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Posts posted by countrygirl66

  1. Hi,

    I have a long story but I will try to make it short. I have always had trouble knowing if I am receiving an answer from God, but almost two years ago I thought I got affirmation that I should marry my husband (and I waited six weeks before I gave him an answer because I wanted to make sure I was making the right decision). We have been married over a year now, and we dated for close to two years before we were married. I felt good about it and everything, but now I am unhappy. I remember the day we got married felt strangely anti-climatic, and I felt very strongly I shouldn't feel like that. I should have been happy but I really wasn't. But I couldn't understand why I had felt good about it if my very first impressions of marriage were awful. And it hasn't gotten much better. I have tried and tried to make it work and be happy, but I am still quite miserable. I can't bear to break his heart, I know he loves me but I don't feel that same way back. I've tried but you can't force yourself to be in love with somebody you're not. Intimacy has been a problem--more so on his part than with mine--but he swears up and down that nothing is wrong. I know marriage shouldn't be like that. But he will hardly touch me and then when I bring it up, he blames it on me. In the beginning, I had nothing but good feelings for him and I tried to make intimacy work but it was so awful I ended up feeling horrible and crying every time. Now I can't even stand the thought of doing that again. It makes me sick to my stomach because I know it will be awful. I know we need some marriage counseling but we can't really afford it right now. Plus we are living with his parents so it is difficult to talk much about things. But I'm really stuck...we have talked many times in the 15 months we have been married but nothing ever changes. Lately I haven't tried to have deep conversations as much because I am sure it won't change much. We both just end up hurt. I was out of town recently for a week and I felt happy being with my family and in all honesty, I didn't miss him that much. (Granted I tend to be more independent than the average person and miss people less). I have prayed for guidance but haven't gotten anything. What am I doing wrong?? Any advice?? I would be terrified to get a divorce, not only going back to being on my own (I have a phobia of being alone at night) but also the stigma. I can only imagine my family's reaction--divorce is just not an option for them. But I think the Lord would want me happy. Am I just not giving it enough time? I waited out the first year--people always say it's the hardest--but things haven't gotten better. Help please!:(

    A couple of thoughts - Marriage is a lot of hard work with some joy sprinkled in. My h and I are so different and come from completely different backgrounds that it took a long time to see the others point of view. I would really really suggest if you can find a way get your own place, even if it is a run down basement apartment. You need to be together as a family to grow together. You need to have to lean on each other.

    When I got married at 19 my h was 25, I thought it had been a bait and switch. I married one guy and wound up with a completely different one. It was hard, at times really hard. When I said my prayers at night I would ask heavenly father to help my love for my h grow. It did. I prayed to see his good quailities and to have a desire to help him excell in those areas and to be grateful for the good man I had married. It was not easy. We spent 6 years before we were able to diagnose a chemical imbalance (a small one, but significant). The more I prayed to love him and see the good in him, the more I did.

    As far as intimacy, (I think) (hopefully a brave guy will answer), Having problems with intimacy for a guy can be a really big blow to his self esteem. It could have many causes, a lot of them health related. Most guys don't want to discuss this, because they somehow feel like it is part of what makes them a man. He may feel that the best thing to do is ignore the problem. Wether you guys like this or not, you have to have an honest and open discussion about it so you can come up with a plan of how to go forward to make things better. For yourself, read and pray and search to discover how physical intimacy has very spiritual sides and connotations to it. You will probably have to discuss this many times to make progress and I am sure it will not be easy, but it will be worth it. My sis had to start with things like sitting together on the couch, hugging and being more affectionate. I hope you find your answers, I know none are easy.

  2. My daughter who is 9 has fetal alcahol effects. (life can be a challenge) I will say that she is the most optomistic spirit I have ever ever encountered.

    ex - My neighbor is basically a bully. He will get angry with her and yell. Her response, "wow he must be having a really bad day, maybe tomorrow he will have a better day". She has softened him at times in a way that I know no other human on earth could.

    Yesterday she had some kids making fun of her at school. She didn't really beleive that they were making fun of her. (my 12 yr old told me about it) I asked her about it, and she said "Oh I think they were just playing around, they wouldn't make fun of me".

    She has taught our family more about the pure love of christ than anything else we have encountered. She just sees the best in people and beleives their intentions are always good. She has her challenges, but this is her talant and where her spirit shines.

    She also knows everyone in our ward kids, adults, missionaries, because she automatically reaches out to them. Something I could learn from. A new family moved in to our ward and the mom called me. Madison had been over to introduce herself and invite their kids to play. The mom said it felt wonderful to be so welcomed to her new neighborhood. (we have our safety issues, but that is who she is) :)

  3. I am not sure how it will work and when I think of all the pets I have had (wow). But i have thought a lot about where the scriptures say not even a sparrow falls from the sky without the heavens taking notice (sorry if that isn't worded exactly right). But my point is that heavenly father has it all worked out and we know that anything he has created here on earth was created spiritually in heaven first. When my kids were little, I used to tell them that when we go to heaven they will be able to pet the lions and tigers, because they would only eat grass. (I hope I was right) I think of the role that animals played in my young life, they gave me unconditional love and compassion, when no humans did. I can't imagine that they won't be in heaven where we hopefully are someday.:)

  4. Ok as far as the economy and gold, oh well. In zimbabwe (I know spelled wrong) I have a good friend from there and he told me that the people (not govt) have given up on money and have reverted to a barter system. Money there is so worthless that they are now mostly bartering among themselves. It gave me the thought what if money became worthless here? Then I thought about the law of concecration (I know spelling) and the united order. I think we would take a while to adjust, but we would be fine. Can you imagine how close we would become as a neighborhood if we planned our garden spaces together each year, one grew carrots, one squash etc. Can you imagine how close we would become if we worked side by side and helped each other to see all suceed. I wonder how it would bless the lives of the single moms we know, how it would give new life to the elderly to be so involved in a community effort. Young men and women would probably have some activities that would be weeding gardens, chopping wood, helping pick trees etc. But as this is just speculation, I am off in my suburban to take care of me and mine, to run the kids here and there, to go buy stuff I probably don't need and I will top the day off with a quarter pounder with cheese and a mountain dew when time spent working with someone would bring more happiness. (:huh:) Yeah I am not really worried. Hacuna Matada

    Also I think that it is interesting that my original last name was lahman. I am part lamanite and part gentile. Does that mean that I am ok no matter what comes?:cool:

  5. My two daughters came when one was 4 and one was 5. Their first valentines day here my h brought me a dozen red roses in a vase and them each a single pink rose in a vase. Nothing for the boys. It was the first time they both said outloud that maybe dad likes us girls. It is now something they look forward to every year. I love dads that make their girls feel like they have value. It seems to be more and more rare. What a wonderful gift you gave to your daughter.:)

  6. Thanks Thanks Thanks all of you. A little more info.

    I have an ed that for a minute is under control, but I have to be careful with limiting foods. It is better for me to replace a food. If you have any ideas for the corn syrup thing. Also the doc as said my blood sugar drops low and has said wheat will help to keep it more regular, if there is a better replacement I would love to try it. Thanks for all of the thyroid ideas. I did have it tested a while ago and it came back fine, but i am going to check what the test exactly were.

    This is so frustrating. It makes me feel like I am a failure as a wife,mom,etc. I sometimes begin to think that I am just lazy. Thanks for making me feel like I am not so alone.:)

  7. WE DO KNOW WHY..the Prophet Sear and Revelator Harold B Lee had this to say on the subject...

    "This privilege of obtaining a mortal body on this earth is seemingly so priceless that those in the spirit world, even though unfaithful or not valient, were undoubtedly permitted to take mortal bodies although under penalty of racial or physical or nationalistic limitations...." (Decisions for Successful Living pp 164-65) TLDP:497

    Therefore handicapped people were not valient enough in the preexistence.

    Ok I'm not a schollar at all. When I read this to me it said that getting a mortal body was so pricless that even if you weren't valiant you would take any body available. To me that in no way means that someone handicapped wasn't valiant. To me he was trying to highlight the pricless experience of having a human body, not explaining why some have handicaps.

    My daughter is slow. I pray for her every day when she comes home with bruises from school or gets bullied or pushed down. My heart breaks at all the trial she has had and still has to bear. I invervene the best I can but I am not there all the time. Every time I pray for her I get the same answer. (All is well) I think she was valiant.

    Her birth mom (makes my life and me crazy) has the mental ability of a 12 yr old. She is about 34 (I think). But I have felt many time the love the Lord has for her. I do not feel that she will be judged for the choices she has made in this life. However, I do feel that all those who have taken advantage of her disability will be judged accordingly.

    I have a brother who has a lot of scar tissue on his brain. He is the happies guy on earth and only remembers good things. He is married and has two kids. He is disabled (I think from being shaken not sure) but I think he was valiant and heavenly father knew he had the kind of spirit to take it in stride and be happy.

    I think some have disabilities just because they do. No real answer. But I think we are given the opportunity to learn from them and be blessed by them in our lives. My daughter gets so upset if my h gets after her that she can really make you think about what upsets you and wether it is justified. :)

  8. songs -

    Dixie land delight (Alabama)

    Phantom of the Opera

    It ain't no crime (Joe Nichols)

    Dance the night away (van halen)

    Home (michael buble)



    Independent Lens


    coach (off the air now but on dvd)

    Dr Quinn (off the air but on dvd)


    Old Yeller

    Christmas Vacation

    Pride and Prejiduce

    Jayne Eyre

    Tommy Boy

  9. Well, you'd probably have to spend some money on these, but not a lot. All you do is mix applesause and cinnamon together until it's thick enough to roll out and cut with a cookie cutter. Cut it out in some fun Christmas shapes, use a straw to poke a hole in the top and let them dry for 24 hours. When they're dry, string some ribbon through the hole to hang them with. They're cheap, really cute and they smell amazing! My mom has made these every few years since I was a little girl, we love them.

    Hey I am not an A student. Will you leave exact directions for me. I would like to try this. The dollar store by my house has big bottles of cinnamon right now. Thanks.:P

  10. I have laminated a lot of my kids christmas artwork that is cute (to me) and use it every year in my windows. It is really fun now that my oldest is 18. Also I have let my kids (when they were really little) make a manger scene in the front room out of what they have. (stuffed animals, cradle, babies) The fun thing about that was that they played with the manger scene all december and I wasn't worried about it getting ruined. I don't know if you have this on hand, but we use leftover xmas or other material and make little balls with a cinnamon stick, whole cloves, and nutmeg (if you can find it). We have tied these with yarn and they make the tree smell good. You can also boil them and throw them away to make your house smell good or we have even put them in the fire. (you know waste not want not) One year we cut a wreath out of card board and glued pinecones (standing up) really close together with a glue gun. It turned out really cute and then we put a ribbon on it. My mom and now me always decorated with a few fresh pine bows from the yard. They smell great. Also I have a friend that makes ornaments out of dough and bakes them and paints them. If I talk to her I will find out how she does it.

  11. hi

    I am desperatly looking for a way to give myself more energy. I am tired all the time.

    Currently I work 2 graveyards a week, (monday and tuesday), then the rest of the week I am off. I 42 yrs old mrd and have 4 kids. (18,15,12,9) I have been having health issues with arthritis and fatigue is a side affect of that. I had been going to the gym but a couple of months ago it became too painful and the doc said it might not be the best thing for my joints. Since then i have gained about 15 lbs. I am so frustrated with being tired all the time. I take 200 mg of celebrex per day (400 mg on a bad day), 25 mg straterra, b12, calcium with d, and glucosamine. I also use voltaren 1% gel for my hands and ankles when they get really sore. I don't sleep well because of ongoing PSTD (probably permanant). If anyone has anything that has really helped them I would appreciate your help. Also my 2 younger kids have special emotional needs that can really take it out of you mentally. (and yes if there is a quick fix that would be best):D

  12. Okay, Just one more before, I leave.

    I guess what I want to know is what is being done for the PARENT and the rest of the family? It's good to save the child, I'll concede but would you just turn your back on the child's mom?

    Do we not believe that Heavenly Father sent this child to this parent for a reason? Would this child not be an influence for good in the life of the parent? Some of you have overcome some appalling childhoods. Would you feel better if you were abandoned? Really?

    By all means. Throw away your problems. Give them to the State to deal with. Why should you have to deal with it yourself? :rant::rant::rant:

    I understand your frustration. In a perfect world we would be able to work with the mom and the dad. Unfortunately you can't make someone be responsible, you can't make someone use birth control, and you can't make someone realize the gift they have been given. I have often wondered why 8 of us came through the birth mom we did. She was not an effective parent for any of us. I have thought a lot about the fact that we come here to get bodies. Sexual sin does produce children. If heavenly father only sent children to those willing to love and raise them, then sexual sin would have no consequences. So I think we just do the best we can. If at all possible even if they abandon the baby, the state tries to work with the parent. I think there was a reason that I received my body through my birth mom. Not sure what it is, but that is what feels right to me. It is sad though that so much in tax dollars to to take care of these kinds of problems. And it is a lot of money. I think in the preexistance that i loved my bio mom and heavenly father had a pretty good idea of what would happen here. But I did get my body and wasn't aborted.

  13. The origin of the following quote is up for debate, but I would like to share it in light of the above statement...

    "Verily, verily, saith the Lord your Redeemer, even Jesus Christ, the light and the life of the world, ye can not discerne [discern] with your natural eyes, the design and the purpose of your Lord and your God, in bringing you thus far into the wilderness for a trial of your faith, and to be especial witnesses, to bear testimony of this land, upon which the zion of God shall be built up in the last days, when it is redeemed.

    Verily, inasmuch as ye are united in calling upon my name to know my will concerning who shall preach to the inhabitants that shall assemble this day to learn what new doctrine you have to teach them, you have done wisely, for so did the prophets anciently, even Enoch, and Abraham, and others: and therefore, it is my will that my servant Oliver Cowdery should open the meeting with prayer; that my servant W. W. Phelps should preach the discourse; and that my servants Joseph Coe and Ziba Peterson should bear testimony as they shall be moved by the Holy Spirit. This will be pleasing in the sight of your Lord.

    Verily I say unto you, ye are laying the foundation of a great work for the salvation of as many as will believe and repent, and obey the ordinances of the gospel, and continue faithful to the end: For, as I live, saith the Lord, so shall they live.

    Verily I say unto you that the wisdom of man in his fallen state, knoweth not the purposes and the privileges of my holy priesthood. but ye shall know when ye receive a fulness by reason of the anointing: For it is my will, that in time, ye should take unto you wives of the Lamanites and Nephites, that their posterity may become white, delightsome and Just, for even now their females are more virtuous than the gentiles.

    Gird up your loins and be prepared for the mighty work of the Lord to prepare the world for my second coming to meet the tribes of Israel according to the predictions of all the holy prophets since the beginning; For the final desolation, and decrees upon Babylon: For, as the everlasting gospel is carried from this land, in love for peace, to gather mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, for Zion,— even so shall rebellion follow after speedily, with hatred for war until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all the kingdoms and nations that strive to govern themselves by the laws and precepts, and force and powers of men under the curse of sin, in all the world.

    Verily I say unto you, that the day of vexation and vengeance is nigh at the doors of this nation, when wicked, ungodly and daring men will rise up in wrath and might, and go forth in anger, like as the dust is driven by [a] terrible wind; and they will be the means of the destruction of the government, and cause the death and misery of man[y] souls, but the faithful among my people shall be preserved in holy places, during all these tribulations.

    Be patient, therefore, possessing your souls in peace and love, and keep the faith that is now delivered unto you for the gathering of scattered Israel, and lo, I am with you, though ye cannot see me, till I come: even so. Amen.

    Reported by W.W.P. [William W. Phelps]"

    So if I get your meaning? My family and extended family who are (black, white, korean, mexican, danish, indian, tia, scottish, german, slovak, and ???) We are going to be the rebellion that will be a means of destroying the government and cause the death and misery of man. We won't be delightsom and white. Sounds about right, better watch out, were comming for ya!:D:D:D:D

  14. I have my ups and downs with depression. Many times things from the past will pop up and get me down. I have a really good life and so I get frustrated when I feel that way.

    I don't think you should belittle the way you feel. Take your time and wait for it to pass. I am sorry for the burdons your are carrying right now. Remember you can only do what you can. Sometimes for me that means I don't do very much. Hope you feel better soon. :)

  15. I don't know. I think giving parents a way out of being a parent after they have waived options such as adoption breeds a society of laziness, ie: this is too hard, I give up, you deal with it.

    There has to be a better way.

    The reality is that even with a safe haven law the stat still tries to find the parent. In some cases they are able to offer them services and work with the parents. The child is placed in state custody and then there is a plan made for the parent to get their child back. They then have the option of following the plan or not. Most parents that i know of that are unable to follow the plan have a drug habit they cannot seem to break. They already know that abandoning their child is not a positive thing to do, however some just are not in a place in life to even take care of themselves. When it says there are no consequences, that means no jail for leaving your child. But the state here will still try to locate the parents and work with them.

  16. So, I just watched a segment on Nebraska's new safe haven law and I put this question to you. Is it really in the child's and family's best interest to abandon? I mean really? Would it not be better to support and help the families and provide services to teach and support them? Can't most of the baby abandonment be traced back to PPD? Shouldn't we be supporting families in stead of giving them an out?

    There is something where I live called a crisis nursery. There are a few here in the state. This is how they work. You can drop off your children for 48 hrs without the police or social services being involved. The nurser has couples that stay there full time and rotate in and out. The kids get to stay in a safe beautiful place. When the parent comes back to get their children they are offered help in getting food services (wic foodstamps) if needed. They are offered parenting classes and are even able to apply for the peer parenting program. They also offer drug counciling. The parent has it there but they have to choose to use it.

    The need this fulfills in my mind is this: A parent in that stressful situation is usually really young, poor, and doesn't have a family support system. The crisis nursery is there to help take the place of that. I think they prevent situations where pa could happen because the parent has a choice.

    If the kids are not picked up in 48 hours then social services is called. I think safe haven laws must be in place for infants. I have a brother that was left in a garbage can (story for another time). But I think if his mom had known of somewhere else to leave him she would have. And she was never a capable parent. I don't think there is one service that will cover it all I think there has to be more than one option.

  17. My only problem with races being so inter-mixed.... everyone wants to have babies that look like them. LOL. We caucasians generally lose in the genetic battle... so when we marry darker races, we don't have babies that look like us. Brown eyes lose to blue, etc. Generally.

    Of course that would change when the races are so diluted.... but those in the first few generations of the mix would know for sure that we wouldn't have babies that take after us. Sad!


    Ah but when you mix you get something never before seen. My 12 yr old daughter (gorgeous skin, long eyelashes, full lips, beautiful cheekbones, and really tall.) My 9 yr old has fetal alcahol features and people keep saying she looks like me. Kind of interesting. She has the far apart eyes, light blue eyes, she tans instantly and never burns, is really short for her age and has the spirit of a giant. Between the two girls there is a mix of white, black, mexican, and ????? Life is fun if you like constant suprises. LOL:)

  18. I've been feeling a little blue lately. I sure would love it if y'all can tell me something that would lift my spirits. When I feel better and more verbal, I promise to reciprocate:raincloud:

    Sorry you feel blue. Do you think it might be the time of year. The transition always takes me a little while to get used to. I have been spending time thinking about Christmas and the celebration of the saviors birth. What a wonderful night it must have been. Can you imagine being in a field and seeing angels come from heaven singing halleuah glory to god in the highest. I wonder what it might have been like to stand in that little manger and witness what has changed the course of all humanity forever. I wonder at the celebration in heaven, that he was here. What would it have been like to know Mary. I imagine her being perfectly meek and mild and well as strong and bright. I have been thinking a lot about that first Christmas night. In the world where there is so much of evil and contention, I know that the Lord is still watching over us. I think of the feelings President Hinkley inspired in me. He was always so upbeat and positive. Now we have President Monson. My son said to me the other day, I like how he talks, it makes me feel good. I think maybe that is a small insite as to how it felt to be in the physical presence of the savior. For now take a break from the worries of the world and the day. Think on happy times. Times of Christmas, family, and goodness. Watch Its a wonderful life or Miracle on 34th street with some sugar cookies and hot cocoa. Find something that will bring you joy. Once I spent weeks knitting infant hats for the humanitarian center. (but I am sure anyone could use them.) Think of someone you know that may be feeling blue and reach out to them. These are a few of my thoughts, I hope they are of some use to you. Take care borrow a smile and hug from me. :):bighug::cowboy:

  19. For me my family and extended family is so mixed it would be hard to find an ethnicity that we don't cover somewhere. My hope is that someday we will become so innermixed that it won't be such a big deal. Adoption has done a lot in that reguard. Where i grew up racism grew rampant. It is the main reason that I have chosen to marry a city boy and live in the city. I couldn't bear the thought of my kids hearing the things I heard. The interesting thing is that for a large part me and 7 of my brothers and sisters are pretty much (muts). Don't know how else to describe it. I think those that still hold racism in their hearts will eventually be left behind in the world because it does not fit with the plan of the almighty. We are all created in God's image. And until we see God we will have no idea exactly what that entails. I was blessed to have parents that enjoyed differences in people. I think they were different because when my dad was 12 he started herding his fathers sheep with the mexicans that his father had hired. They would be up in the pastures for 2 - 3 months at a time. My dad always spoke of the things he learned from those men.

  20. This is going to sound stupid, but it works for my son (tempermental disposition). If you are going to the store etc., before you get out of the car give yourself a big loud GRRRRRR. Loud as you can before you get out. Then when you deal with someone that frustrates you shortly after, it is somewhat out of your system. Good luck. I doubt you have meanness in you, probably just frustrated as to why you have to constantly explain yourself.