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Everything posted by freckleface

  1. Hey, Chet! I think you just got elected as the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign manager.
  2. Well, if they have bumper stickers for Mitt 2012 send me fifty. Thanks for the info dnlchisholm.
  3. How sad it seems that Temple Square is used to be the "whipping post" for anyone who has their panties in a ruffle. If it's not people making fun of garments and waving them around, then it's someone flaunting their "rights" in front of a sacred place of worship. They have no idea what people have sacrificed to make Temple Square what it is today. Sad. Very sad. They just don't get it.
  4. He kisses me goodbye every morning and says "you're so beautiful." I look in the mirror when I get out of bed and think to myself, "boy did you get lucky with him, freckleface.":lol:
  5. Hi! I totally agree with LDSGirl . . . Gospel Principal Class! I love it and will stay there for the rest of my life. There is nothing wrong with going back and being an investigator. Remember, take all the time you need. It's okay.
  6. I'm not sure I understand this, could you explain more what you mean? Would it be because of infidelity, not paying tithing, or what? I'm just curious.
  7. It's pretty shocking that first time you hear someone say hurtful things about your faith. Sort of takes your breath away. I've heard them all, too. I like a lot of the ideas presented here. Especially the barbque . . . nothing like a good burger and some potato salad to warm the heart. I'll have to try it on my own family.
  8. I, too, would have voted for Mitt. He seems like a guy with a lot of scruples and some pretty savvy business and political strategies. Hopefully he'll be running in the next election. Yep, he's got my vote.
  9. Would you have voted for Mitt? I'm curious to know what he had going on in that noggin of his for our current econimic situation were in.
  10. I applaud your post, Its_Chet. Wooohoooo!!!
  11. Soooooo happy for you and him!
  12. If I recall correctly, a photograph of our former president was posed as an ugly ape, and called a primate along with his "cronies" at our local shopping center. The folks passing out their propaganda leaflets appeared so calm, peaceful, and loving while they nibbled on their bird seeds and sipped nectar made from honey and wildflowers. They seem to have stirred up quite hornets nest at each store they visited. The chia pet is pretty innocent next to their little display of liberal love. Can you imagine that sort public speech with our current president? I respect the office of our president. Even if I don't agree with his policies, you won't find me standing behind some cheesy fold up table with a bunch of tacky photos annoying the heck out of hard working people.
  13. Forgot to add that my family sees were raising a boy up to be a fine young man, we do a lot of activities together as a family, we learn about Heavenly Father's love and blessings from going to church, Boy Scouts, friends etc. They see that it hasn't been this threatening "thing" they thought it would be. Having come from a family with divorce, drinking, and some pretty neurotic behavior, I've never understood the disconnect with the LDS faith since it holds families so high. There's a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding that goes along with a family member joining the church. Possibly for some when they step outside the comfort zone of what is considered normal it can shake things up a bit. However, in time, I think they see that it's nothing to be afraid of. In fact it's a good thing.
  14. Welcome. I, too, am a convert to the church. It wasn't easy for me to share with my family and friends the decision I had made either. I told them AFTER my baptism. I got some shocked faces, a few gasps and some rather negative feedback, but, I lived and so did they. It was my life and I was going to do what I wanted. I have no regrets. I hope you'll follow your heart. :)
  15. Welcome, thank you for your service to our country! :)
  16. You are indeed a hero of mine, talisyn. My husband and I owned a home which we sold a few years ago, in a very lovely, newly constructed neighborhood that was considered great for for it's schools and location. It was a street of about ten homes in total. One of the homes became a rental and had a very decent, nice, clean, family occupying it. However, the attitude of some people living on the street was very critical, negative and down right hateful. They were the only family the "self appointed mayor" wouldn't invite to street parties, and referred to in passing conversation as"renters, trash, or low life's." It was infuriating. My husband and I befriended the family and found that they were putting one of their kids through med school. Another one was in college. The home was always impeccable inside and the people extremely friendly. They became our friends and we disconnected from the others on the street, which was a huge sigh of relief. I just don't get it. The mentality of "keeping up" with what society dictates to us as "normal" can be a downright prison. Provident living is defiantly something we should all strive for. And if it means renting . . . than more power to you!
  17. We live in a resort area of California near the ocean and many of us are feeling the pinch from the economy where we weren't months ago. I think people are very nervous about what is in store for California. Layoffs, business going belly up right and left, etc. and people losing their jobs. I knew things were bad when one of our favorite stores closed their doors just a few weeks ago. It was a thriving Mom and Pop type business that left people in awe while they shopped there. Gone. Closed. The owners left the state. Being business owners we have had to really alter our life style. As in turn in the Benz and get a VW, sell the house and move into a town home, use our savings to live on. People owe us money, but they just aren't paying. It's never been like this before, ever. I know several people who are just plain angry and scared and want to pack it in and leave. Were all wondering what's in store for Californians in a year from now. Don't even get me started on how welfare is so abused in this state. I'll scream.
  18. Well, if things keep spiraling the way they are, you may not find me in the streets, but under a bridge with all our belongings. This economy in California has me very worried. It's not good by any stretch of the imagination.
  19. During the last election, I was standing in line to vote and some young, entitled man with a loud, smarty pants attitude, said "No one's done a thing for me! I'm voting for who's gonna take care of me!" Okay, so spoiled rich boy almost got a spitball shot in his eye from about ten people in line that day. This type of thinking is rampant among the rich as well as the poor. My 21 year old niece sits on the couch all day and twitters, chats, blogs, etc. and doesn't work. "I can't work because of the bad economy" is her justification. She gets free meds, free health care and complains about everything. She has been diagnosed with depression, so I'm assuming she'll ride that gravy train as long as possible. She certainly isn't too depressed to go out and party with her friends. I believe the depression would subside if she would just get busy. Even if it was scrubbing her parents home, ironing clothes, sewing, walking the neighbors dog, yard work, whatever. Anything. Just don't sit on your fanny all day!! I believe we have far to many entitled adolescents and adults. They're a drain on our society and want to be taken care of the same way they were coddled and spoiled by mom and dad. They need to grow some hair on their chest and see what it's like to get out and do some hard work. I'm not in a very good mood these days as far as our economy goes. I'm seeing too many hard working people get the brunt of what happens when you take care of too many who don't want to work. Sorry for the rant.
  20. Merci Beaucoup, its_chet! I was planning a little trip to Deseret, so I'll be looking for the book that Joseph Smith's mother wrote. You know, any one with the name Lucy Mack Smith sounds like a treasure to me. I like her without even knowing her. Hearing about his life from her perspective will be interesting. The book "I Witnessed the Cartage Massacre" sounds like a very intense, but good read, too. As sad as it sounds, I'd still like t read it. I'd also like to read about Emma Hale Smith, too, now that's a lady with some spirit! You have been very kind with your sharing, its_chet. Thank you!! I'll be looking for the others you mentioned, too. Freckles :)
  21. freckleface

    1 Nephi 22:31

    I love these so much, Pam. I'm glad I found this thread, it's just what I need everyday.
  22. Agreed. It can certainly aggravate an irregular heartbeat. I learned from personal experience. Now it's just chamomile and the herby stuff. The words of wisdom are defiantly . . . wise.