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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. Not sure why having a food storage would be a morbid thing. I have been a boy scout since I was a kid. We were always taught to be prepared. The Scout motto. I think having a a food storage is part of being prepared. We should also have cash reserves and I try never to have my gas tank below half full.


  2. Your friend was being picky. If you purchased or rented the DVD then it is yours for using. If you are charging admission to see it then it is wrong.

    Here in Las Vegas the sports books and other places are not able to show on big screens the Super Bowl where they charge to get in with food and drinks. It is perceived as being charged also to see the game.

    I say invite your friends. Have them bring a few things if they would like or you can buy it all. Have fun watching the movie.

    I have thought of using the work video projector and just projecting it on the wall. My own version of a big screen tv. :)


  3. Heather,

    I agree with the way you put it. For individuals and companies. Making a copy of personally purchased music for backup is not wrong. Making copies of cds for all your friends that like it is. Puting the MP3 online so others can copy is assisting someone else in stealing.

    For the others it is not being sued that worries me or keeps me from downloading. I believe that it is wrong.

    Making a copy of your purchased VHS tapes to DVD to preserve them is not copyright violation.


  4. While countries may have laws limiting powers or abilities it does not change what is morally right or wrong. Most countries do have copyright infringement laws but much bigger things to deal with, like feeding their people, so who cares is the attitude.

    I know copyright infringement, burning and selling copies of MS Pro, for an example, was a point discussed with Bill Gates and President of China when he recently visited US.

    I am all for honest wage or hard earned but not by stealing someone elses eggs, or ideas, and selling them for less. In the case of music stealing it and then using it.


  5. Seems to me that the idea of what is right or wrong is way off base here. Some need a law to help them determine what is morally wrong? Since the first records I purchased it was wrong and a copyright infringement to take an old record, copy it to a cassette tape and sell it to others. It is not yours to sell, or even give away. Someone, the artist, the music company(who someone refered to as having ripped off the artist), the marketing company and everyone else involved spent time and money producing to make a profit. Are all records, tapes, CDs profitable for a music company, No.

    The is what is called intellectual property, I am not a lawyer by the way so I don't need to be corrected on this. Someone owns the right to make money from this recorded music, they have paid for the right to sell it. Copying it to a site where anyone can go down and download it and burn it to their own CD or as in many Asian countries burn it and sell ripoff copies is illegal.

    I other countries it is ok to have more than one wife, is it ok to move to that country if that is what you want to do?

    Something for nothing is wrong if someone else has worked hard for it. It is stealing.

    That is my not so humble opinion


  6. All temples have multiple dedications. The reason that local people, Mayor, City Council, School Board memebers are invited is that they are necessary usually to get approval for building the temple in the area. Not the school board but you know what I mean.

    Since it is in Sacramento and there are a lot of state officers, politicians there it would be wise and a good way to introduce the church to them.


  7. Shantress,

    Please contact my wife and tell her that I am in charge. I have not been able to get that through to her in 30 years of marriage.

    Truth be told it is by mutual agreement that things are decided in our home. Are we referring to church decisions or are we talking about household decisions?


  8. The tone and the personal attacks in this thread are to stop or the thread will be deleted and those who continue to make personal attacks on individuals on this site will be warned.

    While all are free to express a personal opinion that does not include attacks on individuals.

    I hope I have made myself clear.


  9. I buy the vegtables already dehydrated professionally. For near future use we have dehydrated before. It is good food. Bell Peppers, onions, tomato. But honestly it is much easier and in the long run if using an electric dehydrator probably less expensive.

    I have plenty of dutch ovens for cooking my food storage over an open flame. Also have stored about 300 lbs. of Kingsford briquets.


  10. I live in a very exclusive area of Las Vegas, far from the strip. We have priesthood patrols in our parking lot on Sunday due to the number of breakins to cars while we are in church. It is a magnet to those who want to take what is not theirs.

    We also require two priesthood brethren in the building any time the sisters are there. Not because they can't be in the building but for their personal protection. It is at the sisters request not the Bishops insistence.


  11. Wow here I am saying it again. I agree with Jason. Not often I do but respect his opinion.

    If it was neighbors starve today and we starve next week because there is not food. I would do without for me. My family would be fed and those near me. Neighbors included, mostly the children. If it is the end of food, I don't believe that will happen but if it is then it is the end of this mortality anyway. So what. My storage includes seeds and other things. Don't eat the planting seeds. Rationing can make food last a whole lot longer than we are used to. I can't remember the last time I went to bed hungry. Even on Fast Sundays.

    With a legitimate food storage you can get by for much longer than one year if you use the standard one year storage amounts.

    One of the places I buy food storage items is

    Happy storing.


  12. This has been out there a long time. There are rumors that he is running and he has been traveling the country seeing what kind of a response he would get. There have been many articles and news reports with various ministers who have said they could support and others who have said they could or would not support. I think the majority could and would support him.

    I vote for those who best represent my wishes for the country. I do not vote based on sound bites or who is most handsome.

    Vote your conscience.


  13. Jason, the lower numbers of missionaries is based upon two things. One, as you mentioned, was the raising of the bar for what is acceptable behavior before missions that allow them to go. The second is the pure numbers. Families are smaller and the church is aware that the number of potential missionaries from a pure numbers standpoint is less and then the higher standard.

    I do know that they have found using better qualified missionaries has yielded better results that someone just spending their two years in the mission field and then going home just as they were before they left or worse off.

    My son had a missionary who when he arrived at the airport outside the mission home, before flying home, went and changed in to jeans and a tshirt and was already planning his inactivity in the church because he had already done his time. Sounds like he never should have been out there in the first place.


  14. I agree with Palerider. You are teaching and can use the partaking of the sacrament as a teaching experience. We partake of the sacrament to always remember the Lord. To remind us to keep his commandments.

    To me thinking that they don't need to partake of the sacrament would be like saying they do not need to attend church until 8 after they are baptized.


  15. We are a magnet for refugees from around the world. Those who come here legally I have no problem with. For those who wish to justify breaking immigration laws for a better opportunity would you justify also stealing someones car because you do not have one? How about robbing the bank because you have no cash.

    I cannot justify crime to get what I want and don't think anyone else should. Do we need a legal immigrant worker program, Yes.

  16. President Ezra Taft Benson gave a special fireside. In the fireside he said that it was important in the development of families that one of the parents be there at the crossroads of childrens lives. In the First Presidency's Proclamation on the Family. President Hinkley has said that is mans divinley appointed role to support his family.

    There is no doctrine that I am aware of that says women are to remain home barefoot and pregnant as asked by PC.


  17. I believe that Job, as written, had an understanding of the plan of salvation and the mortal loss of his family was not the end. Job later testifies that he knows after worms have destroyed his body even in the flesh he shall see God. Job knew and understood the resurrection.


  18. In the new member discussions? I don't believe that is taught in any of the LDS Standard Works or any of the teaching manuals in the church. Authors may have written about it. Authors even who are or were Apostles in modern times but that does not make it doctrine of the LDS Church. Just as Bishops of other denominations do not speak for the Catholic Church on gay marriage or abortion.

    I worship God, The Eternal Father. I recognize the sacrifice and atonement of His son, Jesus Christ and know that only by him comes salvation after all I can do.
