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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. Here is a list of resources that I consider using when preparing a lesson or a talk.

    The chart below shows the curriculum materials to be used by the Melchizedek Priesthood.

    1st Sunday

    Instruction from Church-approved resources, including:

    The Scriptures

    Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2: Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders (35209), especially sections 1, 7, 8, 9, and 16

    Priesthood and Auxiliary Leaders' Guidebook (31178)

    Church magazines or the monthly First Presidency Message

    Family Guidebook (31180)

    Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood, Part A (31111)

    Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood, Part B (31112)

    Gospel Principles (31110) or Gospel Fundamentals (31129)

    A Member’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work (34697)

    2nd & 3rd Sundays Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay

    4th Sunday Teachings for Our Time (see November Ensign or Liahona)

    5th Sunday Topics and resources determined by the bishopric or branch presidency

    You will notice that it does not include Mormon Doctrine, Journal of Discourses, books by Hugh Nibley, Cleon Skousen. I read them. I enjoy some of the insight they provide but do not use them as a teaching tool. We are to couch our teaching in the scriptures and in the church approved curriculum.

  2. SF, now that you have clarified what you mean by fear. I thought we were talking scary movies here.

    I have no fear of what is going on in the world. If you are prepared you shall not fear. There are things going on right in our own towns that would make us shudder if all we did was sit around and worry about things we have no control over.

    With a solid belief and understanding of the Plan of Salvation I am ready for when the time comes to move on to the next step. I will not hasten the day but am ready for it when it comes.

    Be prepared and there is nothing to fear. True of spiritual things and temporal things as well.

  3. Maybe I should clarify what I have said also. This is when you are performing an ordinance not in your ward of record. In your home ward your Bishop should know if you are authorized to perform an ordinance in his ward or not and each Bishop or Branch President is responsible for what goes on in his ward. It is his stewardship

  4. There is enough real garbage in the world that I don't have to watch a movie or read a book that if full of demons or gore.

    As a former police officer I have seen enough blood and gore and what I consider evil and I believe in evil spirits so I don't invite them in to my house via the media of books, movies, etc. That is how I deal with it.

  5. There is a special recommend booklet that is used for members traveling that wish to perform a baptism, bless a baby or other ordinance as the one doing the ordinance. There is no actual requirement for those participating. The assumption is the person performing the ordinance has invited people that he believes to be worthy to stand in with him.

  6. I am not unclear on who my granddaughter would hopefully be sealed to. Hopefully to her husband in the temple. My point I was trying to make is that while it is true we believe that families are forever and we have families sealed together it is the marriage partners that are sealed for time and all eternity. My daughters to their husbands and my son to his wife and my wife and I to each other. My son is not to be sealed to me or my daughters. While we are part of an eternal family it is spouses that are sealed to each other and that is the partnership that matters.

  7. Here is some food for thought along the lines you are discussing here. True that families are forever and when born under the covenant or sealed to ones parents you are of that family as a family forever. When a woman marries she is then sealed to her husband. She is a part of that family under the Patriarchal Order. We had that issue come up when my daughter divorced and she was worried about who her daughter would be sealed to in the life after this. Answer: her husband, hopefully.

  8. Handbook of instructions says that it is Bishop or Branch Presidents responsibility to make sure those participating in priesthood ordinances. Baby blessings is a recorded event. Not an ordinance such as baptism or confirmation. All who participate are to be worthy priesthood holders. No requirement to hold a recommend. Handbook does say that a letter if performing in a visiting ward. Only person performing the blessing is the one they worry about worthiness. I have performed baptisms, confirmations and blessings in wards other than my own and in the privacy of the Bishop's office shown him my temple recommend to show that I have been found worthy by my Bishop and Stake President. I have also signed my own recommend. As I am sure PaleRider has. :)

  9. OK lets reverse roles here for a minute. Not sure the purpose it would serve but lets try.

    Woman is now the main income source. She can provide for 5 husbands. They can all stay home and cook, clean, care for and educate the children and on a rotating basis go on hunting and fishing trips. Only problem is we haven't found a way for the men to give birth. Oh heck for the sake of argument lets have this family adopt all the unwanted births or abused children of drug parents. Then this type of polygamy would work.

    Hey I will volunteer first to be the fishing and hunting husband. The rest of you can change the dirty diapers. :)

  10. Prophets have often said that their writings are their own and not the word of the Lord.

    President Kimball said that his book "The Miracle of Forgiveness", was written before he was a prophet. He said that it was his opinion. Said that after he was the prophet it was still his opinion and not the will of the Lord or the mind of the Lord.

    Modern day prophets have said that if we want to know the mind of the Lord to pay attention to their conference addresses. It is there that they tell us what the Lord would say if he were standing there.

    I believe it was David O. McKay who asked why are they so willing to listen to the dead prophets and not the living.

  11. Those who believe in the Garden of Eden, please tell me how long you think it lasted? How long were Adam and Eve in the garden. I believe that it could have been a long time in the way we look at years. 1,000 or 10,000 years. I don't know and am curious if someone has read anything that gives any indication. It doesn't matter in my eternal progression just curious.

  12. I believe that elections are fair. I don't believe that many of the people who vote have a clue what they are voting for why. There are a number of voters out there that just vote across party lines. Others that vote because their candidate promises that health care for all will be provided by the government or some other crazy idea.

    I am not wealthy, I pay taxes, lots of them and I believe it is my right, no my obligation to be an informed voter. I also believe that those who do not take the time to get out and vote because they just don't have the time or don't want to be on the governments records have nothing to complain about. They get just what they vote for, nothing.

    Sure they can complain, Freedom of Speech, I just won't listen since they do not wish to take part in the process. Many have died and given all so that we can live in a free country and participate in the election process. Think for yourself. Learn about the candidates and the issues being voted on. Look at their record. If you don't like it don't vote for them. If the majority vote for someone other than your candidate that is the election process here in the US. Yes I do know about the electoral college. Only applies in presidential elections. I for one would be willing to do away with it and have it be a popular vote but that is not the way it is setup currently so live with it or change it be peaceful means.

    I also support our leaders in dethroning despot rulers. I don't think we have done enough in the past at the same time I realize that getting rid of one despot in many parts of the world just creates a vacuum where another appears and we can't rule the world. Unfortunately it only takes a few wicked people to rule a country by force and they are hard to overthrow for another to take their place. In many countries right is might or might is right I guess. If you have the power you are the one that is right but I can't imagine the slaughter of your own people, half a million or more as something that is right.

    I also think that those who want to pick one item, flu for example, should try to get more facts than just a news article. News stories are sensationalism at its worst. Many news stories should be re-canted after they air for being so full of garbage that not worth the time to watch or read. Saying that I read about 20 newspapers from all sides a day. Lots of garbage to sift through.

    Man that was lot said.

  13. ApostleKnight,

    I agree with you that in order to be a special witness the Apostles have received a special witness of Jesus Christ. I also agree that it would be useless for them to testify that they had seen Christ and what would it do. Would it make those that are on the fence believe? I think not.

    I believe that they do see in order to be a special witness. I don't know that but I believe it.

  14. ApostleKnight,

    You are right that I would not try to convince anyone to pay less. As some said later in the post tithing above tithing is a donation but my favorite thought on it all is in the words of King Benjamin. If we could all feel as King Benjamin did then the world would be a better place.

    For those of you here who do not believe in King Benjamin or Book of Mormon that is your choice and lets leave it at that. What I say regarding this is for those who have ears to hear. Again my opinion and to me my opinion counts. May not to many others but to me it does. :)

  15. I think that those that sleep with various partners and take no responsibility for their actions or better said the results of their actions are worse than those who would take on the responsibility. As said earlier in another post. "Society would be ok with me living with a bunch of women and having relations with them and having the govt. provide for my offspring but I had better not be married to all their mothers or that is a crime and I could go to prison for it" Boy do I think that the standards are screwed up.

    I am not hear to promote polygamy just some common sense. To bad we can't legislate common sense.

  16. ApostleKnight, I hope you understand that I am not arguing with you but just working out the mechanics of this with you. I think you have it right in that it is better to over tithe than to under tithe in any case.

    My thought would be that if you tithed on the money that you bought the building with then you would tithe on the increase of that money at the sale of the building but not tithe again on money that you had tithed on before buying the building. That would be double tithing. I am sure you would be blessed for it but the Lord does not ask for us to do more than he asks he only asks us to do what is asked.


  17. ApostleKnight,

    That is the great thing about the Law of Tithing it is each individuals decision and I applaud you on how you live it.

    Another example. I have worked hard and earned money to buy a building with money that I have tithed on. Building is to store inventory for my business. Ten years later I sell my business. I make money on the sale of the building. Do you tithe the sale price of the building or the sale price after taking out the money you already tithed on when you purchased the building?

  18. Business owner and tithing. This is the question as it is asked when you go to tithing settlement. "Do you pay a full tithe?" Not how much do you pay. Is it gross or net, etc.

    To use ApostleKnight's example. Products to make your business more successful would be considered part of the cost of doing business and inventory. What he paid for it so that his business would be more successful and he would make more money would not be tithed but the money he made from greater productivity would be. When the equiptment is sold if he made money over what he paid for equiptment would be tithed.

    Another example: I buy a common stock at $10 a share and buy 1,000 shares. A year later I sell the stock for $20 a share. Gross gain is $10,000. Commission to trade the shares is $10 for each trade. Net gain is $9,980 dollars. That is my tithable amount. I do not pay tithe on the $20,000 that I sold the stock for since it cost me $10,000.

    That is how a business should look at it.

    I agree with the person that posted that tithing is paid on income before personal taxes, employee benefits, etc. If you did it after you could argue that you would pay them on what was left after all expenses since taxes, employee benefits etc are expenses.

  19. Boy I have avoided this one for a long time but decided to put my two cents worth in. First I do not condone plural marriage. I do not believe it should be practiced today and I know of no living prophet, President Gordon B. Hinkley, that endorses it.

    I find it amazing in a world that sees nothing wrong with men spawning multiple children by many different women. Men living with men as couples, women living with women as couples. Men having intimate relations (having s*x) with as many women as they want outside of marriage, women having intimate relations (having s*x) with as many men as they want outside of marriage. And yet they have a problem with a man taking on the responsibility of multiple wives and children.

    Before you go there I understand the scammers that have many wives and children to mooch off of welfare. That is true married to them or not.

    The world is an amazing place but can't we all just get along. :)