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Posts posted by countrygirl66

  1. Didn't the unions have something to do with this?

    I grew up in MI and recall my parrents working 3 jobs between the 2 of them to make ends meet.The highest paying one was minimum wage at $4.15 an hour. Mean while every few years the unions at GM would go on strike to complain about $16.00 an hour not being enough.

    The main reason they can't compete with the Japanese is the cost.IMO.

    How can a company like Toyota build and sell cars in America for cheaper then GM?

    These are not exact figures just a comparison. Where a toyota executive may make 1 or 2 million a year a GM exec would make 12 - 15 million. It is mind boggling. I would look for the exact number but I just had a bad net experience looking for info. Maybe i will try later. :)

  2. However, I heard the Japanese car maker's were not doing as well as they did in the '90s.

    Do you know anything about that?


    I know that they have had losses like most and they were hit by the big big truck and suv phase people went through. However their losses and lower prophits are nothing compared to the us auto makers. They seem to look down the road not just right this minute.

  3. Very well said!! I really cannot stand the fact that "gay" has been hijacked.

    Makes me upset as well. My moms writing from when she was a teen say a lot of things like "We had such a gay time." or "The day was a gay affair". It makes me wonder if I will have to add a definition to my stuff for posterity.:o

  4. My adopted mom and dad (angels). Their goodness and how they made me beleive that life could be good and so could people. My 15 brothers and sisters from 3 families. They have given me such a wide view of life and experiences. My husband. He hangs in there with me always and he has had a job our whole marriage. My great grandma and grandma and grandpa. These 3 gave their whole lives to physically save 8 of us. The gospel. I never would have been able to work toward forgiving those I have without the help of Heavenly Father and the sacrifice of the savior. Mercy. The reason that I get up everyday and keep trying, because mercy gives me hope. My children. They have blessed my life with a kind of love I had never thought to experience in this life. (unconditional) Animals. I always had animals that loved me even when noone else did. Stubborness. My blessing and my curse. It helped me to keep surviving even when noone said I could. Good people. Those that just do what is good because it is who they are. Freedom. I sleep at night and enjoy my world because of those that protect me and my country. Life for me is really good. I feel like a glutten at times because my life is so good and I have so many joyous moments in it. Great thread thanks.

  5. Had to post my apolagies (that is wrong). I mess up spelling often and my grammer can be even worse. Thanks for your patience. I missed a lot of this type of learning because my mind was elsewhere in school and my brain goes faster than my fingers. So far noone has highlighted my errors but I know they are everywhere. Thanks.

    Oh also maybe you can give me the correct spelling on words I often use at home. I try to not sound so redneck online.

    goodnuf - woosher - ubecha - ferrude - mahap - gits - nuuh - gimmy - yup (there are more but I think I may have lowered your IQ's enough for now).

  6. I know my post may have sounded judgemental to some. (sorry if you were offended) My post was in response as to why I don't think their will ever be an agreement where everyone wins. For those that want ssm to be happy I would have to say that what they want is ok and doesn't interfere with me or my beleifs. For those that want traditional marriage to be happy others would have to agree that that is the plan of our creator for our eternal happiness. (I don't think either will happen) And yes I do often run into people that intrude on my beliefs and think they can make me accecpt what I feel is wrong. I have relatives and friends that either struggle in this area or embrace it. I love them and we get along fine. But I know they won't change how I feel and I won't change how they feel either. And maybe it is just me but I feel constant pressure from "the world" in general that I have to accept SSM. I don't, just as they have a right not to accept my beliefs, I have a right not to accept theirs. I always wonder why people hold up the kids at the highest risk in society and say the place for them is with gay couples. Sounds a little like justification to me. (wow I need to soften that) sorry. I just know we will never agree on this beleif.


    Ok I am frustrated. I have been watching the auto makers in Japan or japanese run auto companies in the US. They have a plan. They are not in huge amounts of debt. Are they losing money right now? yes (but a small amount in comparison to us automakers) Are they still moving forward? yes Why? Because their losses are in line with a bad economy, they will be able to ride it out. They have the philosophy that the workers building the cars etc. are the most important part of the company. The executives make a reasonable salary. If the workers take a pay cut so do the executives. One executive was asked how he was making it with the pay cut he had taken? He said I am doing what my employees are doing, cutting back using money I have in savings, why should they suffer and not me. One I heard about yesterday was a guy in the us working for a japanese run auto maker. He said he felt like "Charlie in the chocolate factory" and he had a golden ticket. They had to shut down his plant for a few weeks. (what did the company do?) Had him and the other workers do community service for those weeks at full pay from the company. Is he worried about getting laid off? no Why? Because the executives feel like the sucess of the company is a matter of honor. The people depending on them is a matter of honor. (not filling their own pockets with cash.) I think a lot of executives not just car makers could care less about the companies they run or the people depending on them. I say let them go broke. Will it hurt? YES But maybe someone will buy the factories that actually knows how to run them and cares about the people working for them. (I see nothing where these guys crying for a handout at our expense have done anything to move forward they just keep doing the same old thing and hope it works) :mad: WHEW! That was quite a rant. I feel better now. thanks:)

  8. This year my hubby and I are in charge of our wards Sub For Santa that is where we will sponsor a few families for Christmas. Our ward has collected a pretty healthy fund and I feel a huge obligation to give to the most needy people and those who would go with out if we did not help them. In a year where the economy has hit so many hard I am finding it difficult to decide which way to go. Do we go with people who are in jeopardy of losing homes and may lose them even with our help for Christmas? Do we help the people who have nothing to begin with?

    We have visited on this with our bishop and there are a few private needs in the ward that he will take care of which I think is wonderful but the rest is up to us.

    How do you give to the needy?

    I have a couple of thoughts. My mom used to make boxes with a few groceries to take to the elderly widowed sisters in our ward growing up. (if you have someone like that on your list) We would take the box to the door and then come in an visit for about an hour. I can testify that the sharing of our time to visit with them meant more than the food. I remember one sister especially. (she had very little and was about 85) We sat in her little kitchen and I remember her putting an extra peice of wood in her cook stove because I was there. She gave me sugar cubes and I watched my mother laugh and visit with her. (so don't run away if it is someone lonely) (IMO)

    As for what to put in the boxes. The church has a christmas video that is free and maybe some other things. Also maybe talk to the primary about recording the children singing songs of Christmas. You can burn a whole bunch of cd from this for really cheap.

    We don't have as much to donate this year so we are doing the following.

    I am letting the kids pick some things out of the food storage to make a couple of baskets. Then we are going to use some of our Christmas decorations we already have to decorate them. If they are going where kids are I am taking something out of our Christmas gifts we have already and put in there.

    Good luck. Also a lot of grocery stores (if you decide to do grocery store gift cards) will give you a discount if you talk to the manager or they can tell you where to get one.

    As far as books (ask around your ward, I know I have several that look like new that I have read and just sit here)

    It is a huge responsibility to be entrusted with such sacred funds. It sounds like you have a lot of families in need. Pray and you will know what will be best for each family. (it can be a difficult time of year) My kids are having a second hand christmas this year, it is really interesting all the little projects going on in the house. Take care and good luck.

  9. I have been very grumpy today.......the market tanked again today...aaarrggh!!!:mad: ......and I have been a bit under the weather...:( . Tonight, we had Stake leadership training and after it was over My wife was set apart as the First Councellor in Stake Young Women's Presidency. We went to the High Council room and as my wife was set apart and recieved a blessing.....immediately, I felt the Spirit and everything was suddenly ok....back into perspective. The Church is true.......:)

    A bishop I had for 5 yrs when I lived in WVC was put in as bishop and lost his job the next week. He couldn't find a permanent job the entire time he was bishop. He loaned a bunch of money to a brother and the brother wouldn't pay him back. He was married with 5 kids. I have been thinking of him a lot lately. He was not of a patient nature. He taught me so much. He told me many times that he would find a job and things would get better financially when the lord was ready for it to for him. He counciled the ward often that god's purposes cannot be thwarted by man. Shortly after he was released they moved and he found a great job in Idaho. I have thought about him often because of the economy. I will be losing my job in a few months and am not sure what I will do. But I am trying to have faith that the lord has a plan. I am glad you had the experience you did. Hope and faith are most important.:)

  10. So are you saying everyone that told me to get rid of my cars (that are paid for) that use a lot of gas and (finance) a gas efficiant care may have been wrong. After all everyone told me with gas at 4 - 5 $ a gallon it would have paid for itself in 5 years. It is just fun to be right for a change (doesn't happen often) :D

  11. Hollywood is Babylon. I've thought so for some time. Don't go to movies, saving a very few - think last movie I saw in theatre was Journey to the Center of the Earth with my kids which made me want to barf for 2 days cause of the 3-d glasses (bad motion sickness genes!) :-) But I appreciated that it was clean! Only TV we watch is TV land and reruns of stuff like Andy Griffith or I Love Lucy; Fox (yes, I'm - shhhh- conservative!). I know I'm a fanatic, but I'm just too disgusted with Hollywood and resist being desensitized. Don't feel at all like I'm missing out on anything important, virtuous, of good report or praiseworthy. Too many other great things to read and do and learn out there.

    I know this is off topic, but I just had to say I watched the andy griffith where barney is talking to the guys in jail. (I think he says something like "Welcome to the Rock".) My favorite. Still makes me laugh. I also noticed that opie never talks back to aunt bee, barney, or dad. Hmmm. Most tv shows now well you know. My girls favorite is full house. Great show for kids.

  12. The legalization of SSM, is another step, or maybe the final step, towards eliminating all differences between males and females in the eyes of the law and in society. This would bring consequences that we can't even imagine.

    How many here believe that there are no differences between a male and female, other than physical differences? Don't you think both are important in the parenting of a child?

    Which one is expendable, Mom or Dad?

    I actually love being a girl and a mom and a daughter. And I get really, really offended when I meet some guy that thinks he is a girl like me. Sorry I like being a girl and don't want to share it. (by the way it took me years and years and much study to understand what it means to be heavenly fathers daughter) I would imagine his sons feel the same way.:huh:

  13. Just my thinking. (not doctrine of any kind)

    If I was working for satan I would try to get as many of heavenly fathers children here on earth to follow me as possible.

    1 - I would make pornography accecptable (softly and slowly with commercials and romantic movies) I would know if I could get women to accept it then men would more easily follow.

    2 - I would make homosexuality, seem not like a trial or a temptation, but like a part of who you are. I would make it socially accecptable by those who already follow me and make it seem like you are a bigot if you don't agree.

    3 - I would do all I could to tear apart marriage. Make people beleive that it is nothing more than a contract. Make people beleive that anyone can be a great parent, that there is no difference between a traditional family and the alternatives. And if you disagree with me I will make you seen a narrowminded.

    4 - I would go after the children. After all if I can have the raised in the alternative lifestyles I have made seem acceptable then it will be so much easier to bring them to my side.

    5 - By the time they realize the hardships the have put themselves in, I already have them.

    Creepy huh? I think this is why we will never come to any sort of agreement. Because a comprimise is not just getting along, it is a comprimise of morals. And I feel that above all else that children have a right to moms and dads. That is their right. But it doesn't seem that that is the main isssue. But IMO that is what is at the core of this. They can say and say about rights to see a partner in the hospital. But i think IMO it still comes down to making their adopting and having children more and more accecptable.

    Sorry in advance I know I was probably a little offensive. But this is why I think there will be no compromise.

  14. What keeps them here is the five second fame of the telestial group and the mighty $$$$$$$$$$. Something they may not get with moving outside of the country.

    Why do these people even open their mouths in the first place? Stick with acting but stay away from politics and religion.

    A lot of the "Famous" remind me of a two year old yelling ME ME ME, MINE MINE MINE!!!

    I have very little patience for them. Have you read a book called "Pornography, a war we must win"? I was a little on the fence before I read it (with hollywood), after I was just done. I still go to movies occassionally, but can't stand to watch interviews and awards etc.

  15. Wow it sounds like you guys have had a really difficult time. I am sorry for the loss of your baby. The only advice I would give you is this. Me and my h are soooo very different. In emotional situations we get him through it and then he is ready to move on. I have to pretty much demand that he gets me through it too. (not fair) I have found the best way for me to accomplish this is by writing him letters. Sometimes they are 10 pages long, but it helps me to get my feelings out and to feel heard. I don't know your situation exactly, but counciling may be a good idea. Maybe your h is having feelings that he isn't sharing with you. Maybe because you had to be the strong one. Take gentle care.

  16. Just a few short months ago (hollywierd) was complaining that a number of christian religions are producing their own movies etc. Their complaint was that people of whatever the faith support the movies etc. (I do) The movies are produced with non famous people with the talant of unknown directors, writers, etc. It has made me think that this will be the wave of things to come.

    I think (hollywierd) will find that people in general care less and less what their great informed opinions are. Honestly I saw a production of joseph and the technicolor dreamcoat a couple of years ago at the local college and loved it. (no hollywierd involved)

    It has been so long since Hollywierd has put out anything that I really enjoyed, that I look for local and christian markets more and more. I have been wanting to see the new Kirk Cameron film. Hollywierd has given him a hard time, because in the kissing scenes he had his wife stand in to do them. He said he felt that kissing another person even in a movie like that would be being unfaithful. (He has a new fan here)

  17. Is it wrong for me to question my husband's worthiness to hold the priesthood? I'm hurting so much right now over my own thoughts. I don't ask him for blessings when I need them because I don't believe in his worthiness. How terrible is that!!!!!:(

    He's always complaining about other people and their worthiness and it drives me crazy!:mad: The minute we get out of Church on Sundays he starts up with how, 'so and so did this or that', or so and so said...' If I try to say anything it just starts a fight -- so I remain quiet and fume while he rants. He's a truck driver and I hate it when he calls other drivers names like, jerk, idiot and a lot of times the B word.

    The other night I couldn't hold my temper. We were watching the news and the subject of gay marriage, etc. came up and he said, "We should just get rid of those F (derogatory term for gay)." Now I know that he hasn't been a member for a long time and I try to give him some room when it comes to understanding the gospel, but.....he has been a member long enough and is in the Elder Quorum presidency as Second Counselor and should know by now that statements like that are appalling to say the least. I'm afraid I let him have it. "I said that they are our brothers and sisters and we should love them the same way we love each other." He replied, "They can't be members. They would be excomunicated if they were." I said, "They most certainly can and are members." He looked at me and said, "I hope not." I was shocked, I just look at him. I couldn't say anything more. He has shown bigotry in other forms as well.

    It saddens me that he doesn't seem to grasp our Savior's teachings.:( I haven't been a member very long either but some things are very clear to me.

    He gets very defensive when I bring up these concerns and we end up in a fight. Daily, almost hourly, I pray that his heart will be softened and that my words will not come out offensive.

    What else can I do? How can I overcome my feelings/thoughts that he is unworthy? When I hear a sister say they are grateful for the priesthood in their home -- I get very sad because of my thoughts. I don't feel like I have the priesthood in my home.:(:no:

    I feel sad that you are struggling so much. My h and I have had our ups and downs. Here are a few things that helped me. During difficult times I have prayed to see my h the way heavenly father sees him. This also helps me to look at myself differently. Instead of seeing just his faults or stumblings I am able to see the areas where he really excells. (supporting us financially, being faithful and loyal to me, trying to stay on the path) Also (for me) fighting over prejudice or cuss words or driving (communications?) never solves anything or changes anything. Instead if I find a quiet moment to present my feelings in a way that he doesn't feel attacked it helps. I get really defensive if I feel attacked myself. ex - I shared an experience of my grandmother being treated poorly because she was a (white trash indian). I told him how sad I felt about it. Talked about the blessings promised her in the scriptures and asked him if he thought heavenly father would still bless her even though she was never into organized religion. It gave us a chance to talk about prejiduce. We still have many different opinions on things, (even sometimes the gospel practices). But I have seen him and me grow and progress over 23 years of marriage. I have realized that sometimes being worthy means that you are trying and learning. I think Heavenly Father knows us perfectly and what is in our hearts. I also find it helps to remind myself of the things I love about him and remember why I fell in love with him. Is he worthy? IDK It is something that is between him and the lord. (In my case my h has a fobia about giving blessings, so I get them few and far between). Does that make him a bad priesthood holder? no It means he is learning, just like me. Good luck I hope you find some peace. :)

  18. Ok so here is my deal. I'm a convert and have been a member for about two years now. It was good for the first month I was very determined to change and make things right. After seeing my husband really not like going to church, I stopped going, hoping he'd ask or suggest we go back to church. It wasn't that way.

    It wasn't until the missionaries came to my house and encouraged me to go back to church I did. It was great, I loved it. I set goals for myself like being able to go to the temple for my very first time. I did that, soon after I got my calling in Young Women! And I just kept going to church every sunday! Then I got my patriarichal blessing, and it was something truely amazing. My husband has been very supportive of all the things that I have accomplished so far! And I'm very greatful!

    But now our ward has split up due to the rapid growth, and i'm no longer a young women teacher. Our church starts in the afternoon, and I see no problem with my husband ot join us in church now that it doesn't conflict with his tough work schedual. I'm nervous to talk to him about it. I invite him to church and he just doesn't want to come! I want him to asist church for the right reasons. Not because I "make" him. My next BIG goal is to get married in the temple, and get sealed to my family. But It seems like he is holding me back from accomplishing those goals. And I'm at that point where if I can't do that then I'll just stay in the same place until he decides to come around! And at this point I don't know what to do! Any feedback would be great and very much appreciated!! THANKS

    Just a thought, but would he have family prayer with you every day? Family prayer can invite the lord into the hearts of your family and touch each of them in a different way. Take care.:)

  19. I have a dear friend in your financial situation right now and i feel for you. Pay your tithing and the lord will bless you. If you can't budget to pay it right now, go to the bishop and ask about food or other assistance so you can free up some money to pay your tithing. I know it can be terribly uncomfortable, but we are all there for each other. I am thankful for the blessing of tithing everyday. It gives me a way to get the blessings I need by obeying a simple law. The blessings are equal weather you are rich or poor. Good luck and congratulations. :)

  20. Generally, a father has to consent to an adoption, as well -- and he has the right to contest any adoption that took place without his consent.

    unless you can't find him. Then you have to do newspaper postings for a period of time (depends on the state). If nothing happens you go forward. (way too much experience with missing/hiding fathers)

  21. seriously seriously check out the state of washington. (especially around portland) It is said to have low unemployment, lower cost of living, etc. I don't know about other careers, but I know if you go to work for a large bank (even as a teller or collector) you can go to night school and they will pay for your classes. Also look into the medical profession. You can work as a cna/etc. and because of the current nursing shortage they will pay for your schooling. The only thing is most will have you commit to working in their hospital for at least 2 years after graduation. Hope you find some answers soon.

  22. Let' say a couple engages in sexual intercourse and the result is pregnancy. The female doesn't want to have a child.....the encounter was a mistake and the end result unwanted and wants to terminate the pregnancy. However, the male feels strongly that abortion is immoral and asks the female to have the child...his child....and he will adopt. Should he have legal rights to the child? Certainly there are plenty of instances where women have babies and the man wants nothing to do with them or the baby and yet they have to pay support...and rightly so I might add.

    Also, what about parental notification? Should minors be allowed to have abortions without parental consent. Would you let your daughter have any kind of elective medical procedure without your consent?

    1 - I think (I know many won't agree) that the father should have rights, but the child should go for adoption. I know it is hard for me knowing that the day I was born there were curses (no shouts of joy). I was a mistake (or a product of sin). Children have a right to have the opportunity to be raised in a family with two parents. I do feel that the father should have say over the abortion as much as the woman. (there were both there and they will both have to pay if she keeps the child)

    2 - It is amazing that I have to be fully notified if my minor child breaks traffic laws, sluffs school, is arrested, needs glasses etc. It is idiotic that people think a minor should be able to have an abortion without parental consent.:huh: