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Everything posted by ColorMEreal

  1. I'm not a doctor, but here's a few things that have helped my anxiety attacks 10 fold. Take two flax seed oil gel caps. They sell them at Walmart for around $8. I have no clue why it gets rid of my anxiety attacks, I just know it eliminates them. I've depended on these gel caps to help me cope with job interviews and first dates ect... Also, I discovered that if you have bad acid reflux, heartburn or leads to even more horrific anxiety attacks. Treat your acid reflux affectively, then you'll also be treating the anxiety attacks.
  2. I'm not saying all women who are raped ought to have an abortion. But that in rare cases where a woman that has been raped experienced so much trauma from the incident that she's literally about to loose her sanity, or perhaps she's suicidal, then I feel that along with counseling from her parents and religious leaders, that an abortion shouldn't be ruled out.
  3. It all has to do with something we call"Free Agency". If you have sex by your own free will, knowing it could result in a pregnancy, then step up to the plate and accept the good/bad consequences of such a choice. A girl or woman who is forced into sex DOES NOT have a choice. Their free agency is revoked and forcibley removed by her rapist.
  4. Actually I was referring to a show (60 minutes, or possibly 20/20) that I watched when I was a teenager about an orphanage in Russia, not Romania. I'm sure the more notable stories of suffering that you refer to came out of Romania. To this day Russia still maintains many of these orphanages, although they've cleaned up their act greatly since their is much more money involved in International adoptions. My daughter recently had a tetanus shot and I was told by her Pediatrician that the mercury preservative does remain in a few vaccines (still) including tetanus shots. The H1N1 vaccine also contains the Mercury preservative. I too am torn on these autism theories. By no means am I ready to rule out Mercury, but I think their are some other toxic metals and substances we ought to look at too. For instance, most of us have formaldehyde in our homes since it is commonly used in the construction of most homes. Then you can't rule out arsenic that is used on weather treated playground wood and on out door decks. ect...
  5. Could you imagine what a GODLESS society would actually look like? Very undesirable and Scary if you ask me. Just take a look at the country of Somalia as a small reminder. I suspect that many in our society who fight for such a Godless/lawless type of society would not want to reap the consequences that such a society would surely bring on. New Orleans was a lawless society for a short time after Hurricane Katrina. Lets not forget what happened there. Thugs ran the streets shooting people at will, including doctors/nurses who were trying to save lives. Many homes, stores and small businesses were looted and destroyed.
  6. My not so imaginary friend You ran with me Through the tickling grass, Skipping rocks over water We searched for lost treasures; We climbed the tallest trees. It was always you and me. We played in mom’s laundry. You ran beside me to school. We read so many books. I was Peter Pan And you Were my Captain Hook! And as I grew You asked me To take chances: To smile When I was sad To let go When it wans’t to be had. And now I wonder Who was that then? That whispering stranger In the wind. Do guardian angels exist? Did they come to my rescue? Perhaps it was God? I never really knew. But nothing was more real Than you. ***Excerpt taken out of Chapter One
  7. Their's is much more Missionary work going on on the other side of the veil, then their is on this (OUR) side of the veil. So I suspect their great work goes on. I hope the Families of these missionaries hold on to such comforts to get them through this awful time....
  8. I suspect the Mercury preservatives in some vaccines CAN and DO cause autism. But I also wander about something else that caught my attention. Their are several forms of AUTISM AFTER ALL... When we take our babies to daycare centers, where theirs at times a 7 to 1 ratio ( 1 DAYCARE WORKER FOR EVER 7 BABIES.) I wander what this does to say a newborn...neurologically. Back in the 80's I use to hear about orphanages in Russia that had around this same ratio (1 nurse for every 6-10 orphans.) Some of the babies were dieing from lack of touch and stimulation. But far more had strange neurological problems that plagued them throughout the rest of their lives. They were deemed un-adoptable and ended up in Russian asylum's for the most part. They were labeled as mentally retarded and then forgotten about. I often wandered if these little Russian orphans just had a form of Autism????? I have a son who has Asberger's. I'm always looking for those answer's that aren't so obvious. My son was born a preemie. He had to stay in the Nick unit for a month before we could take him home. During that month I always worried about how much touch, Love and stimulation he was actually getting when my spouse and I couldn't be there. The Nurses there were so Loving and caring. But as you know most hospitals hire the least amount of nurses that they can legally get away with. So in short, I often wandered over the years if my son's form of Autism came as a result of his hospital experience? Any thoughts or ideas on this would be greatly appreciated...
  9. You are correct Traveler, indeed God does know all things from the beginning to end. God is familiar with each of us personally. He knows our stories. I suspect their's a lot we too knew, but I'm not sure to what extent. I'm a writer by profession and sometimes when I write poetry I find that I am strangely familiar with how my poems should go. This stirs up all kinds of questions and curiosities in me. Perhaps it has something to do with coming to a remembrance of things, I don't know for sure...
  10. The war over right and wrong is no different then the war over abortion. The bottom line is that you either believe in the sacredness of life, or you simply don't. The fact that an abortion is legal gives the inhuman practice of vacuum sucking or chemically burning a living baby out of a woman's uterus no legitimacy. The beginning of life is not a casual thing. It is much more than what we have the human capacities to understand. I believe It is ordained by God that all life be given a chance. We are all here after all because OUR mothers decided against getting an abortion.
  11. I agree with my LDS Faith that in cases of rape, incest or if the life of the mother is in jeopardy, then an abortion can be optional. However, when a girl or woman willingly chooses to have sex, then you and I are not helping them by encouraging them to get an abortion. For then, what are we really teaching them. We are teaching them to "Problem Solve" in ways that are not emotional healthy. We are teaching them to run away from their responsibilities. We are teaching them that the LAWs of Accountability do not really matter or exist. What generally happens with a young woman who begins to problem solve in this way, is that they later problem solve in this same way with ALL of their relationships in life that they face, especially with their future marriages and relationships.... If you really care about a girl/woman, then guide them to the truth. As women we should be teaching other women to have COURAGE and to not escape the choices we made in our own free will. To master their lives in the right way. We should be helping them to learn and grow in the face of such obstickels, not to run from them or to erase them like they never happened at all....
  12. Excuse me, I meant pro-choice in the line I wrote below..
  13. It's amazing how many pro-choice individuals their are out there who have never woke up at the age of 16 to find themselves pregnant and scared. But yet they're so sure about such a decision. Well, this was my plot many years ago. I found myself 16 and pregnant. I was raised to pray over any important decesion your about to make, so I did. I pondered over the options, prayerfully and carefully. It was always an "Eternal" question for me, not "an immediate fix" question...After praying about it, God made it over whelmingly clear in my heart that an abortion would be wrong and that the Spirit growing inside of me very much wanted to live. Shortly after I came to this realization I choose adoption. This decision never haunted me nor did it ever emotionally traumatize me. Abortion however does. It's a haunting decision that never leaves you. Every time I run into a woman who has had this de-humanizing procedure, their is always a haunting look in their eyes when they tell their story. I've never run into a woman yet, who has not regretted having an abortion. It turned out to be one of the most painful, emotionally traumatizing experiences of their life. Abortion also scars your insides. Many women are totally unable to carry a baby in the womb again. The pro-life people never tell women this as part of their counseling before hand... If that commercial that aires brings to light more of the truth, then I am all for it.
  14. Tiny Refugees They come into this world As tiny refugees From a place where truth is timeless. Each is a spirit son or daughter of God. Their tiny souls Hold tiny hearts that beat! They’re not made of rubber. They feel And they bleed! Each has a spirit With very real needs. They start out on life’s journey As the most defenseless among us. Each has a voice Though not fully developed. They each come to earth With infinite possibilities. Each with their very own wish: Life. By J. Ann Tibbetts Jenny Ann Tibbetts
  15. Look, to be honest I don't know if Global Warming is true or not. I highly suspect it's not true, however I'm not yet willing to wage my life on that assertion. You have an army of accredited scientists on the far left and far right that both say opposing things. It would be nice to have a scientist that was not persuaded by money or power to study this thing out and give us the real run down of it all. I do know this. By the revelations given to us in the BOM and Bible, I understand that in the last days the world is described as a very polluted place. Our responsibilities in this are obvious. If God suggested to us through scripture that the earth was polluted in our day in time, then on a personal level I need to take that seriously and own up to my part in this whole mess. But when all is said and done, I'm not going to be ignorant enough to conclude that the pollution levels have superseded things to the level of global warming. I'll tell you what I'm more worried about, above and beyond global warming. Their are actually some bigger fish in the sea to swim away from so to speak. I've worked in Environmental Hazmat for years and have been on the front lines of this whole pollution mess. I've seen ecological damages that you could never imagine, messes that those "green peace" folks would never get down into and clean up like Hazmat people have to...Anyways, I'm more worried about things like wide spread famine due to ecological damages to our agriculture land. Why you may ask? Because in my opinion, it's more eminent and scientists on both sides of the political arena agree that it's happening NOW. I'll give you an example. When a chemical spill has occurred on a portion of land an Environmental Site Assessor will come out to investigate and do a land evaluation. Some of the first clues that he or she will look for (as evidence of ecological damage to the land) is the loss of bees and loss of bird life. The absence of these two species tells the Assessor that something VERY bad has happened to that piece of real estate. It tells them that the damages are so substantial that birds and bees cannot exist there anymore. The reason I am so worried about such a scenario RIGHT NOW is because the bird migration patterns WORLD WIDE have been changing on a drastic level. Their are some species of bird that have all but disappeared. Scientist are at a loss as to exactly why, although pollution is definitely the prime suspect. And when it comes to Bees, they have totally disappeared in China now...due to over pollution. The farmers in China now have to "hand pollinate" their crops or risk a country wide famine. ( Do you understand the extreme process that goes into hand pollination of individual crops? Trust me, American farmers nor the immigrants they hire are ready for such an insane thing) If the bees disappear in our country due to over pollution and ecological damage of our farm lands, then we are all at risk for a Country wide famine. And last I heard the bee population in our Country is disappearing at an alarming rate. I'm confused as to why all these liberal Environmentalist groups don't get on their bull horns about this issue??? Please, do your homework on this one and decide for yourselves...
  16. When my husband beats me to the diaper changing table, giving me a well deserved break, while he changes the baby is the closest thing we've come to Romance as of lately.
  17. Here's one of my favorite poems by J. Ann Tibbetts. This short little poem addresses the issue of abortion in an eternal light. This poem was recently featured on the PRO-LIFE facebook group (LIFE- Let's see how many pro-life people are on facebook.) As of Saturday, January 16, 2010......1,725,060 peace loving members now belong to this PRO-LIFE facebook group. Tiny Refugees They come into this world As tiny refugees From a place where truth is timeless. Each is a spirit son or daughter of God. Their tiny souls Hold tiny hearts that beat! They’re not made of rubber. They feel And they bleed! Each has a spirit With very real needs. They start out on life’s journey As the most defenseless among us. Each has a voice Though not fully developed. They each come to earth With infinite possibilities. Each with their very own wish: Life. By J. Ann Tibbetts Jenny Ann Tibbetts
  18. J. Ann Tibbetts book "A light that passes by" was just recently published/released a month or two ago. She is an up and coming LDS writer that I love. Here's the authors web site for anyone who wants to look into her new book, Jenny Ann Tibbetts It's by far the best book I've read in a long time...
  19. I agree with much of what your saying. I think there is a lot of corruption with the invisible dollar. You can't really FEEL money in your hand anymore. At least in the old days a person could feel a gold coin in their hand. Somehow it all ends up in the hedgehound/hedgefund accounts at the end of the day. Capitalism and a free enterprise was very much apart of the over all dream in the beginning. This was always a part of the dream, when the birth of our country was finally realized.
  20. I didn't agree with Bush on every principal he stood for, although I supported a lot of his policies on good faith value. Bush had his good attributes and his bad. Whether Bush fought against the axis of evil/terrorist for all the rights reasons or not, the truth remains that his administration kept us safe after 9/11 for many years. I do not feel as safe with the Obama administration. Barack Obama is in total denial that certian evil's even exists. They have blurred all the lines of what is truly right and what is wrong, to the point of near anarchy and insanity. I've noted that Obama bows to anyone or anything that will enable his popularity and power to grow. he is a puppet to MANY constituents' and friends. He's still paying many political friends back for helping him win the presidential election. Obama has a lot on his plate, all the while he's denying that certain enemies DO in fact exist. If the terrorists are handed a free passage, you'd better bet your life on the fact that they will TAKE IT! Why wouldn't they? Obama cannot afford to drop the ball here. America is only 300 years old and our very exsistence is at stake. Lastly, what horrifies me the most is that Obama publically announces his doubts that the terrorists are a real axis of evil. Our enemies are probably salivating through fixated eyes on us right now. We will not even sense their approach, should we stay on the same path were heading down.
  21. For 5,ooo years mankind progressed at the rate of a butterfly cocooned in infancy. The last 2,000 have gone by a bit faster in progessive terms, in particular the last 300 or so years. Why do you think that is so? Science and technological advances of all kinds have flourished over night. The freedom to seek out and find new avenues have been unleashed. I believe and MANY believe this was all possible because TRUE FREEDOM was restored to the Earth. Our Nation was born and the Gospel of Jesus Christ was also restored to the Earth again. No Nation before us ever took such a STAND or such a CLAIM on Freedom and Liberty for all. A funny thing happens when a true democracy is born. A marvelous, beautiful thing happens. Gods children (WE) begin to grow and prosper. The greatest of human potentials are unleashed upon the world. Good things and Bad things do come of it. I'm just thankful for the Journey and the Chance.
  22. What truly disturbs me to no end, is the fact that Barack Obama will no longer call a Terrorists a Terrorists anymore. We are all suddenly pals. I'm all for being pals, but in this case many extremists simply do not seem interested in being pals with us in the USA. To be PALS, you have to have two willing participants. For Barack Obama to simply blot out the words "WAR ON TERRORISTS" from our American vocabulary ISN'T going to make Osama Bin Laden, The Iranian Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Pakistan's Pres. Asif Ali ZARDARI suddenly like us. Check out the world news on CNN or FOX News today. As of today Barack Obama sought the counsel of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Our founding forefathers use to seek the counsel of God...I wish Barack Obama had been taken notes. Barack would be wise to follow in their divine foot steps! He needs to get on his knees for all of us and Pray to the only GOD in Heaven! Also today Osama Bin Laden just announced a Revenge Strike on our Country. Our Pal wants to annihilate us. I do not believe that Barrack Obama takes his responsibilities seriously i.e. his responsibilities in relation to PROTECTING our Nation and our very existence....Dear God, I hope I'm wrong. But right now Barrack seems like an Ify kinda guy when it comes to being grounded with REALITY...God help us all
  23. Everyone can have a personal relationship with our Father in Heaven. Why not just ask him yourself. Pray and ask God wether or not the cannon is still open?
  24. Personally I would be prayerful over the matter and I would counsel with your Stake President in your area...ask his advice on the matter.