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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. I believe that there is a google tag that pulls ads that say LDS or something like that. This can if someone clicks on it generate income to the owner of the site. Both for the site where the post is as well as the site you are clicking on. I believe there is little that can be done about it other than make this a pay for use site. I would be willing to pay for a place to come and visit with like minded friends but think the site would die for lack of funds.

  2. This is just a personal opinion but to have a civil mock ceremony so that non members can see wedding vows exchanged can detract from the sacredness of the temple wedding.

    I also think that big receptions with 10 bridesmaids and a bunch of escorts is something to be left to civil weddings.

    In speaking with the matron of our temple she says that the biggest problem is not with the brides but with the brides mothers who are trying to have a grand wedding that they did not themselves have. :)

  3. Our houses of worship, our chapels, are open to all members of Latter-Day Saint church or not. All have an open invitation on the front of the building. Our temples are sacred and holy sites. Only those that have done what the Lord has asked of them and been found worthy by those having that responsibility are allowed to enter. Not only are non members not allowed in but many who are baptized Latter-Day Saints do not enter. What happens in the temple is not secret but sacred and must be kept that way.

    There are many who have hurt feelings including my parents at one time as they were not ready to attend the temple when it was time for me to marry. At the same time they respected my wishes and were supportive of my marriage in the temple.

  4. We cannot control what happens with parent and/or children. Etermal Marriage is what it is all about. Husbands and Wives being Married or Sealed for time and all eternity. I can't control if my parents remain sealed to each other or who I am sealed to of my divorced parents. What I can contol is the relationship that I have with my wife. We together can progress as far as possible with this sealing in the Celestial Kingdom, if we are worthy.

    While it would be nice to be sealed to parents or have children remain sealed to us that is their agency. Mine is for my eternal partner and I to be worthy to be there together.

  5. Yes it is Avatar and they should be something that would not offend. If anyone finds mine offensive let me know and I will change it.

    We have had problems in the past with people that appear to want to be banned that post pornographic avatars and as soon as we are aware they are deleted.

  6. I have read of the various groups of Catholic church. Greek, Roman and all the other parts that split off. Also of the various popes that have had each other murdered etc. Was not going to go in to that in detail. Haun's Mill Massacre is a black spot on LDS church history but nothing like what has happened in the name of Christianity by many other religions in the name of righteousness.

    In the case of Haun's Mill I believe someone was actually tried and executed for leading that massacre.

  7. PrisonChaplain,

    I was reading your latest post and went and read Rev 2 and 3. I am not a theologian but as I read it the churches mentioned were still all the churches as organized by Christ's apostles and were not different denominations. When Christ organized his church with Apostles, teacher, deacons, priests and others it was the same church in each place where it was organized. An apostasy was prophesied of often in the scriptures and we believe that is what happened.

    Based on the belief that Christ established his church with his authority or Priesthood there are only two options. Either the Catholic Church has the authority as they claim from Peter or there was a break in that authority and it needed to be restored to perform the sacred ordinances as when Christ established his church.

  8. I believe from what I read that we are in agreement that it is a personal choice. Much better than the CHOICE that is discussed in other forums. At the same time my heart goes out to those who choose to limit a family so that they can have the nice things in this life that they were denied or didn't have when they were growing up.

    Maybe they are not aware that after this life none of the things go with them, big house, fancy cars, nice clothes, etc. What they will have for those who believe in a life after this is the love of those that they have loved.

    In my work I deal with millionaires every day. Some days Mega-millionaires. Guess what? They are not all happy. Money and riches is not a guarantee of happiness.

    I was discussing with some coworkers at lunch today that the most precious gifts I have received from my children were letters written in their teens and even now telling my wife and I how grateful they were for our sacrifice so that they could have the things they wanted or needed. My wife has worked hard for 30 years but those years have been working in the home. Now she continues to work hard because she has our biggest baby still living at home, me.

    Now she reads, she studies her scriptures an hour each day. Sews, she sewed Halloween outfits for the two granddaughters. Cooks dinner each night, she cooks healthy meals not fast food. And keeps the house in perfect order.

    She just recently started a home business but has always been there when the children were home and was there when they needed to talk and needed supervision.

    She has sewn more prom dresses than I can count. She has a full time job at home and has her own identity as the mother of her four children. Didn't need the praises of man for a good job when she had the praises of her husband and children.

  9. Prophets have recently and over the year spoken out about how important it is for the mother to be in the home and there for the children and the different roles we all play in a family. They have spoken out against both parents working to provide the nicer things in life and the extravagant vacations, etc. They also recognize that at times both may have to work due to job loss, health reasons, under-education, etc. but that it should be a temporary fix and not a permanent one. While saying that I am also aware that Stake Presidents and Bishops have wives that work for one reason or another.

    I like the words said " I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves"

    We are not commanded in all things we are taught how the Lord would have us be and then we are free to chose how we will be. It is our agency.

  10. I would agree that stories, thoughts, poems, experiences, etc. can come from those sources. I have also seen people get way out there and teach false doctrine from the stand when they use other than what we are recommended to use in our teaching.

    I have seen President Monson many times use poems or stories that he has read. Quotes of the writing of CS Lewis and many others. They teach a point but do not teach doctrine.

    I agree that people need to be more well read

  11. John Doe,

    Perhaps I was misunderstood. In a perfect world a couple would consult with the Lord in determining family size but I have never said it was a perfect world. All do not believe in God or Christ. Many do not ask or would rather not ask and I have never looked down on anyone for family size or lack of children. I believe that is a personal decision and one that we each will answer for not to each other but our own conscience.

  12. John Doe,

    No I do not believe that everyone consults with the Lord in determining family size. The same that I believe there are many who attend church and think that is all they need to do in order to return to live in the Celestial Kingdom. I believe that there are many that when the day of judgement comes will say "But I went to church every Sunday" and the Lord will say "Depart I knew you not".

    I also know many that plan their families and at some point in their lives may have a child that they didn't plan but they love that child and it is a part of their family.

    I know people inside and outside the church that probably shouldn't have children but because it is a result of the intimate relations with a spouse they do and they don't have a clue what to do and/or don't take the time to learn. Raising children is a learning process but there are people that are too busy with the other important things to them to take the time to learn by experience. These children usually end up neglected.

    Those are my thoughts.

  13. Family size is between the couple and the Lord.

    The story is related that President Kimball was called to his granddaughter's side after a very difficult pregnancy and delivery. As he was visiting with her she asked "Is that enough" His loving response to his granddaughter was "That is between you, your husband and the Lord."

    We have been told by modern day leaders that when considering family size the following should be taken in to consideration: Physical health of mother, mental health of mother, ability to financially support the children.

    We are not to pop them out like a Pez dispenser just because we can. There is more to parenting and being a good steward than just being able to biologically reproduce.