Seraphim Moonshadow

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Everything posted by Seraphim Moonshadow

  1. Tch, tch, tch, look at the deeper meaning. Going to church. Now, for me, I go to church to be edified so I can survive the next week! So that I can receive the blessings of the gospel and partake of the Sacrament since I am only human and bumble up all the time and remember Him and worship Him. That's what the Sabbath is for. Of course there's more things to do--but to come unto Christ is the best of all. I go to church and read my scriptures to come unto Christ. Don't you think that if you're becoming like Christ, or trying to, and looking for the deeper meanings and higher laws, don't you think you would already be serving and loving others and striving to daily improve yourself? So, why do I go to church? To become like Christ.
  2. I get chased by things not as wonderful as wolves in my dreams. O_o Feeding the good wolf? Going to church!
  3. I would say they're more than wolves. More like one is a wolf with angel wings and the other is black, has six heads, and three reptilian tails.
  4. Oh, I get it now. Somehow I didn't see that. Thank-you! Awesome music...
  5. I do not get how Quest for the REst works but it's aws....
  6. Those...that computer one was the BEST!!!!
  7. And this is meant to make me feel more secure about dreaming?
  8. I always think I'm going to fall, then I do and it doesn't hurt. I'm always thinking, "Oh, isn't it wonderful that I'm falling?" or something like that.
  9. "What in the name of sam hill!?" Ehehehehehehe. Okay, I must stop playing otherwise I'll sit here all day.
  10. Gwyn boistorously laughed as they fled into the forest. Galloping through the dancing shadows and sparse trees, Gwyn slowed down Sundash and swung right off of the mare, dropping to the ground like the heathen maiden she was. She stood gracefully, breathing in the deep, sweet air, no smile upon her face, nor frown, but a sly look on her face. Gwyn reached down and tied her lady-like blue skirts together and climbed up the nearest tree as high as she could. It took a while to get up there but soon she was up fairly high overlooking the orchard and everyone else, swinging her legs rather grandly, smirking. "You'll never catch me up here." Gwyn said, fishing in her dress for the brass telescope she had stowed away earlier that morning. Carefully she put it to her eye and scowled at the approaching form of DeHeart. "Why, of all the spiteful heathens, he had to appear just now. I think I'll wait a bit. After all, I did promise cook those herbs."
  11. *ROTFL!!!!* For more....
  12. Marsha, I hope in this time of grief that you will feel the Savior's love for you as you take the steps you do to take care of your family. Look to His love and I know you will find it. *Warm hugs* I know He will take care of you and your brother, as He always does. We love you!
  13. "Tea!" Gwyn heard Sally bellow. Tea indeed. With the sun and the fresh air, who was goose enough to eactually stay indoors while there were things to do!? Gwyn let her hands slide down to Sundash's shoulders, feeling all the mare's muscles resistance as she galloped down the hill in the pasture. She was almost to the orchard now and the apples were in full bloom. A perfect treat for Sundash as well as for her, considering that Gwyn planned to ditch them further to gather the herbs Mrs. Smith. She noted the shape of Edward fumbling and waved erratically in his direction. The orchard fence was coming up by the moment. Gwyn carefully sat in on Sundash's withers as Sundash gathered herself and leapt over the fence with a graceful jump. "Hello, Mr Jones! Oh, do tell the others I'll be out for a while!" Gwyn yelled at Edward as she and Sundash passed, Gwyn conveniently snatching some apples from the trees. She dashed away from the orchard towards the woods, flippant as ever.
  14. FOR WARNING: Remember, no character controlling! You do not say anything of what another person's character does UNLESS they have posted the action or you have their permission to do so. So PLEASE keep that in mind.
  15. Gwyn's hair bounced and streamed behind her in the afternoon breeze. The beat and thrum of the horse moving like wildfire beneath her sent electric thrills through her body. What a better way to escape then bareback on her mare! There were no stately permeters or polite coughing in the den, no almost stabbing yourself with the needlework because you were trying to make the stitches so obscenely small that you couldn't see them. There was no better way to spend a day then upon Sundash's back when Mercedes wanted to talk to her. Gwyn raised her hand across her brow and looked towards the rapidly appearing orchard. She saw someone taking a break under the cool shadows of the trees and she honestly hoped it was Mr Edward Jones...
  16. ENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention and sometimes support individual freedom of choice. Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind, tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what they describe as "practical" solutions to problems. Your PERSONAL issues Score is 30%. Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 40%
  17. ACT ONE, SCENE ONE It was a gentle mid-summer’s day at Pleasant Manor. The zesty sea-salt air lazily whispered through the large trees with their leafy green leaves. Miss Gwyn Winnie Duopp hiked up her skirts and slipped over the bare back of a sorrel Quarterhorse named Sundash. The mare whickered softly and Gwyn patted the mare’s warm neck and clucked gently. Sundash turned around in a circle, her ears flickering back and forth. “Come on, Sundash. Let’s go to the orchard!” Gwyn said, pressing her heels into Sundash’s sides. The mare flipped back her ears and began to trot across the pasture in the bright noonday sun. Gwyn leaned over Sundash’s neck, feeling the silky rhythm of the mare’s strides. Her hawk-like green eyes were focused on the orchard, her legs nudging the mare in the general direction of it. “Gwyn! Gwyn!” someone in the distance behind her called. Oh drat. You’re not going to catch me this time!Gwyn thought and slapped Sundash’s neck. Sundash leapt into a gallop, her legs flying own and coming back together as they rushed down the hill towards the orchard.
  18. Sounds like stressed all too often carries into our dreams! Bah! Isn't sleep about rest?
  19. Take care and may you not loose any stuff!
  20. 1. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%) 2. Jehovah's Witness (93%) 3. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (90%) 4. Orthodox Judaism (69%) 5. Orthodox Quaker (69%) 6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (65%) 7. Bah�'� Faith (63%) 8. Eastern Orthodox (63%) 9. Roman Catholic (63%) 10. Seventh Day Adventist (61%) 11. Islam (59%) 12. Sikhism (50%) 13. Hinduism (50%) 14. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (50%) 15. Liberal Quakers (42%) 16. Jainism (41%) 17. Mahayana Buddhism (36%) 18. Theravada Buddhism (35%) 19. Unitarian Universalism (30%) 20. Neo-Pagan (29%) 21. Reform Judaism (28%) 22. New Thought (25%) 23. Scientology (25%) 24. New Age (22%) 25. Secular Humanism (18%) 26. Nontheist (13%) 27. Taoism (10%) Thank goodness I'm LDS, lol. But a JEHOVAH'S WITNESS!? O_o Wow. I have had friends who are ones and not that it's bad but, that is certainly not something for me. Oh well, life is good.