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Everything posted by silvermoon

  1. To Mormonmama, Reading your second reply about made me want to cry! I really truly feel for your situation and can identify so well. It is exactly what my family faced growing up. Once the water was actually turned off and a good brother in the ward went to the water company and had them turn it on for us. Threats of the home being repossessed were constant and food was always so appreciated. I guess I don't know what to say. Just hang in there and keep the faith no matter what. Heavenly Father is aware of your circumstances - I know that! Sometimes the trials we face in life don't make sense that we have to face them. At these times I think of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Doctrine and Covenants section 122. He is such an amazing example of enduring in faith to the end. And of course, our Savior was the perfect example of this. Continue searching the words of the Prophets and make it a matter of constant prayer and your answer will come. Maybe not in the way you will like or expect, but it will come.
  2. In reply to Will. That's great for you that you made all those wonderful decisions and everything turned out perfectly for you. Just so you know, my Father also had finished school, had a very well paying job, paid cash for cars, home everything. My older brothers and sisters knew of vacations, ate very well and had private tutors. Due to unplanned circumstances that were out of control, (his health was one of them) his financial situation changed for the worse. I am number 7 of eight, so it affected my little brother and me the most. I think you would be wise to take another look at what you are calling "mormon culture". The families that I know of that stay together and do not divorce over money are the families that the mother stays at home and does not go to work. And these families are not on welfare. It is extremely judgmental of you to assume that just because they are on one income that they are on welfare. And even if they are on welfare, it is none of your business. And if they are on welfare, it is not because they heeded the council of Prophets to not put off having children. You need to realize that even when someone puts their best foot forward and makes all the "right" decisions it doesn't always work out as planned. As with my family. My Father is very well qualified and has been his whole life.
  3. Numerous times Prophets have spoken out regarding the Mother working outside the home. Re-read the Proclamation to the Family and visit The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and read some of the talks given about Mother's working outside the home. Also, a very good book I recommend is "So Much More" It is a Christian book, but supports the LDS values and it speak out on womanhood and our role. My Mom has always stayed at home. She had 8 kids and even now we are all raised, but Dad is the sole provider. No, financially I can't say our family was blessed. We went without a lot growing up. None of us could afford to be involved in sports. We had to pay for our own music lesson with the babysitting/housecleaning money that we earned. We wore clothes that were not name brand and often were handme downs from cousins or friends. At one point in our growing up, we lived completely off of our food storage. And yes I remember being hungry. But, I didn't starve to death. I grew up to be healthy (because my parents educated themselves on health and we did our best under the circumstances). I don't know if this is in direct relation or not, but all eight of us are active members of the church. My sister's don't work, nor my sister-in-laws and my nieces and nephews are ALL going on missions, having temple marriages and leading productive, righteous lives. I believe it's because we have grown up secure with learning to work hard for what we want, obeying the Prophet no matter what and knowing Mom's there. I think this is a greater blessing to our family than a few more dollars. I think you will be surprised at how well you can make things work on one income. It sounds to me that you have your answer. Go to the Lord and tell him you are quitting and ask him to give you the courage to do what you know you need to do. Then quit! Also, read Dr. Laura's books. She's non-lds but has great sound advice for stay at home Mom's. you CAN do it!!!! It is worth every effort!!! Keep us posted! I am curious how it will turn out for you! And yes, it's true that "No other success can compensate for failure in the home" Your family needs you home!
  4. apple bobbing. Get a large tub of filled with water and apples. They players have to try to get the apple out without using their hands - only their mouth. Pin the nose on the witch. Make a poster up with a picture of a witch. Cut out witches noses and blind fold the players, one at a time and spin them and have them pin the nose on without looking. (Same as pin the tail on the donkey)
  5. Invite your Bishop over for dinner and while he is there play him the piece you would like to play in Sacrament meeting. This way he has a chance to feel the Spirit with it and can make a better judgment call on it. This isn't my own idea. This idea was offered by Marvin Goldstien, a musician/speaker and B.Y.U. education week. He travels the worlds playing piano and does quite a lot with the church music programs. He is pushing for more music and more variety in Sacrament meetings.
  6. beefche and Will are right. It is admirable that you have such a strong testimony of the church at your age and circumstances! The scriptures teach us to pray for our enemies. While I don't think your parents are an enemy because they only are doing what they believe is best for you, you should still pray for them and yourself and then just have patience until you are old enough to make that decision.
  7. I think it is a personal decision. The commandment is 10% of your increase and I think that would be up to you to decide what your increase is. Whenever I have asked specifics to my Bishop I get the same answer that I need to decide for myself what my increase is. So. I guess I am a bit surprised your Bishop was that specific with you. But I think you made a wise decision in paying. You will be blessed for it. I figure for myself if I have to ask, I should probably pay,
  8. I don't think I would want to know to what degree their sins might have been. I don't believe it matters. What matters is that today they are Apostles for the Lord and leaders of His church. Also, the Lord does not look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. So, it doesn't matter if we sin a little one or a big one because they both keep us out of God's presence. All sin needs to be repented of.
  9. D&C 132: 15-16, D&C 49: 15, D&C 131: 2. Read these references. It is plain about marriage in this life. I haven't ever read anything regarding polygamy. But when I have had similar questions, the best answer I have received is that we need to have faith in a perfect and loving Heavenly Father. He would not force us to live eternity in an arrangement that brings us unhappiness. He wants us to be happy as He is. It may be helpful for you to study in the scriptures about the nature of God so that you can know for yourself and trust in His plan that He does want what is best for all of His children!
  10. Well said Fairchild. But I think even more than that you need to be more concerned over your children right now than yourself. Think of what they are facing and devote 110% of your love, concern, time and energies to them. You are lonely, but what are they? Fearful? Lonely? Abandoned (by their mother)? Insecure? They have to bounce between two homes every weekend. You at least get to stay at one home and not have to spend time with her. They have to face her on a regular basis and be influenced by her evil beliefs and ways. You need to be there for them and be there strength and not be dividing your attention to women who may or may not work out - At least not until they are raised.
  11. You say that you grew up learning to question everything, so why do you have a hard time reading the Book Of Mormon? How can you question something you know nothing of? After you read it would be the better time to ask questions because after you read you are more informed and can know the questions to ask. And no, you are not reading it just because someone told you to. You are reading it because you want answers and information and that is a source you can go to get answers and information. Remember that the most important part of reading it is also praying to know that it is real and true.
  12. Think about your ultimate goals in life and what you are doing personally to achieve them. If temple marriage is on the list, than obviously this guy isn't the one for you. You only love those you spend time with and serve. So, just be smart about it. Don't spend alone time with someone who will detract you from a better choice in the future.
  13. Don't be that concerned with yourself. If you are living your life to the best that you can and are happy with who you are, than you will have a better chance at attracting someone kind. If you are self-centered and unhappy that would be more reason to not attract a nice guy than having a health problem.