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Posts posted by countrygirl66

  1. One of my very best friends really struggles between faith and no faith. I lover her and tell her often. Wether she decides to come back to the lds church or not I will always love her as my friend. I have found that even though she has wide boundries she respects mine. So we do things like go get soup for lunch. Make a fudge run on a stressful day. When she wants to go out for a night on the town with her girlfriends I am not a part of that. I would say just be her friend and love her for the reasons she has always been your friend.

  2. When I was little I was that dirty unkept child that came to primary every week (never missed) it was a break for my foo(family of origin) from me. I will never forget that it always felt like coming in from the cold the warmth I felt there. I think sometimes we need to listen to the spirit in our hearts and we will know the path to follow.

  3. 1970 something countrygirl goes to school. Can't sit still teacher has her run around the school twice everyday before class starts. Countrygirl likes school and learns. Sometimes countrygirl takes a break and runs around the school in the middle of class.

    2000's countrygirls kids go to school. Every year country girl is called in and told her kids need to be on adhd meds. Countrygirl suggests her experience in elementary school. Countrygirl is told that would not be accecptable. Countrygirl gets turned in to a case worker for not putting one child on meds. Luckily for countrygirl caseworker went to school in 1970 something.

  4. So I agree that we need to be the best people we can be and respect the opinions of others. My opinion is that we all have temptations in this life and no to me gay rights and the fight for civil rights are nothing the same. I haven't seen any streight only dining or bathrooms or schools. No g/l were kidnapped and sold into slavery to work in america. I too have friends and family that are g/l. They have told me feelings and I have told them mine. It does make me sad that life is such a struggle for them at times. We concentrate on what we have in common. We love each other and want the best for each other. Some conversations we just don't have. If I did think the way that I feel is constantly pushed on me then the fact that I have an addictive personality would make it not my fault if I drank and was an alcholhalic or used drugs and was an attict. I have the biology, the desire, and the personality for that but it is up to me wether I act on it or not. (ok I am ready for your kind disagreement.)

  5. I can understand that you have thought this out and feel strongly the way you do. However on one point when you say something to the effect that courts only deal with things as a contractual issue. I disagree. Have you spent much time in a family court. Trying your best to help your foster children have a good place. Sorry but law and morality are involved with each other. You however are very welcome to disagree with me. I have watched lawyers (not you just the others) twist and turn to portray things not how they really are. Meanwhile there I have sat praying my hardest for an answer as to what to do. I beleive that when it comes to court, especially family court, traditional families have very little value. Prop 8 for me will give more help for children who have little help as it is. I don't think that if you are against it you are supporting gay marriage I am just for it.

  6. I think we are given much council like the word of wisdom and then the lord expects us to use our own judgement. I actually drink diet mtn dew for the caffine because it makes my arthritis meds work quicker. This was advice from my doc. Could I do without it? Yes. Do I want to? No. If you look at the rules of the church the same applies ? is 10% on my gross or net? answer it is between you and the lord. When my kids turn 12 we let them choose wether to drink caffine or not. At first they kind of go crazy with it and then it has been just here and there. My oldest son won't drink carbination at all. So in my opinion it is up to the individual.

  7. I doubt you will like this but here goes. I always tell my kids lets give it the old yeller test. If you can watch old yeller and still feel bad when the dog gets rabies and has to be shot then you still have sensitivity. If you watch it and feel nothing but this is stupid, well then maybe you need a break from what your watching. I would personally prefer the sound of music, however my kids would really howl then.:P

  8. the missionaries will give you a book of mormon for free. That is what I read first. The book has a spiritual power all its own. If gave me strength and feeling I had never felt before. I have many family members that are not mormon, so yes you can become a member without your entire family. Good luck. If you need any more info post here for it. There are a lot of really smart people here that can find you what you need.

  9. When I was a kid our dog saved my dad from being killed by our bull. The bull hit my dad and knocked him to the ground against the water trough. I will never forget our dog going face to face with that bull. He distracted the bull until my dad could get out of the pasture. It took him a long time to recover. The dog just layed by the truck and cried until my dad was better and could come back outside to work.

  10. Had a conversation with my h went like this.

    me (how do you deal with emotional pain?) h (huh?) me (i want to know how you cope with emotional pain you feel?) h (what do you mean?) me (Like how do you deal with it when it hurts so much that your heart is really sad?) h (I am not really sure what your talking about) me (I am going to call a girl who will know what I am talking about) h (ok) this has made me smile all week as I have thought about it. By the way me and my friend had a great conversation about this.

  11. hi declanr

    this does go with the teaching of not only the LDS church but most other churches here in america. Of course we beleive in the concept of free will and free choice that is why there is a vote. It is why the supreme court overturned the original because it was not made a part of the state constitution. Remember that we all have the right to free will and choice mine is to voice my opinion and feeling on the matter and if I could vote on it i would accordingly. The Nazi attitude and others like gave noone a vote or voice. As matter of fact they got rid of anyone that spoke out or disagreed with them. We don't do that here but we certainly have strong feelings about things. For example I would love to see prayer in the schools, however I am outvoted and not the majority that feel that way so we don't have it. I accept that and have prayer with my kids in my home before school. I hope I haven't offended you because my feeling are so strong on this issue, I have felt like it has been a good conversation. Good luck with the missionaries.

  12. I do understand what your saying, and it is a complicated issue. For me I lived in a hospital/group home for a year before they could place me in a foster home. I honestly beleive in my core that a g/l situation would have robbed me of looking for a traditional marriage. Yes I think all children should be removed from abusive situations. I just think we need to find other placings than g/l. You say there are not enough homes and that is sometimes true but not always. I have seen good families (whatever their religion) wait for over a year for a placement. I have 2 cousins that were negatively affected by the influence of g/l in their placements. It became the reason(excuse) as to why they had all the problems they had. They have chosen that path because it is what they were around and what became normal for them. Life has been very hard for them. I love them and it is heartbreaking for me. I think in a traditional situation my girl cousin could have had the opportunity to see that all men are not bad. I think my boy cousin could have had an example of how to be a good man. I do respect your experiences and know that experience shapes how we think and view things. I just know what things were like for me and maybe that is why heavenly father placed me where he did.

  13. There's a difference between a pedophile and a sexual abuser/molester. Molesters can be treated and reformed. Most people are not pedophiles and are treatable. Most pedophiles usually have an age group with whom they are attached, and are not interested in any children outside of that age range.

    How do I know this? I work as a counselor in a prison system, and we receive training on all this stuff.


    You may see a difference and clinically there may be, but my question is have you lived the difference personally? I have been there and done that. No they don't change, they may learn to keep themselves out of a situation where they will fall into temptation, but no I haven't seen much change other than they don't want to get into trouble again.


    my advice is that you will need an adult as your advocate to keep you safe. It can be a family member or not. Your mom is crossing a line that will interfere with your filtering what you accept in life and what you don't. In my experience when I told and worked to get help that the offender became extremely angry and portrayed me as the bad person and her as the victim, that is why you need and adult as an advocate. Pray for strength and protection. Heavenly father will help you to be strong and find the right people to help you. Take gentle care and know you are not guilty of anything here. Honor thy mother and father, a difficult one when they have betrayed your trust and boundries. I would just say that for me honoring my variety of parents has meant not allowing them to cross boundries that are not ok for me. First and formost honor your heavenly parents and those who behave like them. I'll be praying for you.

  14. I think 5 is way too young in my opinion. Do the parents have the option to opt out of the program? My children don't start that type of education until 5th and 6th grade and that starts with a maturation program. In jr high 7,8,9 grades they go into sex education. The parents have to sign a form to allow your children to take the class and the parents also get to see the book that it is taught from. It has allowed us to go through the book as parents with our children and incorporate our beliefs with it. I think sex ed has a place in school but all to often kids are given sex ed info with no moral infor or responsiblity info or respect info.

  15. when my h and i were dating he spent the night one time at my parents house with me. At the time I thought my parents were being unreasonable as my mom got up several times to makes sure he was still on the couch and I was in my bed. I finally stayed in my bed because i knew my mom or dad would be up to check in a few minutes. We have been married 23 years and I now understand where my mom was comming from. You just don't put yourself in that position. It is too easy to slip up if you are in that situation. Look at the strength of youth pamphlet. It applies to adults too. I would have a hard time with him living in my house and setting an example that i wouldn't want my children to think they could follow. I would talk to you brother and let him know this bothers you. Maybe mention that he is getting married soon and will eventually be a father and have his own rules. I think you can do this in a loving way and give him a choice. (basically if he can't be away from her for the night maybe they should get married now and have a smaller wedding)