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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. Here I would say that it is mostly positive. You have to learn who you can or should listen to or not but that is your choice.

    I for one am a very positive person and anyone who knows me will tell you that. I consider every day that I wake up a good day and while I may have challenges during the day I still find good in the day.

    Life is to be enjoyed and I am the one who determines if I am going to enjoy it or not.

    Welcome and hope you enjoy visiting here.

  2. Well said TS and I do enjoy discussing politics. I find that many do not explore the issues and make their statements based on a sound bite or brief news item and not the facts or as many facts that are available to make an informed decision.

    I heard the other day some saying that they voted for Bill Clinton because they thought he was cute.

  3. Lets all go back to bicycles. They were ready to blast on to the marketplace at the turn of the 20th century and then Ford started mass producing cars. Ok so we do away with cars, guns, knives and we will be back to bikes and stones.

    How about each person accepting personal responsibility for their actions and the consequences of those actions as well.

  4. Interesting Traveler. I had never thought of it that way or heard it talked about either. What you are saying is that the body mass of an earthly dinosaur based on todays gravity would not have allowed it to move around or support itself. Could this have been the cause of the death of the dinosaurs? The change in gravity on earth? Interesting.

  5. I found the site entertaining to say the least.

    Nothing to rock my faith or to make me think that aliens, ET helped God populate Earth.

    Has anyone seen the movie Capricorn One. My dad thought that to be true. Doesn't think we have been to the moon.

  6. In our judicial system a person can be convicted or set free based on the witness of a few. I am not sure why people can not be convinced based on the witness of many that Jesus did what he did and others that followed after him have done what is said they did.

    All members of a jury do not have to be at the scene of the crime to convict or aquit.

  7. I understand the point. As said earlier it appears that a personal appearance did not do any good to convert all in the old world or in the Americas, as the Mormons claim, since they both eventually rejected him. In the old world those he came to were the cause of his death if we believe the recorded writings from that time.

    I for one am willing to believe the witness of many or a few. As long as it wasn't a bunch of drunks that saw a green alien after leaving the bar at 3 am.

  8. As you become more informed you will find that where they were is a nice neighborhood. Avg income in neighborhood is 50K plus. Lots of homeowners in the area.

    A tragic example of in the wrong place wrong time. An attempted murder was happening and they came around the corner and witnessed it. Attacker turned the gun on witnesses. Man being shot at left the area and shooter too.

    Mission Presidents tell the missionaries where they can work and the bad neighborhoods they are told to be out of by certain times or not to go there. That doesn't keep 19-21 year olds from thinking that they know better. That did not happen in this case. Happened very much like being in a bank while it was being robbed and getting shot.

    They were not in a bad place but bad guys were there.

    That does not make it any less tragic. I am sure that the Mission President and his wife feel almost as bad as the parents. They are like foster parents to these missionaries. After over 30 years I am still on contact with my Mission President and his wife.

  9. Oh then where would the faith be? If we could all see and witness Christ in person as if one man talking to another there would be no requirement of faith and all would believe.

    Oh wait he did come to earth and performed mighty miracles and there were few who believed.

    Guess that won't work either.

  10. PC, a friend of mine discussed the same idea with me. He said, and I will have to get back with him for his reference.

    His theory is that fallen spirits, those that had followed Satan in rebellion, had taken over bodies of men. We know that possible by those recorded in NT as being possessed. Example the spirits that were cast from the man and in to the swine. The evil spirits recognized the Savior due to recollection of pre-existence an preferred a body of a swine than none at all.

    Spirits had taken over human forms and was so common that God chose to destroy almost all mankind to wipe them out.

    My viewpoint has always been. "Is this knowledge essential to my salvation" No so I don't worry about it but interesting speculation.

  11. I think posts like this are not in line with the rules of the site and will insist that they cease to be posted. You can post a link if someone wants to go and read it but do not post it page by page here. If you continue to do so your ability to post here will be discontinued.


  12. Amazon for the book. I would not pay 50% extra for LDS purchase.

    Price being the same or close I would do business with an LDS businessman.

    It is a matter of trust but just being LDS does not make a person trustworthy.

    I have two returned missionary ex- son in laws. One wouldn't get a job and the other was physically abusive to my daughter. Good thing I have self control.

  13. I have never read or heard the brethren say that there should be no reception.

    What they do say is that a ceremony after the temple ceremony is a mockery of the temple ceremony to satisfy those who could not attend the temple.

    General Authorities children and grandchildren have wedding receptions.

    I agree the temple ceremony should be kept simple. Temple matrons say the worst person to deal with in a temple wedding is no the bride but the brides mother. Also dealing with inappropriate dresses to wear in the temple.

  14. I agree with you John Doe. Living prophets voice is the one we should follow. That is the idea of ongoing revelation and purpose of a living oracle on the earth and not having to find it in ancient writings.

    I believe it was President Harold B. Lee that said once. "Why is it that they prefer to listend to the dead prophets and not the living one?"

  15. You are correct that the Apostles did not call and ordain many after the time of Christ. As I have studied it they went on their way and went about preaching and organizing the church as established by Christ and as taught to them by Christ.

    As often happens when anything new is taught if not refreshed and reviewed on a regular basis it is easy to fall back to the old ways and to old habits. This is what I believe happened with the church as established by Christ. LDS are not the only ones that believe that church has strayed from the original form established by Christ but the only one that teaches that it was necessary for a restoration of all things.

    John Wesley and Martin Luther were looking for that restoration of all things but never claimed to have had it happen or experienced it. They were looking for it.

  16. Christos,

    I am short on time but would like to discuss this further in the forum at a little later date. Maybe even tonight.

    I don't believe that Heavenly Father deserted mankind but mankind rejected his son and turned from him.

    What Christ offered in his birth and death went beyond the immediate to the eternal. An eternal plan is long reaching and not just for the moment, a few years or even mortality.

    I will discuss further in the future.

  17. Here is what a leader of the church has said about following the living prophet.

    Ezra Taft Benson, “Listen to a Prophet’s Voice,” Ensign, Jan. 1973

    While we have the scriptures to learn from I will listen to the words of a living prophet.

    If we do not listen to them, why have them?

  18. It sure is good to know that all news read in the press is correct and that no mistakes are ever made. It allows me to sleep easier at night knowing I can trust everything I read in the press and online. Phew.

    How about a mistake was made in labeling or shipping. Most items given by LDS church are sent to other charitable organizations for distribution.

    Also medical supplies that expire by US standards are used all over the world. I have several friends who are surgeons who travel to Latin America to operate once a year and they say that the standards they work under in other parts of the world are so far below what we would not accept in the US but the work gets done.

    There are LDS service and English teaching missionaries in China and have been for years.