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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. That would be the same as asking you what if all that you believe were not true.

    I believe too in God, Our Heavenly Father. In his son Jesus Christ. I believe that God continues to communicate with his children whom he loves. He does that with living prophets today. He has not closed the heavens. He does not love us less than he loved those before and during Christ's time.

    These things I know to be true because the Holy Ghost has confirmed it to me and I cannot deny it.

  2. I would agree more with your scenario B. Purpose of sealing to children is maintaining order. Our Heavenly Father is a God of order. Patriarchal order is maintained in the Celestial Kingdom.

    You are correct that it matters most for husband and wife to be sealed. Two of my daughters married in the temple, had little girls and then were divorced. They were concerned what would be the position of their daughters in the Celestial Kingdom, who would they be sealed to. My response was that if they marry in the temple during their lifetime and they and their spouses endure to the end they will be sealed to their husbands, that is the most important sealing.

    As stated earlier I have never read in the scriptures or instruction manuals used in the church that if the sealed parents earn the Celestial Kingdom the kids get a free pass to the CK. Someone had said that earlier.

  3. PrisonChaplin,

    Based on your definition then I would say absolutely I am a part of the religious right.

    We have a state senator here in Las Vegas, Harry Reid, he is the senate majority leader. He is a card carrying member of the LDS Church. How someone can be a leading Democrat and espouse their agenda and a good Later-Day Saint is beyond me.

    Now before we get in to politics here that is not the thread and I may have voted in the past for something that my party didn't agree with but how do you support the whole liberal agenda and be a good member of most any church?

    Ok enough of my rambling. Religious Right I am. Not by any affiliation but by beliefs.

  4. My sister had a similar surgery from a fall. She had an implant done and it worked quite well for some time. This was done at Stanford Medical Center. After some time it quit working. I don't remember if it was due to the wires or what. Now she has an implant that dispenses morophine. She triggers it manually as needed. It has a block to keep from over medicating. Something she will live with the rest of her life. She has been working on this for 20 years. She is 49.

  5. I do dislike generalizations. Everyone, all, almost everyone, everybody, no one, none, etc.

    I know that there are those that call themselves the moral majority. I consider myself a person of the moral majority but do not belong to any group other than those that believe we should, and they do, practice morality. I am not just talking about sexual morality but a morality in the way we live our lives. I have known non-christians that practice a very moral way of life and I would consider part of the moral majority. Now if we are talking about the Christian Right that is another story or so I believe.

    If someone would like to better define the Moral Majority other than the group of Falwell, Robertson, Swaggert and the rest. Oh and don't forget my TV favorite, the Reverend Robert Tilton. What a hoot.

  6. I too am curious why married women need a night out with the girls. Same of why married men would need a night out with the boys. My buddies and I have gone fishing together or camped over night. The women have gone to a movie, a conference or shopping for the day or overnight to a womens retreat but not out clubbing or a girls night out.

    I have always counseled my daughters wherever they are to not accept a drink from a stranger or someone they know if they don't know where it came from. A bottled water that they open or a soda that they open the can but nothing else where they are left to the trust of another.

    It is a sad world where we live that we cannot live without that fear but there should be plenty of warnings given by those that love them, then it is their choice to do as they choose.

    Sorry for your friend and there is no excuse for the behavior of the man but there is not excuse for the behavior of many.

  7. I think it is a good topic. What would make it a little better would be to see what everyone's definition of saved or salvation is. I believe that as in Adam all me die so in Christ, his resurrection all will be made alive. All will be resurrected. Even Sons of Perdition.

    So maybe a definition of what salvation is or the salvation that all are seeking. I am seeking greater than just resurrection

  8. I kissed my fair share of girls way back in the day as my kids say. I think that kissing means more to girls than it does to most guys in their teen years.

    It is true that it is the first step in a progression that can lead to other physical and emotional things happening. I have heard it likened to playing with a poisonous snake. You may get away with it a few times but sooner or later you will be bit if you play.

    I would caution all who wish to maintain a high moral standard before marriage to limit their kissing, touching, petting, gettin jiggy whatever you want to call it. As stated in an earlier post what is considered normal today was obscene just 20-30 years ago. Let's not accept what the world would have us do and maintain a higher standard. LDS or not.

  9. I don't know how happy a place the terrestrial kingdom will be. It will be one level up from being a son of perdition. I would say that it will be as close to Hell as we can imagine. It will be full of liars, cheaters, those out to do harm to others, etc.

    I agree with the teaching of the parable of the hired servants. It does not matter how long you have been converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ to recieve your reward. Someone just baptized and someone who had been LDS their whole life could receive the same reward or the newest convert could recieve a better reward. Key is being true and faithful to the end. We call it endure to the end.

  10. prisonchaplin,

    Please do not be put off by someone sharing their feelings of their beliefs. You have presented views that I have not even thought of before. Sharing ideas does not mean that we have to attempt to convert each other but to share common and diverse beliefs. As you have stated earlier we find in many cases more things in common than different.

    You are right about our view of the rewards for those who accept Christ as Savior and those who do not. I have always had a problem with a pass/fail system. My thought is that in the Evangelical viewpoint there will be very few with Christ after this life. Even less than those that the LDS feel will be with him. As you have posted earlier just saying you believe and accepting Christ requires a change in behavior. Change in behavior requires that you do something, works? Not specific works like baptism and other things but make a change.

    There are few that accept Christ and make significant changes in their lives. As there are few that make covenants based on LDS doctrine and continue with them through their lives. As I understand from you it is a yes or no, Heaven or Hell proposition with Evangelical Christians where we believe in a more just judgement based on how we have lived our lives and put in to practice Christ's teachings.

    I know I ramble but those are my thoughts.