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Posts posted by BenRaines

  1. Miss and Beefche and Pam are correct. I have taught and taught my children that the way to get an answer from God is not to ask "What should I do?" The way to get an answer is to study the thing out in your mind. Make a decision and then ask God if that decision is the correct one. That is the process. So easy but so hard to remember.

    Ben Raines

  2. Ouch!!!!!

    I saw the New Mexico player on ESPN. It was during the MWC semifinals for conference championship. Totally uncalled for.

    At the same time in the world of sports that allows the likes of Steve Howe, Daryll Strawberry, Artest, Ray Lewis and the list goes on and on to come back after bans or lifetime bands for some of them and the fact that her teams season is over it is a moot point.

    My beef is where is Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame as a player? OK so he gambled as a manager. He was a player and deserves the Hall of Fame. :)

    Ben Raines

  3. Lindz,

    My daughter went through the same things. She regularly read her patriarchal blessing. She was attending BYU, working, dating. Nothing seemed to be right. One day she heard a returning sister missionary share her feelings from having served a mission and how she was able to serve people and more importantly serve the Lord. How this girl was so thankful with the relationship that she developed serving the Lord.

    My daughter came home from that meeting and said she had made the decision to go on a mission. She left two weeks after our youngest, our son, left on his. She served in Cape Town, South Africa. She loved it and the service she was able to give to the people of South Africa and the relationship that she developed with the Lord.

    Your father and Bishop are right that it has to come from you. I will be amazing to you when it happens and if that is not for you or what the Lord has for you then something else will take it's place.

    Good luck,

    Ben Raines

  4. To all posters in this thread. Please express your opinion without attacking another poster in the thread. Share your opinion but leave the remarks regarding other posters off.

    I have sat where Charlyc has sat. The bar has been raised. Anyone is welcome to read the talk that was given regard raising the bar. A mission is not for everyone and that will be decided by the applicant, their local leaders, leaders in SLC and The Lord. The OP asked and we have responded with real world situations. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS.

    I believe this is the talk where the bar was raised. In this same session of conference President Hinkley also addressed it. His is title To the Men of the Priesthood.

    The Greatest Generation of Missionaries

    Ben Raines

  5. As Charlyc said since the "bar was raised" If someone broke the law of chastity once then after a time of serious repentance they may be allowed to go. If there is a repeated pattern of breaking the law of chastity, with one person of several most likely a person will not be sent on a mission. It all depends on local authorities until it gets to Salt Lake City.

    Ben Raines