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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. I don't believe that it is necessary for someone to read the whole Book of Mormon to be baptized.

    I think that there are important parts that can be read and a testimony of the book can be obtained.

    I also believe that at times during the world there have been men who were prophets. They did not claim to lead a religious organization, they were just inspired men.

    I have read the Book of Mormon many times along with the Bible. I will continue to read them during the rest of my lifetime. Neither is a book that I would consider reading only once.

  2. Franken,

    Please share with us where that statistic came from. I think that is very high when you look at these statistics:


    Internet Pornography

    * Approximately 40 million people in the United States are sexually involved with the Internet

    Exposing Porn: Science, Religion, and the New Addiction, Paul Strand. Christian Broadcasting Network, 2004.

    * 2.5 billion emails per day are pornographic

    Pornography Statistics 2003. Family Safe Media., 2003.

    * 25 percent of all search engine requests are pornography related

    Internet Pornography Statistics: 2003, David C. Bissette, Psy.D., 2004.

    * Sex sites on the Web generate at least $1 billion per year in revenue

    Wall Street Meets Pornography. New York Times, 23 October, 2000.

    * 72 million Internet users visit pornography web sites per year

    Pornography Statistics 2003. Internet Filter Review., 2003.

    * 94 percent of Americans believe a ban on Internet pornography should be legal

    Statistics on Internet Pornography.

    * Nearly 1.4 million Americans are stalked online each year (4 out of 5 are women)

    Stalkers Online, Andrea Rock. Ladies’ Home Journal, March 2000.

    * Sex is the number 1 topic searched on the Internet

    Overdosing on Porn, Rebecca Hagelin., March, 2004.

    * 34 percent of churchgoing women said they have intentionally visited porn websites online

    Internet porn a guy thing? Not really, online rating service says, Mark O’Keefe. The Charlotte Observer.

    * Less than 10% of sexual solicitations and only 3% of unwanted exposure on the Internet were reported to authorities

    Online Victimization: A Report on the Nation’s Youth. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Crimes Against Children, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2000.

    * Out of 81 pastors surveyed (74 males 7 female), 98% were exposed to porn; 43% intentionally accessed a sexually explicit website

    National Coalition survey of pastors. Seattle. April 2000.

    * Porn site architects were among the first to perfect full-streaming video and audio on the Web and among the first to persuade apprehensive consumers to divulge credit card numbers to someone unknown to them on the Internet, which developed e-commerce

    The Architects of Porn. VARBusiness, 28 April 2000.

    * “82 percent of adult Americans surveyed in March 2004 said that the Federal laws against Internet obscenity should be vigorously enforced.”

    Americans STILL want federal obscenity laws enforced! The Morality in Media Newsletter, June, 2004.

    * At least 20,000 American adults visit Internet sex sites at least 11 hours per week

    Victims of Pornography Month Should Not Exist, Jan Larue. Christian Counseling Today, 2003 Vol. 11 No. 3.

    * The most common ways people have accidentally reached pornographic content on the Web are pop-up windows (55%), misrepresented links (52%), misspelled URLs (48%) and auto links within emails (23%)

    Fifty Percent of Workers Spend Nine days a Year on Personal Surfing at Work. Cerberian Inc. and SonicWALL, 20 July 2004.

    * While 77% of surveyed people said they thought their computers were well-protected, 4 out of 5 had spyware or adware programs running on their computers

    Home PCs not so safe? CNN Money, 25 October, 2004.

    * 15 percent of online porn habitués develop sexual behavior that disrupts their lives

    The Porn Factor, Pamela Paul. 19 January, 2004.

    * 75.5 percent of surveyed adults said it was okay to visit an adult web site, while 79.7% said it was okay for a significant other to reply to an unsolicited instant message or chat with a stranger of the opposite sex

    ‘My Wife doesn’t care’ if I fool around online, Leslie Miller. USA Today, 10 July, 2000.

    * According to Datamonitor, over half of all spending on the Internet is related to sexual activity. Each day 30 million people log on to pornographic Web sites

    Internet pornography statistics. Internet Filter Review, 2003.

    * In 2004, there were 372 million pornographic Web pages, 2.5 billion emails (8% of total emails), 100 thousand Web sites offering illegal child pornography, and 72 million annual worldwide visitors to pornographic websites

    Internet Pornography Statistics. Internet Filter Review, 2004.

    * 9.3 million women access adult websites each month

    Internet Pornography Statistics. Internet Filter Review, 2004.

    Here is the website this came from:

  3. I didn't vote because I am not sure it is black and white. I think a lot of good has been done in the name of Christianity and lots of bad has been done in the name of Christianity. Those trying to live a christ-like life have done much good.

    Some claiming to be Christian and subjugating others by the sword, by terror and my murder do not represent Christianity in action.

    I agree that Hitler was not a Christian man and the death of six million jews cannot be attributed to a Christian act.

    Outright slaughter by non Christian and pre-Christian peoples were great.

  4. I believe that if it was made legal by US Govt. then we would have to wait and see what the Lord says through his prophet.

    As I recall the membership doesn't have a vote. Also those asked to live the law were asked by the prophet. Not something that we volunteer for, as far as I know.

    I do know that there are a lot of worthy sisters that need worthy husbands and there is a lack of worthy husbands.

  5. Oh I thought the Book of Mormon challenge was the one laid down by President Hinkley in August that we read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. My wife has finished and I will finish by the end of next week.

    If that is the challenge you meant.

    The other challenge is for those that think Joseph Smith wrote the book himself and did not translate it.

  6. Here is a good site for those wanting to do some research.

    I have always felt if I wanted to know something about someone I would not ask their enemies about them but others that know them. Not necessarily their best friends but others that knew them.

    From this site you can study what has been researched and compare with other research out there.

    National Geographic has some great stuff on Central and South American ruin digs also.

    I don't believe that there will be anything discovered that will prove without a doubt that the Book of Mormon is true. If it were so then we would not have to have faith.

    Faith is the first principle of the gospel.

  7. I believe the death penalty is a crime deterrent. Executed killers do not commit more crimes. I also believe that there are a few people that balk at the idea of being executed and do not commit crimes that would qualify them for the death penalty.

    Yes we live in a violent society. Until the violent element is taken care of even violently they will exist and in some parts of the world rule. Example: Warlords in Afghanistan.

  8. TS, you are correct that Bishops are not trained counselors but the have the resources of the church in helping those in need. Especially their members.

    Bishop can also authorize use to fast offering funds to cover costs of LDS social services if he feels it is necessary.

    Mary must do something on her own to get out of where she is. It can't be done by someone else but must be done by her.

  9. I have conducted many of those recommend interviews and the question is:

    Do you obey the Word of Wisdom.

    Do you pay an honest tithe.

    The guide to asking the questions says to ask them just as they are. You are not to add to them or to ask them to be defined by those in the interview. If the person being interviewed asks what does it mean then Bishop can explain as he sees it.

    The opportunity is for the person being interviewed to answer the questions. They are yes and no questions. They don't ask for a testimony to be given or any explanations to be given.

    That is how I understand it.

  10. Folks, how is she going to go and get counseling if she can't leave the house without her mother calling the police on her 50+ daughter. She needs to stand up to her mother and tell her to get stuffed and move out. But how does she move out without a job? How does she get a job if she can't leave the house.

    Since she is the youngest of three maybe her mother is much older than 70. I don't see a way out until her mom is no longer around.

  11. I don't know where it is taught in Gospel Essentials or Gospel Doctrine or any other, what I would call, approved material that it is tannic acid that we do not drink hot drinks.

    I think for those that wish to live the Word of Wisdom to the best of their ability they should follow the prophet. For those that want to live by the letter of the law then it is defined as coffee and tea as far as hot drinks, includes Iced Tea, and alcohol and tobacco, smoked or chewed would be considered violations of the Word of Wisdom.

    All things in moderation and in their time and season.

    I like the saying "I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves" We should not have to be commanded in all things.

  12. popahe,

    I am looking forward to hearing more posts about how a 50 yr old man can't leave the house without his mother calling the police and how she has undercut every job you have tried to have.

    If you have never had a job what are you going to be able to do when she is no longer on the earth?

    Would you like fries with that?

    Did you have to get her permission to go online too?

  13. The House by the Side of the Road

    THERE are hermit souls that live withdrawn

    In the place of their self-content;

    There are souls like stars, that dwell apart,

    In a fellowless firmament;

    There are pioneer souls that blaze the paths

    Where highways never ran-

    But let me live by the side of the road

    And be a friend to man.

    Let me live in a house by the side of the road

    Where the race of men go by-

    The men who are good and the men who are bad,

    As good and as bad as I.

    I would not sit in the scorner's seat

    Nor hurl the cynic's ban-

    Let me live in a house by the side of the road

    And be a friend to man.

    I see from my house by the side of the road

    By the side of the highway of life,

    The men who press with the ardor of hope,

    The men who are faint with the strife,

    But I turn not away from their smiles and tears,

    Both parts of an infinite plan-

    Let me live in a house by the side of the road

    And be a friend to man.

    I know there are brook-gladdened meadows ahead,

    And mountains of wearisome height;

    That the road passes on through the long afternoon

    And stretches away to the night.

    And still I rejoice when the travelers rejoice

    And weep with the strangers that moan,

    Nor live in my house by the side of the road

    Like a man who dwells alone.

    Let me live in my house by the side of the road,

    Where the race of men go by-

    They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong,

    Wise, foolish - so am I.

    Then why should I sit in the scorner's seat,

    Or hurl the cynic's ban?

    Let me live in my house by the side of the road

    And be a friend to man.

    Sam Walter Foss

  14. PC, I think that Christmas time helps those that don't always do charitable or Christlike things to be reminded to do them. I thing that there are others that attempt to do Christlike actions on a daily basis.

    I try to be Christlike in my daily dealings with my fellowman but can even increase my own Christlike ways and use it as a time to reflect on what I have done during the year to live a Christ centered life.

    To the majority of the world there is no Christmas. When you factor in the number of asian countries that do not believe in Christ add to that the Muslim countries and other non-believers and it is a minority of the world that believes in Christ and in Christmas. The rest it is a holiday of cheer and end of a year. Not sure how much cheer there is in places where they wonder if they will get a scoop of rice or mush to eat on Christmas.

    I enjoy the holiday and the spirit that it is intended to generate.

    For me the greater celebration is Easter and the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. While his being born was a great start it was his resurrection that will bring us from the grave.

  15. Son of Paul,

    I am curious which of the above mentioned texts best serves your purposes? We believe the Bible to be the word of God as long as it is translated correctly. In general publication the KJV is the most commonly used of the bible.

    Just curious which one you use.