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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. If you are not going through Laughlin you have to cross over the Hoover Dam. Leave Flagstaff early in the morning and you will have tons of time to check out the dam. It is well worth the effort to go.


    The construction is going on south of the dam.

    The only thing that delays you is the inspection station, in place since 9/11

    The only other delay is all the tourists on the dam. If you are there early not a problem.

    It is the worst on weekends. During the week it is not bad at all.

    Ben Raines

  2. I have been a counselor many times and only president once. President was Branch President. As a counselor I always considered my job as one of providing council to the President.

    I have strong opinions and am a by the book type of person. After voicing my opinion or giving council the responsibility lies with the President but I have done my part to give counsel and then to support the decisions made.

    Good luck

    Ben Raines

  3. It is not just Mormons that live in Utah it is many of those who live in Utah that fit those stereotypes that have been mentioned. A lot of different things can be said about other people in other states too. I have visited many of the US states and find people distinct and different in each state. Too bad they can't all be like us Californians. :)

    Ben Raines

  4. It will be obvious to those girls involved that you are referring to them even though indirectly. Being the parent of the child involved will make it even more obvious. If you could get the regular teacher to tell this story it would not reflect so much on your daughter.

    Ben Raines

  5. Folks lets keep this from being about Democrats and Republicans. If you are not aware of the rules regarding political discussion please review them. If you wish to discuss the virtues or objections to National Healthcare then please do but lets not make it about political parties.

    Ben Raines

  6. No such thing as "Temple Divorce". A temple sealing cancellation is not necessary. That would only be if you, upon reactivation, find someone you wish to be sealed in the temple with.

    Obtaining a temple recommend will depend on you and your Bishop and Stake President. Much will depend on what has transpired during your time of inactivity, testimony, etc.

    Good luck and welcome in your return to the fold.

    Ben Raines

  7. Rico, any way you can share what "Rock" you are on? I served as a branch president on a very small island in the Caribbean for a few years. Had a few who quit attending church due to my being Branch President. I think it happens to all Bishops and Branch Presidents. Can't please all the people all the time.

    Ben Raines

  8. First of all an Elder's Quorum President has nothing to do with whether someone is excommunicated or not. Even him suggesting it to the Bishop would do nothing. I have been a branch president for several years and served on the Stake High Council. No one I know of was ever excommunicated for inactivity.

    Ben Raines

  9. Three year olds are three year olds. I have had four of my own and three grandchildren. Each one is an individual. Please be careful in pigeonholing them in to one type or another. Watch, observe and teach but please be careful in putting a label on any one of them. Good luck.

    Ben Raines

  10. I would say follow counsel of our Bishop. It is his calling to be there to give counsel. It is not his job to tell you what you should do. A mission is not a place to go to get a testimony or to get clean. A mission can help to build on a testimony. Not all are called to serve a full time 2 year mission.

    Ask you Bishop what he understood of the requirement to "Raise the Bar" in sending out missionaries. Perhaps you have never heard of it.

    Stay faithful, serve where you can and consider all options. You make the final decision then seek confirmation in prayer of your decision. Do not ask God what you should do. You decide and then ask God to confirm your decision.

    Ben Raines

  11. I find beauty in every sunrise and in every sunset and all the things around me every day. I find it very hard to find a negative thing in any day. We all have challenges around us but I truly believe that it is our attitude that gets us through each day.

    This is one of my favorite quotes

    "Two men sit behind prison bars, one sees the mud the other the stars." Both find themselves in the same place but it is how they look at that place that matters.

    Ben Raines

  12. All of the members of the First Presidency of the LDS church and the called Apostles are called Prophets, Seers and Revelators. That would be 15 prophets at one time. President Thomas Monson is the presiding or senior Apostle and current leader of the LDS church.

    In your faith do you have a leader? Do you follow an established religion? What is the leader of that church called, if you have one?

    Best regards,

    Ben Raines