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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. PC, are you going to encourage us now to read your book? The Bible? :)

    I would hope that those who have given high numbers for the times they have read the Book of Mormon have also given equal attention to The Bible. For LDS they are companion scripture, a second witness. Not a replacement witness.

    Great effort PC.

    Ben Raines

  2. Interesting comments made by those there. Said the face of the land has changed. That homes have fallen or been washed to sea. Where have I heard those words before?

    My son is in Hawaii at school. He was woken at 3 AM Hawaii time to prepare all the students in the dorms that he is over in married housing to prepare in the event of a tsunami. His place is up near the temple and out of the danger zone. He may have a good view of the impact if or when the tsunami hits.

    Ben Raines

  3. If someone in the US does not have money they can get state medical coverage as Medicaid. This is state by state funded with supplemental funding coming from the US government. Quality of care may very some but all doctors are required to be licensed physicians. The very wealthy can always afford the best doctors and best facilities.

    There are some who choose not to have medical coverage. Those who are young, with few assets, realize that the govt will step in and pay their bills if something happens.

    There is reported abuse in all types of coverage. Most abuse is by corrupt physicians and patients. Most of this is done in billing and overcharging or charging for services not given.

    I would favor a medical plan that covered children to the age of 18. It would be no different than the coverage we give senor citizens with Medicare. Just a thought

    Ben Raines

  4. For those who don't know if you pay your tithing in stock, it can be done, as soon as it hits the church account it is sold. Not sure of the stock portfolio of the church but I do know that shares transferred to the church are immediately liquidated.

    Ben Raines

  5. I think I read most of the posts here. I don't recall reading one where someone said "Have the two of you prayed about it and sought an answer to your decision?"

    Remember the way to seek answer to prayer is not to ask "What should I do" but to make a decision and then seek confirmation from the Lord.

    Good luck,

    Ben Raines

  6. I have been a licensed stockbroker for over 20 years. I have never "played" the market. I have invested in it and helped many others invest in it. At one time I managed over 80 million dollars of investor assets. Investing in stocks is buying a piece of ownership in a company. Buying stocks because someone says they like it or because you heard that it was up 100% in the last period of time is not investing. That is gambling.

    But I am curious what this has to do with R rated movies. I didn't read the whole thread.

    Ben Raines

  7. As I understand it the purpose of eternal families are the blessings that come of being sealed or born in the covenant. Not to live together, be owned by, etc. Purpose of sealing power is the blessing that comes from such sealing.

    I agree with those who posted earlier that is is not about living together but being connected as an eternal family. I have four grown children. In this life they are still my children. In the eternity they too will have been my children and will be entitled to blessings that come through my faithful living and obedience to my temple covenants.

    Ben Raines