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Everything posted by mdfxdb

  1. We don't need a step by step, but why not just lay out the facts? Why leave it to interpretation? People assume too much about some of these processes and we are not taught about them in Sunday School. I would venture to guess most members of my Sunday School class also think Joseph Smith "translated" the JST version of the bible. Granted these details aren't important to an overall testimony, but geeze if they exist why not just teach it?
  2. maybe you were, but most members I have spoken with have no clue about it. Including my bishop. In sunday school this week several members were discussing how Joseph Smith "translated" the Book of Moses........
  3. My question is: Why isn't the translation process taught exactly as it happened? Why are we left to suppose and infer how it happened? The pictures I was shown growing up as to how the process took place are definately not it.
  4. I say magic egg because one of his seer stones is described as being approximately the size of an egg. I get that he was not a fully complete package, it just seems as if the church teaches as if he was. I don't ever recall having it made clear exactly how the "translation" process was done. Seems as if we are left to the understanding that the translation took place exactly how we think translation should happen. I speak a different language, and know what it is to translate something. That's not how it happened, but we are not taught the "he looked into a hat" version in sunday school.
  5. I don't know if this has been discussed before, but it seems as if the way "translation" of the Book of Mormon is taught in Sunday School is very different from what the truth is. Book of Mormon Translation I remember growing up being taught that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, and we saw the picture of him and Oliver Cowdry separated by a bedsheet with Joseph reading the Gold Plates, and Oliver acting as scribe. Turns out that's not how it happened at all.
  6. So you have diagnosed him as an addict? Don't you think it's weird he would confess to drinking, but deny viewing porn? Why is he not an alcoholic? He has taken to drinking with friends. You sound suprised that he "lied" about viewing porn. How exactly did you catch him? Are there bills to web-sites? Is the history full of pornsites?
  7. I think his track record of not quitting is in fact him saying"I'm not going to quit". You should accept the fact that he isn't going to quit. you should not get divorced just because he is not temple worthy. you did not marry him predicated on those principles, it's not fair to change the rules 1/2 way in. He is addicted to smoking, many people are. You dissaprove, so he compensates by hiding it. It's probably getting old on his part.
  8. Of all the things to worry about/pray over it had to be gluten? You're kidding right? Oh, and tell your Mother in-law to mind her own business.
  9. he is 27, has a wife and 2 children. He has made adult decisions. Treat him as an adult. Stop the $ now.
  10. The deceased are not consulted. Cancellation is a private matter. I am not aware that a woman can be sealed to two men at the same time. Sealings are typically not canceled unless a marriage for the woman in the temple is anticipated.
  11. You probably are not a porn addict. You should talk to your bishop, you should not be viewing porn. You and your wife need to see a counselor about the sexual problems you are experiencing. You should never have to say "sex with my wife" and "rarity" in the same sentence.
  12. Are you sure you're addicted to Porn? Why do you think you're addicted? Looking at it does not make you an addict.
  13. Not sure I agree with the premise that we need to suffer. 2 Nephi 2:25-27 25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy. 26 And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the elaw at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given. 27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and call things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to echoose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be hmiserable like unto himself. If man is that he might have joy then why would God want us to suffer in mortality? How can he create us to be joyful, but then force us to suffer? Might it be better to say that suffering is brought on by the individual most of the time? Sometimes suffereing is used by God to see what we will do? 1 Peter 1:6-7 However, I do not believe God is so interested in me that he goes out of his way to put up obstacles in my life. I do that enough on my own. I do believe he is interested in how I deal with those obstacles though.
  14. priests may ordain others to that same priesthood (aaronic)
  15. Back to the original posting, and referring to Vorts comments. I believe the Lehites arrived on a populated continent. Moroni may very well have built fortifications to protect cities. Are we really naieve enough to think he invented the idea independently, or did he observe these fortifications from another city/civilization? Just because a potentially fortified city was discovered does not mean it has any relation to nephites, lamanites or any Book of Mormon history whatsoever. As a youth in the church growing up it was always implied that Lehi arrived on an abandoned continent. Only once I started doing my own separate research did I really understand what was in the Americas before Lehi arrived.
  16. This is entirely possible. However, what does him having multiple wifes have to do with him being a prophet? The point of church lessons and visitors centers are not to give church history lessons, but to teach about Christ centered lessons and experiences.
  17. Long time lurker creates his profile on 10/25, declares 20 yr membership in church, seminary, etc. then after 6 days of "research" throws it all out the window............
  18. off the top of my head: Emma Smith, Fanny Alger, the Partridge sisters, Eliza R Snow. I know there were many others. And the conclusion what.
  19. If you have access to "Mormon Doctrine" by Bruck McConkie, read his explination of angels. I think you will have all your questions answered, but basicly there are 4 types of beings serving as angels: 1. Pre- existent Spirits (Moses 5:6-8) 2. Translated Beings (3 Ne. 28:30) 3. Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect (D & C 76:66-69) 4. Resurrected Personages - many scriptures and also insturmental in restoration of the church not sure what is meant about the reference of LDS Temple Liturgy unless the original post was edited. Adam/God/Angel is not a secret.
  20. I would request further instruction on this. What gives the bishop the right to call someone who has specifically requested not to be contacted???? Personally I would not do it. It is contradictory to their wishes.
  21. If they are on a do not call list then do not call them. Respect their wishes.
  22. These two statements. Firstly, if it's affecting your relationship now then when you're married it's going to be 100 times worse. This is something you need to have resolved before you say "I do". Second, he is not perfect. If you think he is then you are going to be dissappointed and will only resent him and his actions. He may tolerate you going to church, but you have yet to write a 10% check for tithing out of your joint account....... are you sure he's up for that? Also, not standing in the way of something is not the same as supporting it....
  23. Yet you still married her. It obviously wasnt a problem then. Why is it a problem now?
  24. You've dated for 8-9 months, been married for 3..... You say none of these actions were present before dating, but I can tell you those behaviors don't just happen by accident. He may have not been as completely forthright with you as he should have been when you were dating. He needs to confront those problems. I think a conversation with your bishop may be in order. I would hesitate to say he needs addiction recovery programs....from what I have read in the prior posts it is too soon to say if he is an addict or not. On a deep level he wants to make this better because he confessed it to you, and he got caught with porn on his computer. If he were serious about his "porn" problem he might have made it a little bit more difficult to get caught. This is of course just a guess on my part.