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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. PC, now that you are enlightened about how we might call our scriptures you should be about ready for LDS baptism. LOL.

    Ben Raines.

    PS: I used to carry a Quad but felt that it would be better to teach those who are not LDS using the KJV of the bible as one book and the triple combination, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price as a separate set of books.

  2. Quote "That is rejection and meanness. And yes sadly at times there are problems with LDS people. That is why there are excommunications along with other disiplinary actions. You may want to familiarize yourself with the proceedures."

    I just wanted to clarify that there are not disciplinary actions, excommunications, disfellowshipment, probation because someone is not nice at church or friendly. I could go to church and never speak to anyone and I would not be brought before any type of disciplinary council.

    It is unfortunate that you find yourself in a ward that you do not feel you have been warmly welcomed in. You mentioned that you have been married for ten years and lived in two wards. Have you been working in the nursery the whole time?

    As someone said earlier "I believe the gospel is perfect, I know the members are not."

    Work hard to find happiness in what you are doing and where you serve. If you have needs I would discuss them with your Bishop. I am sure he would be willing to help you with things.

    Ben Raines

  3. Stevenr,

    I have not felt that way but let me share with you my story. It is a long one so be prepared. I too am a convert at age 15. I served a mission and returned from mission and met and married a convert. We moved a couple of times and were busy getting to know each other and then we had our first daughter. I was called to YM and wife was called to Primary. YM Pres and I became friends and after almost 30 years are still the best of friends. His wife and my wife are also good friends. We have camped with them, taken cruises together. We moved out of the country and they visited twice.

    When we first met I was the one to always call and say "Let's go to a movie or dinner" "Come on over and play games", etc. After a while I felt that it was a one way relationship so I stopped calling. After about a month he called and said "What have you guys been doing? Why haven't you called" I explained that I felt I was forcing myself on him. He went on to explain that he just wasn't organized and depended on me putting things together. Since that time I have never failed to call him and organize our events. I call him once a week and we visit often but it is because I call him.

    About 15 years later another family moved to our ward. About the same age. He and I are very alike. Now there are three best friends. Wives too.

    To have friends, be a friend. I would suggest that you organize the golf event. Call guys that you wouldn't mind being with until you find three to go golfing.

    Do your children get invited to birthday parties of the other children in the ward? Get to know the parents of those children. Find one other couple to have fun with and you will find that others will hear of your parties and get togethers and will want to join in.

    Do you BBQ? Are you good at it? Invite others over. I have a list of people that want to come over to my house to eat because they have heard of the great dutch oven baby-back pork ribs that I cook. I started by cooking them at Priesthood events.

    Stevenr, we have continued moving. I have been in seven wards in the last 20 years. Made new friends each time. Have been here for 4 years.

    If there is anything I can help with to be a friend and help you develop them please let me know by email or PM. Church is and should be a happy family.

    What part of the country do you live in?

    Ben Raines

  4. Captain Tux, while I understand the frustration of having the full time missionaries change as they are teaching for me it is very important that the members in your area be very involved in the missionary work. We often have local members go out and teach with the missionaries. These are the same people that they will see at church on a regular basis and be able to build that family spirit that is found so often at church.

    The numbers of people that join the church because of relationships or rapport with the missionaries and then fall away is high. So much better for rapport to be built with the people that are living in your neighborhood. That is one of the reasons that members are encouraged to be actively involved in missionary work and not leave it all up to the full time missionaries.

    When we have had people checking out the church come in to our home and be taught by the missionaries there is a much greater success than if only left to meet with the missionaries in the home.

    I think more members do not get involved because once they feel the spirit and decided to join the church or if they have been members all their lives they stop studying and feel that they will be challenged on something that they don't know or understand.

    I read a lot but for me the gospel of Jesus Christ is very simple. Love God and treat others as you would like to be treated.

    I show my love for God and Jesus Christ by doing the things he has asked me in the scriptures or from the mouth of the living prophets. I do all I can to be kind to my fellowman and treat him as I would like to be treated. After all that I will leave it up to Christ to decide if I am worthy to live with my Father in Heaven and him.

    Lots of other things are done or not done in this life and for them I will be responsible but I will do my best to live as I believe he would have me live.

    Just a few thoughts of mine.

    Ben Raines

  5. Here is a book I read a couple of years ago that you might find interesting.

    Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos

    by Robert D. Kaplan

    We cannnot fight battles based on Christian principles against those without them.

    War is never pretty and neither is the loss of life, ours nor the enemy's. To live free is great but I am not sure all societies can live free based on centuries of culture. Change can happen but not quickly.

    Ben Raines

  6. Best answer I have heard by someone who has lived it. As in the church all things do not happen in our own good time. There are procedures and they do take time.

    When my father was ready to remarry after rebaptism my mother still rec'd a letter asking if she would object. As far as I know there never was a cancellation of their sealing.

    Ben Raines

  7. I do understand what you are saying. If the woman marries again in the temple then she is no longer married for eternity to the first man so it is not one-sided. Since a woman can only be married in the temple for eternity to one man at a time if she gets permission to remarry in the temple then the first marriage is no longer valid.

    I am not sure that wickapedia can be the ultimate source of knowledge. From what I have read of wickapdia anyone can place definitions there.

    I hope that is clear. Again as I understand it.

    Ben Raines

  8. It is LDS practice that a man, who has a wife who has died, to be sealed to another wife in this life. From an eternal perspective then he would be sealed to two women.

    If a widow would like to marry again then she can marry again for time, while in this life, but not be sealed for eternity since she is already sealed to one man.

    Same would hold true for disolving a temple sealing or marriage. It is correct to say that there is no such thing as a temple divorce.

    That is how I understand it.

    Ben Raines

  9. PC, gotta agree with you on that one. If homosexual marriage is ok then what about polygamy. I am sure that the polygamists, as against homosexual marriage as they are, are glad to see this because this is just the footstool for them to get it, polygamy, made legal. Then what if someone wants to marry their cat? or dog?

    Well you know where it can go from there.

    Ben Raines

  10. Go to on the left side you will see Gospel Library, then go to the right side and see Parenting- Roles in, then read the second article.

    <H1 class=6-Article>When Our Children Go Astray</H1>By Elder John K. Carmack

    Of the Seventy

    Understanding agency and being a parent are hard. We have made choices in life that probably didn't please our parents and children, I have four, will do the same. Always love them does not mean you like their choices.

    Ben Raines

  11. Captn Tux, How very insightful of you. Maureen is not Heather as you are well aware of. It appears that the cynical girl can't read that from reading Maureen's post. Maureen is a very welcome member of this site who has been here for a long time.

    Those that come here just to fight, LDS or not, do not last long.

    Ben Raines


  12. I agree that all are welcome. I have never seen an LDS chapel that didn't have the words "Visitors Welcome" on the building.

    I can say that someone coming in with a Budwiser shirt, shorts and tennis shoes with no socks would probably feel more uncomfortable being there than those around him or her.

    Common decency says don't come to church with the triangle of your thong showing. Like everyone would be glad to see me with plumber's crack showing. Yech.

    Ben Raines

  13. This site is not affiliated with the LDS Church. It is owned by a member of the LDS faith and invites those LDS that are interested to visit and participate and those who are not also as long as they adhere to the rules of the site. Rules apply to LDS and non LDS alike.

    Ben Raines
