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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. All forums are to be contention free unless someone wants to post in the Open Forum. The other forums, other than Open, are available to young people to read and post to as well. I can't imagine a 12 or 13 year old reading some of the posts I have read and petty bickering and think that they would like to be a part of LDSTalk or have anything to do with it.

  2. This is the one thing I don't like about posting in forums and I try to show with emoticons but it just doesn't seem to come through. I agree Outshined I think that PC's post was funny and your laughing guys too. I created the forum so that postings of a JBS would be centrally located if someone wants to read one and or offer rebuttal. That will help keep from getting off track with the other forums. Or so I thought. :)

    Now that is funny too. The Dylan song.

  3. I am confused. I thought that John Birch Society was a strong Christian Right organization with a focus on Communists attempting to take over everything in the US including the Presidency, etc. I see no reason for an anti- Mormon forum since that is not supposed to happen her. Anti-Mormon I am referring to are those that are not open to any discussion whatsoever. Those types of posters are soon eliminated from the site. Being non LDS does not make someone Anti-Mormon. Not believing in organized religion does not make someone Anti-Mormon.

    OK back on track. This forum was created to those who have posts both Pro and Con regarding John Birch Society to post. Have at it and keep it on track or I will delete the forum.

  4. America is comprised of two continents, North and South America. Americas is from the tip of Argentina and Chile to the top of Canada, Northern Territories and Alaska. The Americas was the land referred to, I believe, by the Prophets of the Americas, New World. A good thing that they didn't live in order or there would have been a New World Order even then. :) Said jokingly so that there is no misunderstanding.

  5. Have we seen a source other than to say Google. Google is a search engine. You can find all kinds of facts, fiction and outright lies by doing a google search.

    How about something like: "President Bush belongs to a secret society. They plan on creating a New World Order. Satan will rule and control this New World Order. They will all want to put the Mark of the Beast on us all. That is what debit cards are about." My Grandmother.

    This is a true quote but not factual. My grandmother was a devout pentecostal woman and we were going to hell if we allowed someone to stamp our hands going to the movie. Mark of the Beast and all.

  6. I was thinking more along the line of the US trained and hired the terrorists to attack the towers on 9/11 so that we could attack Iraq. Or that it was the Israelis so we could attack the Middle East.

    Or the JFK murder was done because he was Catholic.

    Aliens in Area 51. Oh wait that was proven in ID4

    And many others

  7. Aristotle, I was just asking for a reference to the statement you made that the Jews had done damage to their own buildings to obtain sympathy or laws or to turn sentiment to them as persecuted.

    Without any real proof I feel that a statement like that goes right in there with the ones made that it was the US or the Jews who pulled off the terrorist plane attacks on 9/11 so that we would attack the Muslims and take over the oil rich countries of the Middle East.

    Those are my thoughts.

  8. I would agree that the above discussion is hearsay to say the least. I don't know if I would classify it as gossip, no intention to do someone wrong, but definately hearsay.

    When it can be found written in someones journal, someone that was there not heard a story then it would have more validity.

    Let's please stop the personal attacks on one another about who is a gossip and who is not. It does not add to the forum.

    Thank you