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Posts posted by countrygirl66

  1. Was this on Sunday? When our band director told us that the kids needed to be at a practice on Sunday we told him that they would not be there. We don't need band as much as we need to be learning more about the gospel. They are no longer in band, still can play instruments. They are in church.

    Ben Raines

    I think heavenly father sends us the kids we can influence the most and in the best way. My son that I was talking about is 18 and lives in an apartment with friends. The band he is in is a rock band. Would I personally go to a band practice on sunday? no. I realize though that my son is living on his own and will have to use his agency to make his choices. I was so happy though that he made it there. That is what was important to me. I know there were a few there that saw how he was dressed and were bothered by it, however I think it is something between him and the lord. I think most "chose the better part" and made him feel welcome. Sometimes you have to look past the jeans, peirced ears, and colored hair and see the child of god that is learning like we all are.

  2. From the Reason Can Prevail Department:


    Thanks for your story. I was at the culminating event with two of my 3 teens the other day and my oldest called and said I'm not dressed up but I can get there if I leave streight from band practice. I told him I just wanted him there. He showed up in jeans, sneakers a hoodie and his lovely peirced ears. The important thing. He was there and heard the words prepared for him. I think our job is to give people the information and then let the savior touch their hearts and they will make the changes they need as directed by him. :)

  3. Hi Kyra

    Thought I would add my own experience. Hope it is of some use to you. I have 7 bio brothers and sisters. I am sealed to my adopted family. Noone else is sealed anywhere. One brother can't bear the thought of being sealed to our (stepmonster) so he isn't sealed to a mother and father. My some other siblings couldn't bear the thought of being sealed to our bio mom, let alone their father/doners. My question that I have pondered over the years is "Why don't we get to be sealed together as brothers and sisters?" We didn't do anything wrong, we didn't break any rules. The only answer that I have come to is this. (my answer not doctrine) Heavenly father loves all of his children equally and intends for heaven to be a joyous reward for us. I feel that I will somehow have my brothers and sisters there. I feel that we will be a heavenly family in a way that we can't comprehend here on earth. Imagine no bad people or behaviors. Imagine remembering each other. I also "feel" (not doctrine) that we had a prior relationship with people we know in this life. I think that we all really loved my bio dad - bio mom - and step monster. I don't think the lord will withold any relationship or blessing from us in the eternities if we live worthy. I feel for your h. It can be so hurtful to think of those you love not being a part of your eternal family. I just for myself don't think it will work in heaven like it does here. Take care.

  4. Thank you all for all your ideas and resources. I am feeling much more hopeful. Sometimes it is hard after meetings like the one I just had. It leaves you feeling that there is nothing you can do and it is what it is. Thanks again. I feel like I have new ideas and resources to move forward.

  5. I have a copy of his book. Personally, I think he is very close to accurate on many of his views. I do have a concern that he tends to rely on many patriarchal blessings and personal correspondences for his data - something most of us cannot verify, nor ascertain the accuracy of. Even a stake patriarch can have a bad day when it comes to prophecy.

    He has the White Horse prophecy in it at the end, which I hold at arm's length as questionable. I do believe that the Constitution will hang by a thread, as other prophets have stated it (such as Pres Benson), however, the provenance for this revelation just isn't there.

    I personally believe we are entering an era, which he calls the period for wars of desolation. I also believe we are entering the period when the fullness of the Gentiles is coming to an end for the gospel preaching.

    Thanks for your thoughts. I try really hard to make sure info I have is reliable because there is so much that is speculation. I was reading about the wars of desolation and was wondering about what is going on in darfur and the congo, the tootsie and hutu genocide that happened seemed to be more of the other type of war (to me). I would love your thoughts. I am just an elementary student in gospel learning so my thoughts and ideas that I discern from what I read could easily be incorrect.

  6. Maybe I know him. I have been saved twice by a biker guy in leathers. The other time was at lake powell in a storm. I had two little kids in the boat and my h was trying to keep it by the dock. The waves were so bad that everytime I would grab the dock the waves would rip it out of my hand. There were some special (male) people standing there watching and guess who comes to my rescue. "Biker Guy" I have never been so happy to see someone. He grabbed our boat and held it with no problem while I got me and my little ones out. He then offered to help my h trailer it. So now when I am looking for help guess who I look for? That is right a biker guy.

  7. I don't trust the national tv media for the most part. I think they have and agenda for most everything they do. So when I see something like that and think of the personality of most polynesians I know I take it with a huge huge grain of salt. Most I know are fun loving and good natured, but if you push them they will push back and you can't be suprised that you land on your fanny. Do we need to be peacful? (of course) I am thinking of christ's life though and he had moments of righteous anger a time or two. I am not saying what happened because I don't think national tv media could tell an unbiased story if their career depended on it. :huh:

  8. I am reading a book written by him entitled Prophecy Key to the future. I want to know if anyone knows anything about him. I know he was a member of the church and this book was published by bookcraft inc in 1962. I am enjoying the book, I would just like to know more about the author if anyone knows. Thanks

  9. I feel like someone greased the iron rod. Dang, it is a slippery slope trying to live in the world but not be of it. I think the LDS church is being targeted because of the $$$$ it has because of how it is run. I think they see it as a serious threat. If such a huge amount of money was donated by individual members then I think they wonder what we could do with the money the actual church has. They do not understand how church funds are actually used.

    The interesting thing is that we have had several laws passed in utah that were funded by outside interests. ex - the one a few years ago that would no longer allow police to confiscate property. It was advertised as "Do you want the govt to be able to come into your home and take your home or your car" What it really was "The law used to be that if your home was being used to sell drugs or if they found a substancial amount of drugs in your car it became property of the state" (I like that) The money from these "confiscations" went to fund the dare program. Well the law passed and the dare program went away. So our local drug dealers have a home and a nice car to drive when they get out of jail. The whole thing was funded by outside sources. (so I guess I am saying that IMO it comes down to what they think you could do with the cash you have.

  10. I waw raised in a home where my dad respected my mom and her abilities. She was also really feisty. I remember once he told her she "couldn't" go to a pink ladies convention. She looked at him and smiled and said "oh my I wasn't planning on going, but now it looks as though I will have to". We didn't need "womens lib" at our house. I think more than womens lib it comes down to having a h that as sister kimball said "gives you wings to fly". I feel like men are unsure if they can help you and it leaves me frustrated sometimes. I find that men swear all the time with no thought to me being there. I was returning some tile and the cart was so heavy I couldn't push it. I saw what I was pretty sure was 3 "brethren" walk past me look at me and move on. Finally a guy pulled up on a harley with full beard and leathers and helped me. I can do a lot of things myself but it is nice to be treated like a girl (that is what I am). I don't think it is about your profession (I know they helped women work where they like). I think it is a mindset that we took something from men and gave something up ourselves in the process. I DON'T WANT TO BE A BOY. So feel free to open my door, help me with heavy stuff, and not swear around me. Thanks:)

  11. I know this is off topic, but your title reminded me of when I first moved to where I live now. We moved from a big city in our state to a small suburb. Everyone in the ward would ask where we lived before moving here. We would tell them and they would shake their heads and say well sister and brother, "Welcome to Zion". At first I thought it was really annoying, now when I hear it it makes me laugh.

  12. One of my best friends has a life that is in constant chaos. It is easy for people to say if you would just do ??? then things would be better. Because of this she has quit church for now. I am still her friend and I love her for who she is. I hope that someday she will come back. I think sometimes it takes a while to realize that (I think Brigham Young said this) there are a lot more members than there are saints. Maybe when she has let some time go by she will soften. If not you know that you both share a strong belief in God and the kind of life you both want to live. Good luck.

  13. Thankyou so much. The web md article especially made sense to me. I got my daughter when she was almost 6. She has seen a ton of domestic violence and been the subject of various forms of abuse. Her birth mom has almost no emotions at all. She has had to survive so much. Thanks again for the article. It has given me another way to look at things.

  14. We always have the kids vote on christmas eve dinner. (they pick an ethnicity italian, mexican etc) Then I cook a big dinner. They open their gifts to each other on christmas eve, and pajamas that I have made. Last year we all had zebra ones. Christmas morning I make cinnamon rolls and we open the mass of gifts I have bought. (I usually have a theme for each kid) Then we put it all away and they play. I put out cold cuts and snacks for the rest of the day. We watch movies etc. My h takes the whole week off and we sled, play etc. My kids each pick a day of what they want for the menu for that week. It is one of their favorite things. I love to cook. My favorite, favorite time of year. I remember when I moved in with my foster family. It was the first time I remember getting gifts like everyone else got. I was treated the same as the others there. It was one of the best memories I have from childhood. My foster/adopted/mom made sugar cookies and candy. They made me feel like I was one of them. My tradition in their honor is to do the same for whoever we have at christmas. It has been so fun.

  15. And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.

    I love King Benjamin and the things he said. I beleive them all.

    I am burned out, tired, overwhelmed. Any ideas. I feel like I can't fulfill what is expected of me. The only thing I really do is take care of my kids, h, and work 2 graveyards a week. It seems like others do so much more than I do. I am having health problem with arthritis, all 4 kids struggle educationally, 2 have learning and emotional issues. I want to know what you think. It seems that if I get a day that i could be home something comes up. It is frustrating. I have been thinking a lot about the good, better, and best talk. I wonder if I am lacking spiritual and physical strength. Maybe if I did something different i could accomplish more. My 18 yr old isn't planning on a mission. (nothing holding him back, he just doesn't feel the desire to go) My 15 yr old we are fighting satan over him right now. (we are winning but it is a fight nontheless) My 12 yr old doesn't fit in and is really struggling with self esteem. My 9 yr old only spends about 1/2 of her life in reality. Does anyone feel like I do? Am I doing something wrong and will miss the prize? I would love a discussion. (thanks in advance for helping a slow learner in the gospel)

  16. My 12 yr old daughters iq comes in at about 71 - 75. Her main difficulties stem with problem solving and dealing with emotions. I am wondering if anyone know of anything effective to help her. I have 4 kids and not a lot of time. I spend a lot of time working on her social and emotional development. The school has her in resource for reading comprehension and math. She has to get an exception every 3 years for her resource services because she performs right at or above her iq testing. She performs above with reading in general. everything is about with her iq or a little above. Anyways, I know a lot of you have higher education than I and I would like your imput. Thanks and pray that I can run faster than I have strength.;)

  17. I am curious as to what you guys/girls think? My brother was murdered at 16. He was at a party (maybe) with some friends. One kid (20's) got him away from there (drove a ways away) and killed him. We don't know how because we didn't find his body until winter was over (about 4 1/2 months). Anyways this kid and his buddies lied and lied to the police. Recently we found out from kids (20's at the time) who were there that this individual murdered my brother and came back to the party and laughed and joked about it. He said things like yah guess what I just did. I killed ****** aren't we all glad he is dead. He joked about it and laughed about it several times after. He will never be prosecuted for his crime. I would be interested to know how you feel about the fact that about 20 years later he is living among you all. I keep separated from where he is, but I know he is just skippy happy living. Do you want him to be hanging out with your 30 something children. Does he deserve to spend his life in prison? No remorse. Nothing. Should he be put to death? I know nothing will ever happen to him. But the question is does our suffering and loss mean nothing? I have worked through this the best i can, but it will always hurt.