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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. Can we, imperfect beings, be perfect?

    and to the point being made. I don't know that we can come to an agreement On Heavenly Father-God, being perfect and the Son, whom we believe to be someone else, not Heavenly Father, to be perfect. I believe that Christ lived a perfect life, without sin, without blemish, able to be the perfect sacrifice.

    I do not believe that God-The Father, came down as Christ and allowed himself to be sacrificed and then went back up to heaven. Christ returned to the Father, Christ did not return to being the Father.

    Ben Raines

  2. About two months ago. :)

    Anyone with any questions should contact Josie here at She just completed a two year mission from home training the people who answer the phones with our questions regarding the newfamilysearch I doubt that there is anyone who knows more about it than she does.

    Ben Raines

  3. Having moved several times in my adult life I have always found people to be friendly where I attend church. Of course I too am very friendly with other people so receive their kindness in return.

    I go out of the way to introduce myself to people as I arrive at church. I arrive about 30 minutes before meeting begin, this allows me time to go around saying hi. If I were to arrive just as meetings begin there would be little time to visit.

    Good luck,

    Ben Raines

  4. The white handbooks says that they can give out a website like Wow.

    Last I knew the only access to the Internet was to send emails and those were to only to family. Parents and siblings. They are not to be emailing all their friends either. Last I knew.

    The white handbook is the same throughout the world for missionaries. It does not change from mission to mission. Mission Presidents can and do interpret it differently at times but the booklet is the same.

    Ben Raines

  5. I am a Laker fan going back more than 40 years. They were horrible last night. Sure a couple of bad foul calls on Artest but the team was horrible in their defense and overall playing.

    Ben Raines

  6. I served spanish speaking in Florida. Quite the melting pot from Mexico and Central and South America. What I have found after 35 years of speaking spanish as a result of serving a mission is that you get out of it what you put in it. Many of my friends served in Mexico and came back having had many native spanish speaking companions. I never had one.

    I spoke better spanish and speak even much better spanish now and most of them have forgotten how to speak.

    Apply yourself to serve the Lord and you will be blessed. In Florida I did not teach one lesson in english. I doubt the same will be true in Connecticut.

    Ben Raines

  7. Having been in many types of sales over 30 years there is something always available cheaper than the next guy. I have always tried to sell value not price. Someone can always make or sell something cheaper but after the cost of maintenance, repair, operating costs, etc. is it truly less expensive? In almost all cases it isn't.

    What was that old adage "Let the buyer beware".

    Ben Raines