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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. While there is a sense of loss from the death of a loved one we should, for those that believe, feel great happiness and relief for those who have gone on before us.

    My mother died two years ago after a brief bout with cancer. Died at 66 years old. That is very young by todays standards. There were tears shed at her service but they were not because she was gone but the good words that people had to say about her and the outpouring of love by those who knew her.

    I consider myself a very compassionate person who tries to love all and also very emotional but have not shed one tear of why so soon why did she have to go. Do I miss talking to her? Sure but again I do not cry due to her death that would be selfish of me. I look forward to the day that we will be reunited and will, without the health problems, be able to remember and share with all our family the great love we have for one another and for those who had gone on much earlier than we had.

    Life is but a passing moment in the eternities. I hope that no one finds this offensive.

    I have found over the years that great value is placed on lasting here on earth. I am ready to go when my time comes and hope that I have endured to the end on keeping the commandments to be worthy to enter the Lord's presence.

  2. I don't think it matters if the one making the movie is LDS or not. I think that there are a lot of things that we can find humor in that is not sacrilegious.

    RM for example. It is so true that the sisters have fancy displays and make sure that the doily under the flowers is in just the right position and that hours have gone in to the lesson and that when the brethren meet in priesthood they wonder who has the lesson and if no one knows they just read it together and see if some discussion can come from it.

    I have not seen any of the other movies but RM was hilarious to watch once.

    If we cannot laugh at ourselves we should laugh at no one.

  3. Jason, I enjoy the discussion at the level we have been keeping it. One of the Articles of Faith that we believe is the following:

    Eleventh Article of Faith

    We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

    It would be nice if others were more forgiving for the knowledge or interests of others.

    If someone wants to know about LDS beliefs I don't mind sharing but you too are entitled to your opinion and interpretation.

  4. That is correct. When the constitution of the US was created it was about states rights. Many things done in the US are done on a state level as long as they do not violate federal law. Here we have federal laws, state laws and municipal laws. The lower laws cannot violate or cause the higher laws to be null and void. Federal law always triumphs over state or municipal laws.

  5. There is no national health care for all in the US. Each person takes responsibility for their own via employer, self insure, buy personal insurance or pay as you go without insurance. Those least able to afford it are the ones that qualify for Medicaid. It is driven by each state with state and federal tax dollars.

  6. If you are wondering about who will enter the Celestial Kingdom the following is written in the Doctrine & Covenants Section 76

    50 And again we bear record—for we saw and heard, and this is the testimony of the gospel of Christ concerning them who shall come forth in the resurrection of the just—

    51 They are they who received the testimony of Jesus, and believed on his name and were baptized after the manner of his burial, being buried in the water in his name, and this according to the commandment which he has given—

    52 That by keeping the commandments they might be washed and cleansed from all their sins, and receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed unto this power;

    53 And who overcome by faith, and are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, which the Father sheds forth upon all those who are just and true.

    54 They are they who are the church of the Firstborn.

    55 They are they into whose hands the Father has given all things—

    56 They are they who are priests and kings, who have received of his fulness, and of his glory;

    57 And are priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten Son.

    58 Wherefore, as it is written, they are gods, even the sons of God—

    59 Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are theirs and they are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.

    60 And they shall overcome all things.

    61 Wherefore, let no man glory in man, but rather let him glory in God, who shall subdue all enemies under his feet.

    62 These shall dwell in the presence of God and his Christ forever and ever.

    63 These are they whom he shall bring with him, when he shall come in the clouds of heaven to reign on the earth over his people.

    64 These are they who shall have part in the first resurrection.

    65 These are they who shall come forth in the resurrection of the just.

    66 These are they who are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly place, the holiest of all.

    67 These are they who have come to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of Enoch, and of the Firstborn.

    68 These are they whose names are written in heaven, where God and Christ are the judge of all.

    69 These are they who are just men made perfect through Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, who wrought out this perfect atonement through the shedding of his own blood.

    70 These are they whose bodies are celestial, whose glory is that of the sun, even the glory of God, the highest of all, whose glory the sun of the firmament is written of as being typical.

  7. The US form of national health care is administered by the states. It is called Medicaid. It is for those of lower income, young and old. This is taken from their website.

    Who Is Eligible for Medicaid?

    Many groups of people are covered by Medicaid. Even within these groups, though, certain requirements must be met. These may include your age, whether you are pregnant, disabled, blind, or aged; your income and resources (like bank accounts, real property, or other items that can be sold for cash); and whether you are a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted immigrant. The rules for counting your income and resources vary from state to state and from group to group. There are special rules for those who live in nursing homes and for disabled children living at home.

    Your child may be eligible for coverage if he or she is a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted immigrant, even if you are not (however, there is a 5-year limit that applies to lawful permanent residents). Eligibility for children is based on the child's status, not the parent's. Also, if someone else's child lives with you, the child may be eligible even if you are not because your income and resources will not count for the child.

    In general, you should apply for Medicaid if your income is low and you match one of the descriptions below. (Even if you are not sure whether you qualify, if you or someone in your family needs health care, you should apply for Medicaid and have a qualified caseworker in your state evaluate your situation.)

    Pregnant Women

    Apply for Medicaid if you think you are pregnant. You may be eligible if you are married or single. If you are on Medicaid when your child is born, both you and your child will be covered.

    Children and Teenagers

    Apply for Medicaid if you are the parent or guardian of a child who is 18 years old or younger and your family's income is low, or if your child is sick enough to need nursing home care, but could stay home with good quality care at home. If you are a teenager living on your own, the state may allow you to apply for Medicaid on your own behalf or any adult may apply for you. Many states also cover children up to age 21.

    Person who is Aged, Blind, and/or Disabled

    Apply if you are aged (65 years old or older), blind, or disabled and have low income and few resources. Apply if you are terminally ill and want to receive hospice services. Apply if you are aged, blind, or disabled; live in a nursing home; and have low income and limited resources. Apply if you are aged, blind, or disabled and need nursing home care, but can stay at home with special community care services. Apply if you are eligible for Medicare and have low income and limited resources.

    Some Other Situations

    Apply if you are leaving welfare and need health coverage. Apply if you are a family with children under 18 and have very low income and few resources. (You do not need to be receiving a welfare check.) Apply if you have very high medical bills, which you cannot pay (and you are pregnant, under 18 or over 65, blind, or disabled).

    The following websites provide Screening Tools to help you see if you may be eligible for a variety of governmental programs: and

  8. Jason, No insult taken. I am just a simple guy. I know what the basics are and what is required to get the job done. What we will be doing there or wherever is not a concern for me. I know that there are others that spend a lifetime worrying about it and are not kind to their fellowman and will be told depart I knew you not.

    I try to live my life so that what I believe to be knowledge will be carried out when I die. If I error on the side of being conservative in the way I live and am wrong I still have lived a good life and left it a better place for my having been here.

    I do not spend time worrying about whre Kolob is. What will be the state of the Holy Ghost after this world has fulfilled it reason for being. Will the earth be like a star and a glass ball after the rebirth. I work more on living the two great commandments. Love the Lord and love my fellowman.

    Call me weak call me simple minded but there are things I don't know and for now feel that they are not necessary to know and walk by faith.

  9. I have read before that there is the ability of those in the Celestial Kingdom to visit other kingdoms but that most would not just to visit. Would not want to leave Heavenly Father's presence. I also think that those in the Celestial Kingdom are in one place but with various abilities able to communicate with all in that kingdom but able to do different things.

    Those are my thoughts. At the same time more importantly I know that these are not the things to worry about as much as just being worthy to be in the Celestial Kingdom.

  10. Tammy,

    I did not see all that in earlier posts. My daughter was married and in an abusive relationship. We supported her to get out of it. She moved to be near us and has put some of her life back together during that time. If she is in an abusive relationship then she is the one that is going to have to fix it by getting out.

    From earlier posts all I was able to see what that she was with a guy who was 20 years older and living together and that is what you didn't like.

    Just sharing with you what I was able to understand from earlier posts.

  11. I have a daughter that has a live in boyfriend. While I don't agree with the living arrangement I love my daughter and want her to be happy. They are invited to our Thanksgiving. I am flying them to my oldest daughters house for Thanksgiving with the family. Out of respect for the parents, my wife and I, my two married daughters are sharing a room at daughters house and my son and my daughters boyfriend are sleeping on the couches. My daughter and her boyfriend do not sleep over at our house.

    Some day we hope that they will marry and he will want to learn about the church where her parents attend that did not turn their backs on her or shun him because they lived together.

    I have always been taught to love the sinner and hate the sin. I love my daughter and the man that makes her happy. I don't like the living arrangement but know that I will never have an opportunity to talk or teach him about the gospel if I turn away from them now.

    It is a good thing that the perfect are not the only ones allowed in church or it would be an empty building.

  12. I think that our definition of what we call saved and what many born again Christians consider saved are different.

    We believe that all are saved from that as in Adam all men died a spiritual and was subject to mortal death so in Christ all shall be made alive. We believe that with the resurrection of Jesus Christ all that have been born of mortal existence will be resurrected.

    We also believe that the saved that is important and that it takes some effort on our part is the ability to be able to dwell in the presence of God is the one that requires baptism, Holy Ghost by laying on of hands, endowment in the temple. Those are the requirements to end the Celestial Kingdom. As I understand it.

  13. It is interesting of all the evidence that has been supposedly found showing how bad Joseph Smith was and that he plagarized the Book of Mormon and his writings of the records found in the mummy that are the Book of Abraham. All that being false as so many claim and yet there is no real proof. If it were so the church would be destroyed.

    Those who oppose the church will always exist and claims false or otherwise will always exist but the truth will go on.

    Why can't we all just get along and the day will come when those who doubt or don't know will know the Lord. :)

  14. Jason, lets see if I can answer your questions from the earlier quotes.

    Must be sealed as husband and wife to obtain highest degree of Celestial Kingdom.

    Highest degree of Celestial Kingdom will be those who will be as God and will have ability to create own worlds, plural. Populate them and continue to progress, or as some have said in other forums evolve.

    If you are not sealed that will not be the case. You can inherit the Celestial Kingdom and as I understand it will help Heavenly Father and, I don't know, perhaps those who do obtain the highest level of Celestial Kingdom.

    I don't know it all but want to do all I can to be found worthy of that place and will worry about mechanics and particulars when I get there.

    I have always felt that after all I believe and say I know if I error I error on the side of being a good person. Always have felt that it is better to error on the good person side and doing good than do evil and be found lacking in the end.

  15. I think a ring ceremony and words about what went on that day or another day when the couple were sealed would be appropriate. Something very simple. At the reception or something like that.

    In the temple for a temple sealing/wedding. The exchanging of rings is done after the sealing is complete. It is not part of the sealing/wedding process. It is something I have seen done but not across the alter of the temple but while they are standing next to each other as husband and wife. Should not include words of betrothal or things like that.

    I have a problem with all the fancy and wasteful exensive of a big fancy wedding and or reception after such a simple wedding ceremony. I have seen brides with dresses that cost enough to feed a small country for a week. :) Just kidding but probably not to far from the truth.

  16. Mosiah Chapter 27 verses

    24 For, said he, I have repented of my sins, and have been redeemed of the Lord; behold I am born of the Spirit.

    25 And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and dfallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;

    26 And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.

    Alma 5: 14

    14 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?

    Based on that I would say that I believe that I am born again.

  17. I was doing some reading on another topic for a post in ldstalk and came across these comments. They are found on the website under study topics on the main page under Marriage and Family and the importance and the talk is Marriage in the Lords Way part 2 by Elder Cree- L Kofford

    "What about Nonmember Parents or Relatives?

    Kerstyn, you have expressed concern about the nonmembers in your family. One of the greatest emotional pressures on brides or grooms is when parents or other close relatives are not members of the Church. They generally don’t understand what’s going on, nor do they have any appreciation for it. In the case of parents, their whole lives have been lived in anticipation of the time when they would see their son or daughter married in the only kind of marriage with which they have any familiarity. So when you announce to them that you are going to the temple and they cannot attend, they naturally feel a great loss and a great exclusion. What do you do? How do you handle it? The answers are probably as different as the various kinds of individuals involved, but here are a few ideas that might help:

    1. First, be very understanding of their feelings, and, as much as possible, help them comprehend what’s going to occur and why they can’t be with you. Some of the thoughts I have already expressed may be of some help in accomplishing this objective.

    2. Even as you do that, however, I would not do it in a tone of apology but in great love. You need not be apologetic about God’s ways. You should, however, be empathetic and understanding of their emotions.

    3. Try to make them feel as much a part of what’s going on that day as you can. Invite them to come to the temple, and arrange for someone to be with them while you are in the temple. It’s possible they might like to go through the visitors’ center, if available, or do any of a number of other activities available, including just enjoying the beautiful grounds that surround the temple. As you leave the temple for pictures and other activities, you can rejoin your relatives and involve them in all that’s going on.

    You may want to arrange with your bishop to hold a meeting for those who don’t have temple recommends. This meeting could include prayer, music, and remarks by a priesthood holder, but it should not include a ceremony or the exchange of vows.

    Over the years, I’ve seen such activities a number of times, and when they were handled properly I have never yet seen a nonmember or less-active member take offense. If they know how much this temple ordinance means to you, they will give you the support you desire.

    4. The Brethren counsel Church members not to perform a marriage ceremony following the temple sealing. Occasionally, you’ll find a young couple who will want to do a mock ceremony “so my mother won’t feel left out.” But that makes a mockery out of your temple sealing. It will impact all that happens to you in the temple. You will not enjoy the same level of spiritual involvement and spiritual enlightenment you would otherwise have received. And you will find that you do not satisfy those not able to attend the temple ceremony. Your bishop will be happy to discuss with you those kinds of activities which would be appropriate following the temple sealing."

    I feel the same way