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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. Since I was a boy on the farm and while raising four kids of my own we have only had to have animals put down when there was a medical reason. Example: Dog torn up by a pack of dogs, goat attacked by domestic dog, dog with internal organs failing, etc.

    We have always found a home for pets no longer wanted or when we moved out of the country and could not take them with us.

    I think understanding about an animals death helps children as they get older to handle human death, grandparents and things like that.


  2. This is my dream put to music

    Eric Burdon and War---Spill The Wine

    Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

    Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

    I was once out strolling one very hot summer's day

    When I thought I'd lay myself down to rest

    in a big field of tall grass

    I lay there in the sun and felt it caressing my face

    And I fell asleep and dreamed

    I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie

    And that I was the star of the movie

    This really blew my mind, the fact that me,

    an overfed, long-haired leaping gnome

    should be the star of a Hollywood movie

    But there I was, I was taken to a place, the hall of the mountain kings

    I stood high upon a mountain top, naked to the world

    In front of every kind of girl, there was

    black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones...

    Out of the middle came a lady

    She whispered in my ear something crazy

    She said:

    Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

    Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl


    I thought to myself what could that mean

    Am I going crazy or is this just a dream

    Now, wait a minute

    I know I'm lying in a field of grass somewhere

    so it's all in my head

    and then.. I heard her say one more time:


    Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

    Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl


    I could feel hot flames of fire roaring at my back

    As she disappeared, but soon she returned

    In her hand was a bottle of wine, in the other, a glass

    She poured some of the wine from the bottle into the glass

    And raised it to her lips

    And just before she drank it, she said:


    Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

    Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

    Dream on :)

  3. Ray, to clarify I believe the Lord has revealed to the Prophets over the ages and the things that must be revealed to operate the church.

    I don't believe that all keys of the Priesthood have been given to the Prophet. There is one key or authority that has been held back by the Lord and will be brought by him when he returns. That is the key of resurrection. Current Prophet, as I understand, does not hold that authority or key of the Priesthood.

    Only what pertains to this generation and this dispensation and necessary to fulfil the current church's destiny is what the Prophet has.

    In my opinion.

  4. Please define your understanding of hear. As I understand the meaning it means have the Holy Ghost bear witness to you that the message is true. Just to hear the gospel preached is not a disqualifying event to prevent someone from accepting the gospel and entering Celestial Kingdom after this life. As I understand it.


  5. Unorthodox,

    My personal opinion on having had an opportunity to accept the gospel while mortal or after this life is the following.

    We are not able, mortal man, to determine if a person has had an opportunity based on having the Spirit bear witness that it is true.

    It is as you say that there are people that grew up in the church, attended all the right classes from Primary to graduate from seminary and beyond who never received or perhaps even asked with real intent to know if the restored gospel, as LDS practice, were the true church upon the earth.

    Others have had missionaries teach them, who didn't have the spirit with them, who for one reason or another did not deliver the spirit borne testimony that can convert.

    I believe that there are few upon the earth that have had that spirit and then departed from it. Are there people that has happened to, sure, but they are not a large group.

    An even smaller group are those who have rec'd of the spirit to know it is true and then turned away from it and would fall in to that group known as the Sons of Perdition.

    President Kimball said in Miracle of Forgiveness that someone would have to be on the level of Apostle to have the knowledge required to qualify if they rejected the Lord after having that spirit.

    Again those are my thoughts. Most who have had the gospel preached to or shared with them will still have an opportunity in the life after to accept the gospel teachings.


  6. I have several of the Preach My Gospel manuals in my house. We use them in our Pre-MTC class for seniors in high school and older that are preparing to go on a mission.

    It is a great personal study manual and I would encourage everyone to have one in their home. A great study tool for FHE and personal study.


  7. I am sure that this is not a big deal, even my kids don' t get it right all the time. Robbery is taking something by force or threat of violence. Burglary is when something is taken when you are not present. A building or car gets burglarized. A person is who gets robbed while in the house or on the street. This guys house was being burglarized and vandalized when he was not there.

    I hope that clarifies it a bit. With a burglary there is no fear of injury only loss of goods.

  8. Sorry Lindy but I misunderstood.

    I would not shoot for the knees unless using a shotgun. I was taught to shoot to stop and that is two to center mass. Center mass is defined as the middle of the chest.

    In defending my family and our lives I have no problem with shooting to center mass. Rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.

  9. So that I understand about protection of property.

    Those who defend a man who rigs a shotgun to shoot anyone that comes in his door when he is not home. You would feel justified in shooting someone to death as they were stealing your childs bike.? How about your car? Maybe a few things from your garage?

    I am all for law and order but stop at justifying killing someone because they were taking something that is of a material nature.

    The play Les Miserables comes to mind. Should have shot him for stealing the bread in the first place and saved a lot of misery.


  10. Where in theory he had the right to protect his property what it if had been an emergency response team that had attempted to enter the house. Police officer, fireman and they had been shot by shotgun. Is protection of uninhabited property worth the taking of a life?

    If I am in the house and fear for my life then I have a right to defend myself. To protect material things with lethal force seems excessive to me.


  11. No offense here. I think it was Joseph Smith himself, when he allowed himself to be taken in to custody, that referred to going like a lamb to the slaughter. Perhaps he had seen the end himself and knew what the end result of this encarceration would be. As Amphib stated he had more than enough firepower at his disposal to free himself if he desired.