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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. This sounds like the same group that brags about making the 3 hour drive to the temple in 2 1/2 hours. How about that article of faith about obeying the laws of the land. That includes traffic laws.

    Wreckless drivers do not only endanger themselves but all who travel on the roads. I know this was done in fun but I have picked up enough broken bodies and discussed with enough parents why their children won't be coming home. :(


  2. Since I have never been to Europe I have no experience on how Europeans live their religion, Christian or otherwise. What tires me is religious intolerance on all sides. Most muslims are not terrorists just like most Christians are not out destroying civilizations, not that they were doing it for the church in the first place, it was for the gold and land etc. Not for the church.

    If we were all a little more tolerant. I recall during my active time knocking on doors and preaching the gospel if someone said they had a church or were not interested we encouraged them to attend the church of their choice and we moved on.

  3. While I do not know it as doctrine I would agree somewhat with Snow. Many of the biblical things refer or seem to refer to the world known to them. Even up until 1492 the world was rather small in comparison to what we know of today.

    Often prophets speak of seeing the beginning of creation until its destruction but then they add that they are not able to disclose what they have seen. That may have been true of ancient prophets as well.

    Science too has changed as what was believed to be true by scientists and physicians has changed over the years. Thank goodness too. I am glad that we do not drill holes in skulls of living people or attach leechs anymore.

    I belived that prophets of old as well as 1800 prophets while they had an understanding of God's dealings with his people did not have all the understanding of the ages with them as far as science and how it was done in regards to physics, etc.

    I guess that is why I walk by faith. As much as I respect science it is not a perfect science.


  4. I read the above article with disbelief. Sounds like a muslim, even with a name like Stojgniev O’Donnell, who wants us to believe he is right.

    I have read of personal experiences by Americans visiting the Middle East where they all think we live like the old tv show Dallas or all the women are like Daisy Duke in Dukes of Hazzard. Yes there is an element of that in our society but there is a much larger group of people that struggle to make it every day. Some are farmers others mom and pop store owners. They may not live in dirt houses but work just as hard.

    I don't think that being willing to blow myself up so that I can be met by 70+ virgens when I get to heaven qualifies as a rational decision. I don't think anymore dedicated. I know many men, myself for one, that if it came down to it to preserve our freedoms we would die for it.


  5. This is not to criticize how you did it PC but was not having the govt paying or whom ever gave you the gift in the form of scholarship an increase to you? I know that in learning about tithing we encourage our children to tithe on gift money given them, birthday's, good grades, etc. Is it only that we are teaching or is it increase.


  6. Yes I clearly missed the point, since I didn't have all the information :)

    If you receive back more than you paid in. If only paid in 900 and gettting back 7000 then you do have an increase of 6100. Money that has not been tithed on if you tithe on your gross income.

    In my opinion it would be something tithing should be paid on.


  7. I believe you can claim a dependent child as long as they depend on you for 50% or more of their support. While in school you can claim tuition paid and as a dependent.

    If she is 18 and has no job, even if not in school she is a dependent.

    As far as the tithing issue I agree with PC it is your increase. I would add not your increase of your net worth. You don't tithe on the value of the increase of your house until it is realized. You also don't tithe to get a break if your investments are up or down unless you are selling them and realizing gains or losses.

    I think it is nitpicking to worry about Social Security. Only half of the premiums paid in each year are from your income. Should you include the 50% that is paid by your employer as income when it is paid in? Then you would have a higher basis when it is time to withdraw. I know I am going to just pay on my SS income as if it were all increase.

    Tithing on tax return? Do you tithe on net income or gross. If you tithe on net income based on your tax return then you should pay tithing on return. If you tithe based on your gross earnings on W-2 before any deductions then no that would be double tithing on your tax refund.


  8. Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.

    cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

    Good thing there is no spell checker here


  9. I am sure it has happened but I know of no one who has been looked down on for wearing a non white shirt to church. My good friend used to wear black shirt and black tie. to church with his sut, a la Regis, he was called the next week to be Bishop. Has been now for two years.


  10. In LDS terms a call to service by the spirit is not necessarily a calling in the church. We should act often, as moved upon by the Holy Ghost. That is to provide service as well as preach the gospel.

    I also feel that there are many non LDS that have felt a call to serve their fellowman in a service to the Lord. Their callings are true and just. I also believe that there are those in "The Ministry" that it is a great place for someone with charisma to bring dollars to their pockets nad not necessarily a calling from the Lord.

  11. With todays technology you should have it all put to DVD and then they can watch it on TV. Isn't that what most want anyway. Don't want to have to dig out those old things when we can watch them on tv.

    Heather has a company that for a very reasonable cost you can have pictures, articles etc burned to a DVD with the music of your choice etc. A great way to preserve and share memories. You can see her company when you come to LDSTalk. DVD Memories or something like that.

  12. Sounds like the story of Oprah's author Frey and the other one that was found out this week. All a bunch of liars but so many willing to believe a good story that it makes it hard for someone telling the truth to be heard.

    What was it my mom used to say. "Believe nothing you read and only half of what you see".


  13. PC,

    Along the line of discussing the need for some works after accepting Christ what is your understanding of John 3:5?

    We believe that the Lord requires that we be baptized in order to enter his kingdom. This baptism of water and as most Christians believe the baptism of Spirit.

    This is why we baptize for the living and the dead.

  14. PC,

    I agree with you on all I read there. I will admit that I read it quickly. True to accept Christ is what it takes to be saved but and it is a big but. If we do nothing with that have we truly accepted Christ? Would the true Christian pass by the beaten man as did the Priest and the Levite and only the Samaritan took the time.

    By their fruits ye shall know them. The day will come when many will claim to the Savior, we have cast out devils in thy name and he will say "I knew thee not"

    Works do not save but they are a demonstration of our faith.


  15. Sorry if my post was an inditement of all muslims. It was not intended to be that. In a country where millions reside and where they live all around the world there is limited rioting. It only takes a few of anything to make the news. It could be a few protesting peacefully, I don't think peaceful demonstrators make the news, or it could be a few burning cars and buildings, those make the news.

    It could be a few people getting naked and siting in the street for PETA or any other cause. They never represent a majority just a very vocal minority.

    I have several aquaintances that are muslim and they continue to go to their jobs and work and care for their families and are not out burning up cars or buildings.

    The vocal few are the ones that are heard not the silent majority. :)

  16. Does society think that the muslims are more devout because they will go out and destroy property and kill, murder, people for their religious belief or because of an offense of a charicature of their prophet but we, LDS, should show love for those who ridicule our temple worship and underclothes on the grounds or near the grounds of the temple.

    I am just thinking what it would look like as Gen Conf gets out and 30K LDS attacking the dozen or so people standing around yelling at them about their beliefs.

    I believe that most mainstream religious leaders preach tolerance and love. That includes Non Christian and Christian alike.

  17. Lionheart, while I would agree with your sentiment about the idea of a movie about two gay cowboys, I would not see it. I am curious about how many are many gays were unhappy? From what I have heard and read it was mostly the media that made a big thing about it and there was little or no support to oppose what Larry Miller did with the theaters that he owns. I doubt he gets gov't subsidies to run his movie theater business so I guess he can show what he wants unless he has a contract the requires that he run what they send him.

    I guess it is good to be able to do with your own property what you want and when you want as long as it doesn't harm others.