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Posts posted by Jamie123

  1. Ok, you probably don't need any more reminders of what not to do :D , but I've gotta ask it! You really didn't have HER sit with her heels in the drivers seat while YOU pushed started the car? :lol:

    LOL - this was 20 years ago when I was young and irresponsible, and I don't think the difficulties of driving with heels on would have crossed my mind then. Maybe she took them off - I can't remember.

    P.S. If I'd worn the heels myself to push the car, I think I'd have remembered that! :lol:

  2. There was a thread a while back where people told of the "worst dates" they had been on and the clueless people responsible for arranging them. This is the other way round - the worst dates for which you yourself were responsible.

    My offering: This happened a lot of years ago when I was a research student. I owned an elderly and not totally reliable car which I was less than conscientious about maintaining (though I did occasionally replace failing components with ones scavenged from a local scrapyard). Anyway, one evening I took a girl out to the movie theater on a first date, and when we got back to the car - surprise surprise - it wouldn't start. So I sat in the driver's seat and asked my date to give me a push-start. Unfortunately she wasn't strong enough and her high-heels didn't exactly make the work easy, so instead I asked her to steer the car while I did the pushing. Eventually we did get the car going, and I was able to take her home.

    Do you think she ever went out with me again? Well much to my astonishment she did! I either had more charisma than I thought or else she was a glutton for punishment!

  3. I didn't see that Obama seemed to be making a joke... to me his manner wasn't joking.

    It's what's known as "deadpan" humor.

    If he actually thought he was excusing the girl's absence... that is what I object to. I don't know that it's possible for us to know his intent.

    Of course it was a joke. Nobody's stupid enough to think that you need a note from the President to get a day off school.

    But even if it was serious, Obama did ask the father's permission before issuing the note.

  4. Remember the wisdom of Homer J. Simpson:

    The code of the schoolyard, Marge! The rules that teach a boy to be a man. Let's see. Don't tattle. Always make fun of those different from you. Never say anything, unless you're sure everyone feels exactly the same way you do.

  5. what is OCD?

    OCD is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I knew a fella who had it - he always repeated everything he said over and over again, terrified that people hadn't heard him or didn't understand him properly. Other OCD-sufferers are obsessive about washing their hands when they don't need to, or else having books on shelves lined up in a precise manner. I'ts quite common in all cultures and nationalities.
  6. LOL - this has to be one of the most off-the-subject threads ever!

    Whatever the rival depravities of celebrities now and celebrities then, the OP was talking about C.S. Lewis, an Oxford (and later Cambridge) professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature who gave radio talks on Christianity in the 1940's. I'm baffled why Churchmouse thinks he's got anything to do with "Rap music about shooting police officers and gang raping women".

  7. Have you turned on a TV or gone to the movies lately. Do you listen to the music young people are listening too. People that make a living by using sex as a comedy routine or think swearing is the best material for their career are trash to me. Look at the lifestyle's of these "celebrities". Have you found any that you would want to be a role model for your children. I haven't. I am not in the least bit inquisitive about them or their thoughts, especially about the Church.

    For the past twenty- five years in the classroom I have seen the effect these "celebrities" have on our young people. I lay many of the ills of our society at their doorstep.

    I know we're supposed to respect other posters on this forum, but this really takes the biscuit - on a par with blaming Mother Teresa of Calcutta for the rise of soccer violence, or Princess Diana for the graffiti that got sprayed on my car. If this is a competition for surreal humour, Churchmouse wins hands down! :rolleyes:

    [P.S. Sorry that was a little uncharitable - I can kinda see where Churchmouse is coming from. It's the fact he thinks it's at all relevant to a discussion on C.S. Lewis that's funny.]

  8. Nope. What part of "I couldn't care less" didn't you understand:)

    Hmmm...well I guess nobody could ever accuse you of overinquisitiveness. But for someone who puts all "celebrities" (and from the context I presume you mean "all famous people alive or dead") in the category of "Hollywood trash" that's not very surprising.

  9. I didn't join the church to impress celebrities. I couldn't care less what anyone thinks of Mormons and that goes especially for celebtiries. (aka Hollywood Trash).

    LOL - I don't think that was quite the purpose of this post. The point is that C.S. Lewis was a non-LDS writer whom many Mormons, including some very high-up ones, tend to admire and quote. Aren't you just a little bit interested in what his opinions of Mormonism might have been? (My own belief is that he probably knew very little about the Church.)

  10. I've always loved Lewis' books - especially the interplanetary novels and "The Great Divorce". I find it interesting how many LDS people seem to like Lewis: I can imagine "Surprised By Joy", especially his opinion of what went on at Wyvern College (Malvern College in real life) must raise a few Mormon eyebrows!

  11. Very interesting thread so far :) The ideas posted by A-Train about the "Church of the Firstborn" are certainly food for thought.

    I know something that would likely lead to the creation of one church again. Severe persecution of all christians. If we are all facing death for our faith in Jesus, at that point we may care somewhat less for finer points of doctrinal difference and reach out in the common bond of our faith in Jesus.

    I'm no expert on the early church, but wasn't the dispute between gnostics and "catholic" Christians going no at the same time as the persecution of ALL Christians by the Roman Empire?

  12. I really have to agree here. When you start restricting someone's freedom of speech because you don't like what they're saying, where does it end?

    Of course you're right, but it would be interesting to see how many school principals would enforce "freedom of speech" in such circumstances - especially if there's a schoolboard full of evangelical Christians to answer to.

    As for the "where does it end?" we're beginning to see something of that here in Britain: Since January this year it's been illegal to possess (even for your own personal use) "extreme pornography" including "...an act which involves or appears to involve [stuff too horrible to write] that a reasonable person looking at the image would think...was real."

    Why? The only answers I've ever heard from its supporters are variants of "because it's disgusting" (I agree), "because there's no room for it in our society" (whatever that means) and because "it causes people to commit crime" (does it?).

    Like it or not, freedom of speech is being limited on the basis of what people do or don't like. Whether it make society bettor worse, only time will tell.

  13. LOL - you wouldn't be the first person to be fooled into thinking The Onion is a serious news-source. A few years ago the "Christians Against Harry Potter" movement were quoting absurd things attributed to J.K. Rowling in the Onion as proof that she was a Satanist.

  14. A CHILD brought the bible to school for show and tell and was told 'No'? That was a child exercising his right to free speech. It wasn't condoned by the school.

    I'm a bit shocked myself, but its not easy to define where the limits of free speech should be. If the child had brought in a book on Satanism, would the school have been right to object? I'm sad though that the Bible should have been banned.
  15. I don't agree with this at all. Sin is not some perpetual motion machine. Eventually sin grinds the sinner down until spiritually the person is in a state of entropic spirituality, spiritually comatose, or spiritually dead. In my opinion, this spiritual death affects the rest of the individual as well, intellectually and physically.

    I don't think that's quite what the author meant. He was saying that the evil consequences of sin propagate frictionlessly, moving from one life to the next, doing more and more harm.