tight as swim shorts and are still made of material that dries quickly. The suite is about 70-to 80 dollars but at sporting goods stores you can find them half off at the end of the season. If you rinse them in the sink and hang to dry they last about 3 years for me. I go to the lake a ton and water ski. Hope this helps.

  7. Just had a couple of thoughts. I grew up in Idaho (close to Utah) and now have lived in Utah for 23 years. I have had great experiences both places. I wonder if you have thought about the knowledge and faith that you have developed living far away from Utah. You probably have had to sacrifice to get to meeting and things for other ward members. I have a good friend from california that lived here for a while and didn't like it, she eventually moved back and loves it there. Sometimes I think when you know better you do better. I haven't lived where I have had to sacrifice to get to meetings and conferences and so think it would be an adjustment for me. I hope that if I moved to your state that you would be patient with me and realize that I was learning and growing. As far as the scout thing I have lived in 2 wards in Utah and have had members of other churches in both experiences. They were wonderful people and taught me a lot. One lady taught me a great lesson about staying on scedule. She would come to the scout meeting and say I'm here for one hour at the end of the hour she would leave wheather we were done or not. She made me feel that it is ok to do that and I am forever grateful. Another that I have worked with taught me a lot about just being a good example. They are one of the most loving and faithful families I have met. They are 100% faithful to their church and very active in it but also have great respect for my beliefs. I am sorry that you didn't like Utah. I'll admit that it is even different from Idaho. I think that the quote (grow where you are planted) may mean something here. Maybe you have an insite into the gospel that those who haven't lived out of state do not yet have and maybe don't even know would be of value to them. My wonderful friend from CA said to me one day that she had never heard mormon women swear until she moved to UT. It made me more concious of the example I set. Try to have patience with us because like all we are still growing and learning in the gospel even if we sometimes don't think we need to learn the lord shows us different. Just my thoughts.

  8. I am in utah and haven't heard about this program so I don't know the details. I hope it works out in the long run for the good. My thoughts were along these lines though. In my biological family there are 8 siblings and only 2 are members of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. I love my brothers and sisters even though our beleifs differ. One thing I have learned over the years is that we even though our religions may be different we have more in common than apart when it comes to beleif. We worship the same god, we want our families to be happy and we want to leave the part of the world we live in better than we found it. Maybe the missionaries will be able to grow and find more common ground with those they wish to serve. thanks

  9. I'm new and introducing myself. I'm 42 years old married with 4 children. Found this forum when I was searching the web for support groups. Thought i would try this out because I wanted to find a forum that would follow the values I have. I am LDS. Trying to find my way around here to see what you have to offer. Thanks