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Everything posted by qedd

  1. Muscle grows stronger as it repeatedly faces resistance.
  2. A prophet, by definition, is one who speaks on behalf of God. A prophet is a witness who bears testimony of the truth as he understands it by way of the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, past and present. The Holy Ghost then bears testimony of the truthfulness of the prophet's words by way of such whisperings to the recipient. Prophets are fallible human beings who are trying their best, just like you and me -- but through the law of witnesses (i.e., testimony of the Holy Ghost as just explained) we can know when a prophet is speaking as a prophet (which seems to be a common topic of debate). Scripture study, prayer, and meditation are also important means to obtain revelation, understanding, and comprehension -- seed and nutrition for growing one's faith and personal witness. We have the words of many prophets through the ages as documented in scripture and we have the words of living prophets today. Not all of the prophets from bygone eras can meet the prophetic rigor that many desire, yet they were prophets nonetheless. Looking for mystical predictions or translations that tantalize vain imagination misses the point. The message of a prophet is what is needed by the recipients. When the world needed the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, Jr. translated it. When the members of the Church needed to cleanse themselves of false traditions of men, revelation came about permitting all worthy males to hold the priesthood. When the plague of pornography needed to be addressed, the prophets spoke and continue to speak at length exhorting, encouraging, and admonishing members as well as instituting educational and recovery programs.
  3. For those that may be unaware or are suspicious of the intentions of the Church as it pertains to Church discipline, please note that the first and foremost purpose of Church discipline is to "save the souls of transgressors by helping them repent." Leaders are to administer discipline in a "spirit of love so it can bless the life of the transgressor."
  4. Please don't brush with broad strokes -- many of us believe that infallibility is a logical fallacy regardless of the topic. As was mentioned earlier, the "asterisks" that follow people for longer than the duration of Church discipline are far, few, and only in extreme cases. You are entitled to your opinions, and no two members of the Church see completely eye to eye on just about any topic. Just be open to the possibility that you may not have all the information as it pertains to Church discipline and the policies that are associated with membership records. It may not be as bad as you believe. Since one can't prove a negative, then it is possible that such may have happened.
  5. Permanent marks are far and few between -- those that pose a danger to children, etc. are a concern however. There is little or nothing that would tell a bishop or branch president that a person had been the subject of Church discipline in the past. The Church is big on repentance and on moving forward. Priesthood leadership and clerks are directed to destroy records of disciplinary proceedings once they are no longer needed (i.e., the individual has been brought back into full fellowship, etc.). When a member moves between units (wards or branches), the previous bishop or branch president can request that the next bishop or branch president contact him. But this is usually to discuss current issues or concerns (which may include cases of individuals that are moving around frequently attempting to take advantage of Church welfare). The Church really isn't in the business of building a detailed dossier on each of us. Indiscriminately branding individuals for life would defeat the purpose of repentance, forgiveness, mercy, and the mission of the Church (bringing souls unto Christ).
  6. Anything from the heart is not pointless. Are you are the same person? Or do you suffer from the same weaknesses? I am certain you have been growing and changing in many ways. Don't we all? Though, I have to ask -- in what way do you feel that you are an hypocrite? Do you judge and look down on others that are fighting the same temptations you are fighting? We can be our own worst enemies and harshest critic. There is a reason we have to constantly remind ourselves and others around us that one of the final steps of repentance is to forgive ourselves and move on. Note: From the way you phrased your post I assume this isn't an abstract question about all temptations, but rather a specific temptation, or class of temptations, that you repeatedly confront. With that in mind... What was going on during the five minutes before those unbearable five minutes of temptation? What about the five minutes before that? What about the hours or days leading up to the temptation? Look for patterns, rituals, or routines in your life. Look at the past few times you have been in this situation and work back through the events (including thoughts, daydreams, emotions, stressful situations, etc.) leading up to the unbearable temptation -- is there anything in common? If you can identify one or more chain of events that often lead to such temptation, then you can come up with an action plan for each of those preceding events. The more preceding events you can identify (some of which may be temptations themselves) and plan for, the more opportunity you will have to avoid the big temptation. Do you have any immediate family members or friends nearby that are aware of your specific weaknesses, temptations, compulsions, addictions, etc.? If so, then asking them for moral strength during such times might be a helpful part of one or more of these action plans. Can you explain what putting "100% trust in Christ" means to you? Ah, if only... Take care.
  7. If you are interested in how technology is used within the Church and some insight into the collection, storage, use, and retention of information, you can check out the LDS Technology Website at LDSTech. Many ward and stake clerks and Church employees use this site to discuss the latest bugs and workarounds in MLS in addition to a plethora of other tech topics that may or may not interest you (i.e., broadband in ward houses, interbuilding broadcasts of stake conference, etc.).
  8. Try RecoveryNation.com. It looks like they have some potentially useful material and methods as well as an online support-group bulletin-board.
  9. What exactly are you tired of enduring? What are you looking for? Do you believe there is an Higher Power? Do you believe there is a Father in Heaven that loves you? Do you believe that our Father sent His Son to conquer both physical and spiritual death for you? Do you believe that our Father sent His Son to be a perfect example, to show you how to reach for your potential? What exactly do you believe? And what have you done or are you doing to solidify that belief into knowledge? The observation of time passing is subjective and relative. Why do you think this life is so long for you? Why do you think it is so short for so many of us?
  10. Believe that it exists and that there are those that practice it, believe that it is acceptable, or believe that it is necessary? I think it would be interesting for anyone to quote a definitive statement on the exact nature of God's family, post-mortal marital relations, how eternal families (as created through sealing ordinances in the Temple) function in the eternities, etc. Some things are interesting to think about and ponder but irrelevant to one's current spiritual state, while others are critical to one's spiritual well-being. Be sure you don't let the interesting topics of debate muddy your prospects for progressing spiritually. You never know - as you grow spiritually, many of these interesting and debatable topics may start to make sense to you. Line upon line, precept upon precept... drink the milk first, then you'll be ready for meat... etc. Take care.
  11. What does eternal progression mean to you?
  12. Welcome to LDS.net. Do you actively fight against the truth as you know or understand it? This would be akin to you trying to convince the world that 1 + 1 = 5, even when you know better. If you are searching for truth and are willing to acknowledge it when found, then I dare say you have not committed the unpardonable sin.
  13. Does Satan ultimately demand justice or is justice a principle unto itself? Satan can't or won't progress? Who is to say that there can't be a change of heart that comes from within some of the fallen third? Who is to say that our Father has reached the end of progression? Our Father can't or won't digress? I think I missed the part where it says that the results of the restoration (resurrection) are permanent. When the term "endless" is used, is this in reference to time or merely an adjective used to communicate something of the magnitude or nature of the emotion (happiness and misery)? Please connect the dots in that scripture.
  14. Alma is trying to teach the people how they can come to a knowledge of spiritual truth. The process that he describes is one of faith. What is faith? Suppose we consider ignorance to be starting point and a sure knowledge to be the end goal, then faith is the progress of the journey. Belief is what gives the traveler direction. Hope is the motivation to take the journey. Faith is the result of the traveler acting on his belief and hope -- but this requires an open and honest mind (humility) to evaluate and interpret the result. Faith refines the belief and and hope, leading to further action, thus greater faith... and so on. Alma is asking the people to use the testimony of his faith to seed their belief and hope and take the first step. The open and honest evaluation and interpretation of the results would confirm or deny his testimony. What is the ultimate reward for faith? Knowledge. Knowledge empowers. Knowledge presents opportunity. The faith gained in pursuit of one truth can seed or strengthen the faith of other truths. Is faith a contract with deity? No. The reward is the natural result of the action taken. Call it karma, cause and effect, or the law of the harvest -- it makes no difference. You reap what you sow. It is through faith that we come to make covenants with Him. This is how I view faith and what Alma was trying to convey - others may differ with me.
  15. Apologies if this response comes across excessively harsh. This situation is sadly common. It is out of concern for the parties involved that there may be a touch of sharpness. Actually, no. Jon and Salena should be meeting with their bishops, branch presidents, or stake presidents on this. The situation is actually very simple. The background to this story really isn't relevant. Important to note. This is the point at which she failed to remain faithful to her husband. Being unfaithful emotionally is just as bad, if not worse, than physically. This is infidelity. This tears families apart. Once again, while they may not have consummated their affair, it is an affair nonetheless. If honesty were an effective means of absolving one of responsibility for infidelity, lust, fornication, or adultery, then living as a swinger would be an acceptable lifestyle. Excuses used to justify improper behavior and muddy the waters. The Church is an institution, and her membership therein is merely representative of her standing with her Maker. If the Church itself is all she cares about, then she was never a true member to begin with. If it is her spiritual standing that she really cares about, then discussing this through with priesthood leadership (bishop, branch president, or stake president) is a necessary next step. If he truly loves her, then he wouldn't put her in a spiritually-compromising situation such as this. Letting this play out sounds a lot like selfishness on his part. This is a premature line of questioning. Cancellation of Sealings are not a trivial matter. She does realize that infidelity is contrary to joy, happiness, exaltation, etc., right? Has no bearing on the real issues here. His plan is one of happiness and joy. However, Jon and Selena are acting contrary to such. Infidelity of any kind is contrary to the temple covenants, and yes, they are serious. You are just fine. The only real advice is for you to kick them in the shins and insist that they meet with their priesthood leaders. Take care.
  16. First and foremost, and in case there is any question in your mind: You need not feel alone. You are loved by the greatest of all far more than anyone in any social circle you may associate with in this life. Just remember, you are loved. Have you met with your bishop? You may not have had much time to build deep personal friendships where you live yet, but your bishop is there for you. I am sure that he would like to visit with both you and your husband -- individually or together. Sometimes a mediating third party can help.
  17. Interesting question. There is one other scripture in the LDS standard works that contains similar wording: Proverbs 3:8: "It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones." Looking at this verse in context, could it be something other than temporal, physical health that is being referred to? What does "health to thy navel" mean? What is the significance of the navel? What does "marrow to thy bones" mean? What is the significance of marrow and bones? Why no other references to other parts of the body? Proverbs 3:1-2 says that keeping the commandments will bring a lengthening of days, long life, and peace. Yet, there are many righteous men and women that die young. So what is meant here? What is it that we are to learn?
  18. How would any of us learn if we don't ask questions? When has anything of true worth come quick and easy? Patience and a steadfast resolve will ultimately reveal the truth to the sincere student. The only real rule (if you can call it that) is one of order and prudence for the sake of the student. "For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have." -- 2 Nephi 28:30 "For they cannot bear meat now, but milk they must receive; wherefore, they must not know these things, lest they perish." --D&C 19:22 "I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able." --1 Cor 3:2 Truth can not remain hidden from one who has eyes open to see it. Learning line upon line, precept upon precept is the process of awakening your understanding and opening your eyes to the truth. Obstinance and spiritual stagnation go hand-in-hand. Be open to the possibility that you may be asking the wrong questions at this time. Have you ever had an epiphany? An "aha!" moment? A moment of perfect clarity where the pieces to some puzzle seem to fit? Have you ever had moments of peace where you realize the decision you had just made was the right one? Can you describe the sound of music to one who has never heard? Can you describe a sunset to one who has never seen? Please understand that you may be asking people to describe something that could be described as a sense in and of itself. Take care.
  19. Is a hammer good or bad? A shovel? A gun? A computer? The Internet? What about a smile, a handshake, or a pat on the back? Is it the tool itself or the way the tool is used that is good or bad?