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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. You do have to have them. As Wingnut has said they are very different in the manner they are taught now than they were 35 years ago when I was a missionary. Missionaries are allowed to go by the spirit much more today. I would suggest that you and your husband set up an appointment with the Ward Mission Leader and with his and the Bishop's direction it should be a fairly simple process.

    Ben Raines

  2. curtis, your are right in that only the most vile offenders of Christ, those that truly come to know him and then reject him. Only Christ will be the one to judge who falls in to that category will be cast in to outer darkness.

    It has always been explained to me that it will be an emotional hell to be separated from Christ and the Father, depending on our lack of faithfulness or faithfulness.

    We are not to judge but do our best to live a Christlike life.

    We believe the God of the Old Testament is Jehovah or Jesus Christ. The Children of Israel were his chosen people. He still answered to God, The Father. You can see from the writings in the Old Testament that they were given very specific laws to obey, hard hearted that the majority of the people were.

    Ben Raines

  3. All under the direction of the Bishop if done in the chapel. A couple of years ago there was a letter that went out that there should be no more impromptu people walking up to the lecturn and talking during the service. There had been many cases of false doctrine, unintentionally, being preached in the words that were said.

    I do not have a copy of that letter but was serving on the High Council at the time. Perhaps someone else can shed more light on it.

    Ben Raines

  4. Well as I understand it we are all offered Godhood, just depends on if we are willing to pay the price to attain it.

    Would God/Christ, in your example, command us to be perfect and yet not allow us a way to do so? Would we be told to be like Christ and like the Father if there were no way to become so?

    I believe that a loving, caring, Father would plan a way for his children to return to be with him and be like him. I do not believe in an egotistical Father who would have us sit as this knee and sing praises to him all day for eternity.

    As we are both aware we have a difference in belief. I welcome yours as we all seek to find a way back to our Heavenly Father and his Firstborn in Spirit and only begotten Son in the flesh, Jesus Christ.

    Ben Raines

  5. That sounds pretty good PC. I have a Reina Valera that I have used for over 30 years. I it is a spanish copy of the Bible.

    Perhaps it is easier to say, my opinion only, that we use the KJV since it is the one that has least been modified to please the politically correct crowd.

    I know that there are many scholars who study all forms even going back to what they can find in Hebrew or Greek to try to get an original understanding what was meant by what has been written.

    Being bi-lingual I can easily see how things can be interpreted differently from one language to another. Imagine several language translations.

    Also to try to understand just by reading what God wished to communicate to his children falls short. It all requires confirmation of the Holy Ghost to know what God intended to say.

    My opinion.

    Ben Raines

  6. Fatima, someone may have told you that was their interpretation. I have never heard that God made atoms come together to form Christ in Mary's womb.

    If you have children you do not have a first born? I have four children, the first one born is the first born.

    We believe that Christ was the Firstborn in Spirit and the only begotten in the flesh. Sorry but those positions both seem pretty simple to me. I can see how it could or would be confusing to those who believe that "God, The Father" and "Jesus Christ" are the same entity in different forms. We do not believe that to be so.

    Ben Raines

  7. Nice Loudmouth.

    I too came from a Baptist background. Not many in my extended family were very religious. My grandmother was a devout Pentecostal. Gave land to build the church in Dodge City, Kansas. She still continued to visit our family each year until she was unable to due to poor health. We just didn't talk religion. We would drop her off at a local church of her choosing when she would visit us and then pick her up later or someone from that church would drop her by the house.

    Religious intolerance by anyone seems unChristlike to me.

    Ben Raines