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Posts posted by annewandering

  1. You are not Nephi. We arent dancing for rain. I know you will probably never get a clue but I post so that not everyone thinks that to be a good member of the church you have to be a conservative. Its not true and has never been true. You can ARGUE all you want but flailing in the dark isnt going to get you to any light.

    Oddly most of us prefer to research issues rather than rely on you to inform us of the correct stand. I expect you are quite capable of doing the same despite evidence to the contrary.

    I am not now and never will be a victim. What happens to a person is outside that person not inside and you will never be my victimizer. No one ever will be. I dont think you are being mean. Just being run of

    the mill conservative that watches too much Fox and has decided conservatism is your religion.

  2. I referenced scripture citing an eternal principle and called into question MoE's argument and conduct.

    But I'm quite certain he appreciates your support in trying to distract from the principle by buying into the pretense of victimhood.

    In point of fact, neither you nor MoE HAVE addressed the substance of my arguments.

    Laman and Lemuel didn't particularly like it when Nephi spoke eternal truths to them, either.

    I get that you don't like the idea that some one might be judged for their political views- but that doesn't make it wrong.

    Wow, Selek. I am almost tempted to toss a few scriptures at you so you can see the error of your ways as well. Tempted but I really try to avoid scripture bashing. Time to go get me some of that nice homemade chicken soup sitting in the fridge waiting for me!

  3. 1 Nephi 16:2-3

    For all your personal indignation about the idea of someone being judged for their political views, you've yet to provide any evidence indicating that such an approach is intrinsically incorrect or fundamentally wrong.

    Despite your insistence on assuming the mantle of victimhood on this topic, you've yet to address the fundamental doctrinal truths which support such an approach.

    Rather than addressing the substance of the arguments being offered, you're tryng to spin them as personal attacks.

    That IS deflection- something you've claimed to resent.

    Selek, have you ever stopped and stepped back and examined what and how you say things? You do attack and you do it in such a way that every single liberal person, not just me or MOE, know exactly what you mean. You have picked up your talking points from the conservative bandwagons and are freely spreading them around. The phones was such a good example. One that is hard to take back now.

    I actually am conservative on some issues but I do like to see what their proponents have to say about them. Its called education. Like you might do on the phone issue. And others.

    I had stopped reading this thread but I see you are not alone in your attacks. Feel free to add your name here if you are doing the same thing.

  4. Unbelievable

    Anne, it's just an example...I’ve changed it to “stuff” so that I don’t offend your political sensitivities.


    The difference between truth and lies is nothing to do with my political sensitivities although I am flattered that you soften your providing false examples is to not offend my 'political sensitivities'.

    Stuff that is a lie is still a lie no matter what its called.

    Change that phrase to my moral sensitivities. Thanks.

  5. Find me if you can by Linda S. Prather. No I would not recommend it. The author starts her series with a book that is based on a huge error of fact. The books are about serial killers and the capturing of them. She does little characterization of the protagonists so we are left not really understanding their motivations, which is important to me.

    The author has improved greatly from the first book of the series. Her facts are getting more accurate as well. There is no porn to have to avoid which is great! I dont recall much in the way of foul language either.

    I think that a typical LDS reader would have problems with the psychic aspects of the series. Perhaps any reader. lol She jumps around quite a bit on the religious and pagan beliefs combining them in 'unusual' ways. Not sure if that is by error or intent.

    I have gotten caught up in the stories of the people trying to capture the bad guys. Since I am not recommending the book I feel free to say that she does not hesitate to kill off main players. It is a rather disconcerting habit although I will grant that she keeps you aware that they are destined to die but you cant help but hope they dont and some dont die so whats with the destined bit?

  6. One of my aunts was very active in the church all her adult life. She held some jobs and was actively working on genealogy and having temple work done.

    Apparently she had been in her ward so long no one had bothered to actually see if she was a member because she wasnt.

    Why? Well she was afraid of being dunked under the water. When she became quite old someone discovered she had never been baptized. She fought with herself about it and finally decided to do it.

    We can NEVER know why someone makes the decisions they make. God does know and He wants us back with Him so I have to believe that He gives us every chance before and after we die. This is the ideal time to get ourselves sorted out but its not the only time.

    Now there are reasons we have to have certain ordinances done. We know some of them but I have a feeling we have no capacity at this stage to understand them all. Fortunately God knows and He has made sure we have ways to get them done. Every single ordinance anyone needs can and will be done by or for them if they wish. The ordinances will be taken care of. Sooner would be good since they need some of them to do work they will be wanting to do now instead of waiting. Still it can and will be done eventually. :) I wouldnt worry about your mom. Whatever her reasons while here she will have her opportunities simply because God wants her to succeed.

  7. Oh my gosh. Free cell phones. That is such an excellent example of how people are pulled into lies so easily. There is no such thing. Poor people can get fifteen dollars off their phone bill and that was something done under Pres. Reagan.

    So what else do people believe that is patently false? Will people be held responsible for believing flat out lies without even attempting to verify if they are true or not?

    I would like to add that considering most members of the church are republican, it is very clear that when they say we will be held responsible for voting for immoral policies and people they are referring to voting liberal and for liberal politicians. Deny it or not you know in your heart that is true. There is a reason the church is neutral on politics unless they specifically say otherwise. If God really did think republicans were His party then you can be sure we would know it. As it is Joseph Smith said in the Articles of Faith that we will follow whatever government we are in. Sounds to me that God is a lot more interested in who we are and not who rules our government.

  8. PC, you mentioned that some of the ebooks by new authors just seem to be passed over. I have noticed this as well.

    There are several things you can do that helps. I reviewed how I chose books because I was wondering how to avoid this very thing.

    A good cover helps but will not save a book. Reviews are priceless. In the blurb, a good first line helps enormously. Do not get one person to review your book and give it five stars. You need at least three. Friends who will write a review after READING the book are good.

    Never ever ever use this as a first line in the blurb. This is my first book. Please let me know what you think. Or I was trying to focus on blah blah blah. No one cares. A good positive description in the first line will get you readers. No reviews, No description will result in NO one reading.

  9. Another thing you might do is find a favorite author of the type of book you are planning to write and friend them on facebook.

    I have several I am friends with and they are very informative. I dont go pushing them but just listen to what they say and what their plans are. I think many writers are happy, even eager to talk about publishing woes and ideas they are trying.

    I have learned a lot from J.D. Nixon who is a popular writer of ebook fiction. She and other new writers, all seem to publish in every venue possible at the same time. Most, if not all, do not use an agent.

    One of the tricks they use is to publish a free ebook to get readers, often a short story or novella. After that they continue with more at a low price then higher as they establish a fan base. I really do not think you need an agent or a publisher. If you check ebooks by most popular and compare prices you will find that the big flash expensive authors are right in there with the lower priced, previously unknown authors. The difference seems to be the flash and the price not the popularity on the whole.

    It really is an interesting subject all on its own. My opinion is that bound books by big publishers are going the way of the dinosaurs. Look how many people on this forum want to write their own books. Ebooks makes that possible at little to no cost.

  10. A new name. I'm curious, as I am sure others are, of what legacy will become attached to that name.

    From what I am reading they are hoping it is a legacy of a 'new deal'. A more progressive church getting away from the corruption and sexual abuses of recent history. We will see. I hope they manage to do this but its going to be a hard row to hoe.

    Selek, it is not PR or speculation at this point that they NEED to correct those problems. If they did not elect a pope who can deal with those issues then he will be a failure. The sexual abuse is not a stereotype. It is a horrendous problem for them from a moral standpoint and a PR standpoint.

    The abortion, contraception, same sex marriage are doctrinal issues that he seems quite capable of dealing with in a firm manner along previous guidelines. Where they are having problems is the secrecy and failure to deal with the sexual abuse issue and to corruption issues. Hopefully he will bring about changes that will have an effect on those.

  11. Hmm rather historic choice. Do the Argentinians have the same issues with child abuse that a lot of the world seems to be having with the catholic clergy? If not he may have been selected because he was not involved in that. I am going to be curious how he deals with that particular issue.

  12. I know a person, who is very very very antiabortion, tell me that if he had a gun he would go kill doctors who do abortions. He would have too. He felt he would be protecting babies. Would he be a murderer himself? Would he be held responsible?

    On the other hand I know people who support women being able to have abortions for whatever they feel is ok. Some of these women have had one or more abortions themselves.

    So people on opposite side of a volatile moral issue. Who is right and who will be held responsible?

    Please dont take this into abortion right or wrong. That is not the point. The point is both sides feel righteous about what they believe and do. If we are held responsible for politics then where do we draw the line or do we at all?

  13. There are a lot of ebook publishers like smashbooks. One thing about ebook self publishing is you are not limited to just one outlet. Many writers publish on kindle, nook, and all the other smaller forms.

    One thing I have noticed is that some writers dont get a professional editor and those are quickly slammed on the reviews then no one reads them.

    Publishing your ebook is a lot different than the traditional and it is much more versatile. The really great thing is you do not have to find an agent, which can be very difficult for a first time writer. Once you get published on ebooks you have a proven history and can likely find an agent easier if you want to go that route.

  14. Anne, I appreciate your clarification.

    I guess my question, then, is: If the public does not muster the political will to replace corrupt officials--either because of disinformation perpetuated by the officials themselves; or because the electorate makes a cynical decision that they'll put up with a certain amount of corruption so long as the freebies keep coming--to what extent does that impute, to the minority, some kind of civic duty to stop their complaining?

    Or does it?

    And how do you persuade the minority to keep up the good fight in the arena of public opinion, when goons who subscribe to the majority's standpoint show up at polling places (which happened in 2012) and evict the minority's poll watchers (which also happened in 2012) and the majority's lackeys on the internet openly boast about having voted two, three, or even six times for the party in power (which also happened in 2012)?

    Illegal is illegal. If we want a free society we can not turn our backs on illegal actions.

    Are we cowards? If so we deserve to lose what we have. The only way 'goons' will stop is to stand up to them. I would want to verify those were happening though. Braggarts on the internet are not exactly a valid source. We can certainly get into voters rights but it is already pretty far off the original topic.

  15. This is an interesting argument. I understand the philosophical basis behind it, but it begs the question: Is there such a thing as an immoral use of public funds, provided they are administered by duly elected officials?

    I venture to guess you thought the no-bid contracts awarded to KBR and Halliburton, completely abhorrent. But given the argument you present above, what's the problem with a little graft by public officials?

    Ok going back to your statements.

    Of course there is such a thing as immoral use of public funds even by those we elect. Which is why we have the options of replacing corrupt officials by voting others in, booting them out of office, bringing charges against them.

    I am not fond of no bid contracts no matter who they are for.

    As I stated elsewhere graft is illegal. If an elected official deals in graft then fire them and toss them in jail along with their cohorts.

  16. Or that you raised talisyn and as such you might have some common ways of thinking.

    Eowyn, go on facebook and friend Alex Pelton. He is my youngest son. I bet a lot of you would just love him. Talisyn and I are liberal but we do not think alike. She is much more liberal than I am.

    Truth is that I prefer to be critiqued on what I say not what someone thinks I said due to his own misconceptions.

  17. May I respectfully ask you to re-read my post? It's all there.


    The Ugly American is a book.

    Just_A_Guy, considering I never discussed this thread at all with Talisyn and we both had the same problem seeing how you got what you got from my post I can only assume that either you conservatives have keywords you respond to that us liberals dont know, or we are stupid, or hmmmm what else could it be? I really dont know but am curious.