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Everything posted by srm

  1. Ok. I was quoting a general statement for discussion sake. My quote was the LDS believe that God saw them all as abominations. Would you disagree with that statement? Yes, I disagree. I think that we believe that the other Churches are wrong...that the creeds are an abomination and that those preachers were corrupt.
  2. The problems started long before the press was destroyed. I think that it more of an economic/political reason than polygamy...
  3. The History of Joseph Smith by his mother Lucy Mack Smith. The Traveler which version?
  4. No, the Lord said that they were wrong. their creeds were an abomination that those professors (the local preachers) were corupt "Joseph was supposed to ride in front with the driver but the driver kicked Joseph out of the wagon so a teenage girl could ride with him. The foot print was later discovered in young Joseph’s chest. Joseph was alone and lost consciousness. He was picked up by a stranger that carried young Joseph ten miles to the wagon camp and then disappeared. " what is your source
  5. I love Strang's quote (on his deathbed) when asked about succession in the leadership of his church. "I don't want to talk about it"
  6. He will be wearing a red robe.
  7. The leadership of whom you speak did not felt that it was authentic to the time period...not that it was an authentic letter. Granted they clearly didn't know but authentic or not it was a significant piece of LDS history...oh, BTW, you've tipped your hand.
  8. I think that it is a moot point because it is not gonna happen...however, for the sake of the question. I would go to the Lord for a spiritual comfirmation.
  9. Now, I'm no expert mind you but from what I understand; the temple workers would not even give you permission to enter the temple if you are not dressed appropriately. M. You would not be turned away for not wearing 'sunday clothes' I went just recently in very casual said anything.
  10. If I recall polycarp claimed to have studied under John. Do you have any proof? On the other hand...Joseph Smith studied under John too (and many others including Jesus).
  11. We aren't saying that it wasn't a legitmate ordinance...rather that we don't do it now in favor of another legitmate ordinance...anointing with oil.
  12. Because we feel that the changes are directed/approved via revelation from God.
  13. I've always enjoyed being president of the Church.
  14. Of course, if it was God who appeared to Joseph Smith, then you've got a good point here. Thanks srm. Jason, you don't count that little jab as being in conflict with your statement, "I've no intention of turning this into a debate thread"
  15. Maybe because those who were offended stand more of a chance of coming back...because they have a testimony.Those who leave due to doctrinal issues would have a longer row to hoe to make it back. But, Jason, when you and your lovely wife have eaten husks long enough....
  16. Perhaps the most compelling is the fact that God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith and through him restored the Church. Why would God need to restore it if it had not been taken away AND, who would know better than God?
  17. I think the husband had the right to get a lawyer if he was the responsible party. Which he was. He was doing what he felt he should do and used the means to take care of Terri with that money even if it meant taking care of her by releasing her from that dispicable shell of a body. I see no compromise in ethics to use the money for Terri's care here. It was for benefiting her the best way he could. When Michael sued he requested money for her care for the rest of her life...he claimed it was about 50 years. once the money arrived...within months he stopped therapy, gave a dnr order and when she got an infection that he knew could be fatal he refused antibiotics. That 50 years changed to months. In speaking to a lover he told her (according to her testimony) that he didn't know what she wanted. 100s of thousands of dollars earmarked for her care were spent on lawyers trying to kill her. When questioned in a deposition about why he would not allow the parents to care for her he replied. After the hell they (the parents) put me through... then after a lawyer whispered into his ear he said...oh and also it is what terri wants.
  18. Does a week long list of activities make a church more true? Why?
  19. Golly, Joseph was sealed to a 14 year old...but you don't need that book to learn it. or that brigham had many wives.
  20. yes, perhaps, but then a statement such as, "majority of pedophiles are respected, HETEROSEXUAL males." is incorrect. In fact The 'homosexual lobby' will claim that a male pedophile sexually abusing a young male is not a homosexual act. I disagree.
  21. Well, because it is something that we don't do... if it is something you want on easter Sunday you will have to get it elsewhere. I think that there is great emphasis...every week the sacrament remembers The death, resurection and atonement of Jesus. It "ain't" a once a year thing. Just the atonement? are you serious? What is your understanding of the atonement and what it was? Happy Easter to you too.
  22. Seems alphy may be on more familiar terms with his majesty than you are comfortable with. Seems you assume too much... "alphy" doesn't seem to know any more about it than you do. His most intimate family never called him "Joe". And JS's name is rarely mentioned in most Sacrament meetings. Don't let facts get in the way, though... I'm not going to assume what Sacrament meetings you attend, but I hear his name mentioned fairly often in the ones I attend, especially on F&T Sundays. I wouldn't begin to assume what terms of endearment his immediate family may or may not have used. I wouldn't even assume you knew, though it appears you seem to think you've a firm assumption of the "facts." Your comfort level does seem a bit agitated by anyone not Mormon referring to him familiarly and that's to be understood. Those opposed to Joseph and his work often called him Joe or Ol' Joe. Most everyone else called him Joseph. Oh, or Holy Joe
  23. Right on! Statistics actually show that the majority of pedophiles are respected, HETEROSEXUAL males. Most homosexuals out there aren't out to turn everyone gay, nor are they after your children. Only bigotry is. Incidentally, I know someone who knew the family, and they were described to me as WIERDOS!! This person was only refering to Martha's dad as being the MAJOR WEIRDO out of all of them, plus her mom was so clinically depressed that she rarely came out of her room only to verbally abuse her children. Martha's the sanest of all of them. If a man has a sexual relationship with a another male (young or old) is a homosexual relationship... To say that, "Statistics actually show that the majority of pedophiles are respected, HETEROSEXUAL males." is a specious smokescreen.