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Posts posted by countrygirl66

  1. I don't understand why Christians of any sort care about all this when their own scripture says things are supposed to progressively downward slide no matter what you do.

    I want to understand you point of view. Tell me if I am wrong. I am hearing (Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die)

    If that were true then I would turn my back on the children I am working with. Because according to your statement this is how things are fortold so we can change nothing. I disagree, the world in general may continue it's decline, but we can do all we can for those who are lost and trying to find their way. Sorry if I misunderstood your statement.

  2. IMO

    We are all on the path back to our heavenly father and he helps us where we are at. An experience for me was with one of my little sisters when her h/family wanted her to have her son blessed. She was extremely upset that her h couldn't do it. She thought that because he loved their son and was a good dad he should be able to bless him. Once we talked about authority, she was ok. So many I love are not members of the LDS faith, but I see the lord working in their lives and helping them where they are at. Maybe the question is how can we find the ones who are at the point where they are ready to hear the gospel. I do feel that all of my b/s will recognize the savior as their savior one day but not today.

  3. I came across this post a few days ago and contemplated whether I should add a reply to this discussion or not. I have read most of the replies to this thread and I humbly feel that as a Black man and a leader in the Church, I would be somewhat amiss not to address this issue of gay rights being likened until civil rights. I may repeat a few points that have already been made but I feel that they bear repeating. Please indulge me for just a few moments.

    The easy response to the issue at hand is that gay rights and civil rights have some similarities but at the same time they are two entirely different issues. Please let me explain what I mean.

    If we are using the term "Civil Rights" to mean those inaliable rights which we are all guranteed by the constitution of this great nation, then yes, everyone regardless of their sexual orientation are guaranteed those rights -- such as life, liberty, and the pursit of happiness. Can we at least agree to disagree that as citizens, all of us are entitled to those rights?

    Now, with that statement being made, I have to say that I totally disagree that the active gay rights movement in this country today is the same as the civil rights movement that took place in this country from 1955 to 1968. Why do I say this? What is the difference? I think that the main difference lies in the concept and matter of "choice".

    For example, on 17 October 1958, I was born Black. I did not choose to be Black, but rather, when my Heavenly Father created me that is what HE decided. I am not ashamed of that fact. I do not EVER argue with God about that fact or make apologies to anyone for being Black. For the past 50 years I have been a Black man and the day I depart this earthly life, I will depart as a Black man. There was absolutely no choice on my part about the matter that was made. A homosexual on the other hand does have a choice - to be or not to be a homosexual and to live or not to live a homosexual lifestyle. The choice is absolutely theirs to make. A person does not have to be a homosexual. Using their free agency, which we are all given, they choose to live the life that they live. And, as a result, they, more times than not, suffer the consequences of their decisions.

    Those who call themselves "gay" or homosexual and are a part of the Gay Rights Movement are in essence fighting to have laws passed that will support their choices. These are laws that go against the "norm" of most societies and more importantly go against the very laws of God. I cannot and will not buy into the belief that God created a person to be a homosexual. The Scriptures clearly teach us in the Old Testament book of Genesis, chapter 1, verses 26-28:

    26 ¶ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

    28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    Please note in verse 27 that it clearly states that "male and female created he them". God also commanded them to "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth". My dear friends, the fact is that homosexuals cannot naturally follow that commandment. That is the very reason when God instituted the sacred ordinance of marriage He meant for it to be between a man and a woman. Therefore, for two people of the same gender to fight for the right to be joined together in marriage goes against the laws and commandments of God. On the other hand, it is completely within the keeping of the laws and commandments of God for a man and a woman to be joined together in marriage.

    May I also remind you of the words found in 1 Corinthians, chapter 6, verses 6-10:

    6 But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.

    7 Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?

    8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.

    9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

    These are definitely words to consider when one is fighting for their "rights".

    During the civil rights movement, Blacks were fighting to obtain the same rights which their white counterparts already enjoyed. They fought for the right to ride in the front of the bus instead of the back of the bus. They fought to be able to enter through the front door of an establishment instead of through a rear entrance. They fought to be able to have their children receive the same quality of education and be taught in schools that were equivalent to what white children had. They fought for equality in the work place - to be paid the same wages for the same type and amount of work. They fought to be able to drink from the same water fountains and use the same public restrooms as whites. And yes, they even fought for the right to vote. Blacks were denied these rights not through any choice of their own, but merely because of the color of their skin. None of these rights, to my knowledge, are being denied to any person because of their sexual preference or orientation.

    I also wanted to comment on a statement that I read in one of the replies that a person posted that stated to the effect that Blacks are misinformed about the homosexual lifestyle. Again, I clearly disagree. Please consider these facts:

    According to the 2000 census, blacks make up approximately 13% of the US population. However, in 2005, blacks accounted for 18,121 (49%) of the estimated 37,331 new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in the United States in the 33 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting.

    Of all black men living with HIV/AIDS, the primary transmission category was sexual contact with other men, followed by injection drug use and high-risk heterosexual contact.

    Of the estimated 18,849 people under the age of 25 whose diagnosis of HIV/AIDS was made during 2001–2004 in the 33 states with HIV reporting, 11,554 (61%) were black.

    Blacks are well aware of the homosexual lifestyle and its effects especially when a majority of people dying in this country from HIV/Aids are Black and the majority of those cases are the direct result of men having sexual contact with other men.

    With all of this being said, the question remains as to whether God hates the homosexual? The answer is a resounding NO. He does not hate any of His children. For Him to do so would be contrary to the fact that He is a loving and just God. It is the sin that He hates. God is no respector of persons. If we willingly choose to disobey His laws and ordinances (as those of the Gay Rights Movement choose to do by their actions and admissions), then we must suffer the consequences of our choices.

    Finally, can a person that is currently a practicing homosexual be forgiven and brought back into the full graces of God? The answer is a resounding YES! The words of John 3:16-17 come to mind here:

    16 ¶ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    That is the beauty of the atonement. When our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died upon that cruel Roman cross on Golgotha, He died for all of our sins -- past, present, and future.

    Dear friends, the Gay Rights Movement of today and the Civil Rights Movement from 1955-1968 cannot be looked at in the same light. Blacks did not have a choice in having their rights stripped from them. They fought to earn those rights that should have already been theirs to enjoy. They were not fighting to be anything different than what God created them to be. They were born Black and died (or will die) Black. A homosexual on the other hand, for whatever reason, makes the choice to be who they claim to be and to live the lifestyle that they live. Their "civil rights" as it were have never been denied. The "civil rights" that they are fighting for are those "rights" which they feel that they are entitled to based on their personal choices.

    These are my humble thoughts on this matter and I leave them with you humbly in the spirit of love for all my brothers and sisters, in His Sacred, Holy name. Even the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Thanks for your post. I agree with what you said. I have a daughter that is 1/2 black and it is strange for me to think that if she was born in a different time she probably wouldn't have the rights that she has today.

  4. (In My Opinion)

    From what I see in my days, a lot of it comes to selfishness. I know for myself I cannot comprehend PM but I know my Great Great grandma practiced it and was very happy. I think I cannot comprehend it because it is not for this time in the world. So I beleive that things were very different at that time. For example my great great grandpas 5 wives (4 of them would have had noone to marry) this would have left them alone with no support. In todays world (FLDS) boys are kicked out of the community as soon as they become teenagers because there wouldn't be enought women for pural marriage otherwise. I think it is hard to comprehend animal sacrifice because it is not for the time in which I live. I do beleive the scriptures and know that it was right for the time in which they lived. In our time we have been given the family proclamation. (probably not something the pioneers would have been needing in their time) We are counciled by the prophets to make our homes a haven from the world. To spend time with our children and be cautious not to spend too much time away from home. To live simply and stay out of debt. That is for our time. (again just my opinion)

  5. From my last thread created, it's obvious I'm trying really hard to develop my own testimony of Prop 8. This thread isn't going to be about Prop 8, only about my own struggles. Constantly, during the past two sacrament meetings, youth groups, etc. that I've been in, the only thing I've heard about Prop 8 is that everybody who doesn't by now support it fully is an evil person, responsible for the destruction of religious freedom, and that members of the church who don't have a super-strong stance for Prop 8 shouldn't even be members at all, and should be excommunicated. I've kept my lack of strength on Prop 8 secret for obvious reasons (and I have not given any information about myself for these same reasons). It saddens me greatly when I come to sacrament meeting for feeling of friendship, love, and support, all people want to do is indirectly condemn and bash me.

    So, my question is this: is there a loving, kind environment that I can go to in order to develop my testimony for Prop 8? Sacrament meeting used to be it, but it's not anymore. Church isn't anymore, even. I'm just very lost right now.

    Just wanted to share an experience with you, it won't help much but my hope is that you won't feel so alone and disappointed. When I was 9 I started living with my foster parents in a really small town in Idaho (no offense to Idaho). The population was 99.9% LDS. They were some of the best people I have ever known and some of the worst. A lot of the parents didn't want a foster child contaminating their children. Of course kids quickly picked up on this attitude. I would go to church activities and be threatened (ex If you show up to XXX we will beat you up. On the bus I was slapped, hit, cursed, had my hair pulled out even had one kid try to light my pants on fire while I was wearing them. I got through it all and God helped me along the way. The one thing that i constantly heard from Heavenly Father in my mind was don't give up your blessings because of the actions of those who do not follow me.

    My parents (they were much older) were angels from heaven and so were some of their friends. They taught me much of patience and forgivness. They taught me recognize that not all members are saints yet. I grew so much during that time and became so close to my heavenly father. Things eventually got somewhat better for me. I do remember my home was a refuge from the storm. It was like being in a place where I mattered and was safe and loved. I beleive my home was how church is supposed to be and how heaven will be one day. Just know you are not alone and your testimony will grow and become strong. Stay close to heavenly father and look for those that exemplify him. My experience was that most older members have enough life expierence to be more loving. Take gentle care and know you have brothers and sisters in the gospel thinking of you even if we aren't right there.:)

  6. Well... if you remove all temptation from the world.. how am I to be tested and prove my faithfulness? The idea is to work above it!

    I don't think even if we work night and day we can remove all temptation, but it would be nice to slow the tide a little before it sweeps the ones away that don't see it coming.;)

  7. I think it must be true. I was running errands today and most of the women and girls I saw had very skimpy clothing on it must be because of the heat. As matter of fact I saw some boys that were so hot they couldn't even keep their pants up. (sorry this should have probably gone in the irony area) Just kidding.

  8. I am sealed to my adopted family. I have 7 brothers and sisters that are sealed nowhere. I used to worry about it and when my grandpa died (he was my grandmas 3rd husband so not technically my grandpa) I wondered if that was it. If he didn't get to be my grandpa anymore. After a lot of thought and pondering, I received the confirmation (for me) that all was well. That the lords house is a house of order and I will comprehend it in time. I know this isn't much of an answer, but I wanted you to know you are not alone.

  9. Children need a male and female parent. They need the two gender role models. Any reasonable person can see this. No woman can be a father and no man can be a mother. Yes, circumstances happen and children lose a parent. Then we should do our best for them. (I was one of those children.) But we should never set up a child's life to be without a mom or dad, ON PURPOSE, when they could have had mother and father.

    Purposely depriving a child of a mom or a dad is self-centered. Should we get what we want, regardless of the needs of our child? No. Children's needs trump all needs/wants of the adults involved.

    I completely agree.:)

  10. Ah but remember the last days will not only be terrible but great. My family is in a knock down fight with satan over my 15 yr old son. That is terrible, but when we win and we will it will be great. I think all we can do is the best we can and take things as they come. I have always had my food storage but have always felt like I wouldn't be the one it is needed for. We have been able to give a lot of food to people in times if distress. As for my part I feel called to work with children that fall through the cracks in the system. I hate what I see and some of the people (making evil choices) I have to deal with, but the reward is great. About a 2 years ago my daughter (who has so many struggles) said to me on a camping trip "I think dad really likes me". Now that is great!!!!!!!

  11. Got a ? and maybe someone here will know. Why are members not supposed to play with face cards? I have asked several times and noone knows so I assume it is a mormonism thing. I carry a deck of cards in my purse and me and my kids play speed, crazy 8, fish, slap jack etc when we are somewhere waiting. Just wondered if anyone had ever heard of this. There have been times when someone has seen them in my purse and said I shouldn't have them but they can't tell me why. Thanks

  12. My big ? is. There is a lot of talk about global warming, maybe it is happening and maybe it isn't (I am still undecided). But from what I have seen there is lots of talk and many scary stories but no real people solutions. Maybe that is because it is all about science and scientists. I am not saying that to be unkind. I just wanted to know if anyone had any solutions for just us average normal people. Like to save water we only water our lawn at night. etc. Thanks.