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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. Does not burden of proof work both ways? Is it not fair to ask that you provide proof that it doesn't? I know that I cannot provide proof that it does so it is my belief and I have faith that it does. Do you or someone else have proof that it doesn't or is it your belief that it doesn't?

    Ben Raines

    PS: This is not a personal attack just a common sense question. Those who do not believe in an afterlife do not know that it does not exist they just do not believe that it does not exist because proof of it does not exist.

  2. While I do not believe that God jerks us around like puppets to do his will I do believe that there are things we can change. The path is not already planned out for our lives step by step. We can and must make decisions in our life every day. Since I believe that God knows the future as well as the past he knows our nature but does not force us or pull us one way or another.

    The scriptures show many incidents of God doing what was asked of him by his faithful. Does God wish to have us happy? Yes he does. From the Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price we know that God's work and his glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. We also know from the scriptures that Man is that he might have joy.

    When I say my prayers, when I lay my hands on someone to give a blessing I always close with a heartfelt "Not my will but thy will".

    As I watched my mother dying of cancer my prayer was for her passing as painlessly as possible. Not a blessing to heal her that moment or for her to last longer than necessary. We had all visited with her. She was ready. But not my will but his will.

    Ben Raines

  3. So if the purpose of this thread is to have us, LDS members, admit that the Prophet Joseph Smith, was not perfect then I am in agreement. Even that some things that may have happened or he was accussed of could be correct or not. Truth, historical truth, is often in the eye of the person documenting it. I do not believe that most writers write thinking that their writings will be what history is based upon. They are writing in the moment. Often in a passionate moment when they feel that they have greatly succeded or perhaps been terribly wronged. I would suggest out of the mouth of two or three witnesses it be based and then again only if the two or three were not wronged in the same deal.

    An example, pure example only not historical or any specific reference:

    I am in business with three other individuals. We do very well in our business dealings and end up selling the company and doing well. Three of the partners feel it was a fair deal but they also felt that we could have held out for more and the more they discuss it they now feel that I forced them to sell prematurely. The more they discuss it the worse I am. As they each write in their journal about the experience I now am a bad businessman who cost them many dollars by forcing them to sell and sell early. It was a good deal. We all made money but history will not remember that they will remember that these three felt forced out and lost all the money they could have made.

    Just some thoughts of mine.

    Ben Raines

  4. Dr. T.,

    How do we know the specific date that the prophecy is to come to past. Not many prophets, as some have, will name the date.

    Even Christ did not name dates. As many believe he prophesied of a return and soon. It has been almost 2,000 years so soon is in the eyes of the beholder.

    The Lord offered the children of Israel a land of milk and honey but only one of that generation made it to the promised land. Of those that left Egypt who was it that made it to the promised land?

    Ben Raines

  5. Well said Capt. Tux.

    Our church leaders have often said: "I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves."

    We as parents need to be aware of what our children are doing. Teach there where it is safe to be and where it is not safe to be.

    I taught my children when they were small to not talk to strangers. Same holds true to the Internet for young people. I think that there are parents, notice I did not say most or many, who would rather do like the ostrich and stick their heads in the sand and pretend that it doesn't exist than to teach their children proper behavior there.

    My 23 year old son has a myspace account. We went there together, we removed his full name, his birthdate. I told him that my concern was not so much with predators of a sexual nature but with identity theft. Now just his first name shows there and he has lots of friends from his mission that stay in touch with myspace.

    As I said in an earlier post. What about Yahoo groups, AOL chat, etc, etc. It is not MySpace that is the problem.

    As a resident of Las Vegas I wonder how many of the same parents who worry about their childrens MySpace accounts don't give a second thought to their kids running down to Las Vegas from Utah for the long weekend. Sure because there is a lot of wholesome activity going on here in town. LOL

    Ben Raines

  6. Soulsearcher,

    You are absolutely right. If they were to come out against the church or attempt to refute a belief then they may end up called before a disciplinary council of the church.

    My feeling is that if the evidence were so overwhelming that there would not be a few, a dozen? A hundred? A thousand? to call us all idiots to believe what we believe.

    Serg has made one point. We as LDS do not consider the prophet to be infalable (sp). He too is a mortal man just like the rest of us but chosen for his special mission. Were mistakes made? I am sure. Does it change what happened that day and many other times during his life? I don't believe so.

    Ben Raines

  7. Thanks Jason. I was being a bit sarcastic. I doubt that most LDS scholars, that would imply that they are LDS. I agree with you that there are some scholars of LDS history or beliefs that would feel that way and some of them may be former LDS members but I doubt you would find many LDS members who are scholars of LDS history and beliefs that would be supporting the idea that Serg has suggested.

    I am a pain in the butt about people using generalities. Most, many, the majority, all, every are used to try to add emphasis to a belief but my experience has been it is purely to add emphasis and is not based on fact.

    Ben Raines

  8. I like the post that started this regarding what a Stake President shared with his Bishops and what this Bishop decided to share with his ward. That is what this Stake President and Bishop felt was needed for their people at that time.

    As far as I know this was not a letter sent out by the First Presidency of the LDS Church. If it was I would have rec'd a copy and so would Palerider and I am sure a few others that visit here.

    That type of a letter or instruction does not have to come from SLC.

    We can carry the idea a little bit further and say that the Internet is a horrible place and that some of the worst of crimes have been committed because of the Internet. If as parents we cannot control what goes on in our homes or take the time to teach our children what is appropriate then we should not have the Internet in our homes. Long before MySpace became popular there were and are the same types of areas in Yahoo, MSN, AOL and many others. It is due to the popularity that MySpace has gotten so much press lately.

    The important thing is as individuals to be informed and to educate our children.

    Ben Raines

  9. As you can see from the other posts it is not always that missionaries are breaking rules when things like that occur. The two missionaries that were attached on the East coast were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Did nothing wrong and in witnessing an attempted murder were attacked and one killed.

    If my post is reread you will not find that I say often, always, mostly. Those words would infer that I believe that missionaires bring most of this on themselves. That is not true. All I was saying is that it is important to know the facts, surprisingly the news does not always reveal all the facts and posts in a bulletin board or forum even less.

    To restate. Sometimes bad things happen to missionaries when they do not obey the rules. Mission rules are to help protect missionaries.

    Ben Raines

  10. I read a lot too and would like to know how many LDS scholars there are first and then how many of them so that most, a majority, would consider Joseph Smith a liar.

    I too look forward to some references so that I can read about them to be informed.

    Not something that would challenge my testimony but I do like being informed.

    Ben Raines

  11. My daughter served in South Africa, Cape Town mission. She left in 2002 and returned in 2003. She said it was a place where the sister missionaries had to be careful where they went. They always had a car to travel in and they were to be home before dark, mission rule.

    While we knew about the situation with AIDS and they myth behind the cure we were comfortable with the knowledge that missionaries have extra protection from the Lord while they are obeying the rules. To often we hear of bad things happening to missionaries and when the facts are know it is because they did not keep a mission rule.


    Some years ago missionaries left their area, left their zone and went to see the big surf on the rocks. One was washed over and another dove in to attempt rescue. Both drowned.

    Mission rules are to obey traffic laws and missionaries have died while speeding and crossing over a double yellow line.

    Those are two that I know of. I don't know where or what was going on with these sisters but I do know that they are very strict with where the sister missionaries can go in South Africa.

    Ben Raines

  12. Thank you Jason for taking it between the two of you.

    I guess I missed the part about the whole book of abraham being proven to be false.

    I would say if someone has decided or they feel driven to leave then they should. I don't know anywhere in the LDS doctrine that is says if you don't believe and you feel it is false that you need to stay around. If you wish to keep working at coming to that understanding then you are welcome to stay. It may take a lifetime.

    Good luck in your desire to find truth and where you find it I hope you are happy. I say that sincerely without any sarcasm.

    Ben Raines

  13. I believe that Christ is the son of God. Born of mortal mother, Mary, but of God or our Father in Heaven. Please do not ask me how it happened. The whole conception part. I wasn't there and do not know. I do believe that is how it was and have faith that it is so. Faith is not a perfect knowledge but a belief.

    I know that there are others that do not have faith so do not believe. I believe that this life is a life of the trial of our faith.

    Ben Raines

  14. I have made several edits. Please stop the personal attacks and name calling. The topic is regarding someone elses challenges in their marriage. Lets keep it to topic and avoid individual name calling. :)

    Ben Raines