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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. I read through this thread and a few things I either missed or haven't been discussed.

    1. If your husband was with a prostitute and several of them or several times he needs to be tested for STD.

    2. You too need to be tested if you have been intimate since he was with this woman at any time after he was with them.

    3. Do you have children?

    4. What country are you in?

    You may love him but he does not respect you. No man who loves or respects his wife is going to go and do what he has done. Pornography is powerful but there is something else that would cause a man to so soon leave his wife to be with a prostitute.

    Depending on his knowledge about the church and how much he really understands will determine what the results are of his church disciplinary council. Also depends on country in and what the culture of that country is.

    Ben Raines

  2. Hordak: funny but so true.

    Mine is people who drive with their head on the seat below their behinds. If you need to make a right hand turn then get in the right hand lane. If you are not go around the block or ahead and make a u turn. Don't cut in front of me. My list could go on and on but I spend 50,000 miles a year on the road.

    Turn signals on cars are something to use not to dangle all your cut little unused keychains on.


    Ben Raines

  3. 1. the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state; deterioration; decay: Some historians hold that the fall of Rome can be attributed to internal decadence. 2. moral degeneration or decay; turpitude. 3. unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence. 4. (often initial capital letterPosted Image) the decadent movement in literature.

  4. In Vegas try Brian's Beach. Fort Apache and Flamingo, I believe. South/West corner. They have all you can eat sushi for $27.00. Not the most expensive but very good for the price. I go there every time I am in Vegas, after living in Vegas for 8 years.

    Ben Raines

  5. It is not the missionary's rule, it is the guidance given by those who have been called to lead Christ's church. If you wish to follow Christ and his Church you know what you have been told. If you choose not that is your choice too.

    I have spent a lifetime trying to follow God's instruction to me and mankind and follow his revelations to me and to those who have been called to lead Christ's church.

    Good luck,

    Ben Raines