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Posts posted by mrmarklin

  1. Clearly there is a social element to the Church that you would like to reach out to, but doesn't seem to be there.

    I've had this problem all my life as well, and in fact can state that ALL my friends with whom I socialize are non-members. For some reason I have never connected with any church members. I'm a little bit of a maverick and iconoclast, and conforming is very big in the church circles that I have known.

    I am married, and my wife is the opposite. All her friends were met in the church.

    Before I ws married (but I married young) I just kept going to church, and met my wife in church. Even then however, I felt the same as you do. One of the reasons I married my wife is that she was more social than me, but it really hasn't helped me with friendships in the church.

    The church is true, so you owe it to yourself to keep trying.

  2. I used to play... long time ago... black jack and mahjong. Before I came to America even. It's a popular thing for engineering students to try to beat the house. If you play "forever" with unlimited amount of cash, of course, money circulates. But, nobody plays forever. You play until your capital runs out or your time runs out. Professional gamblers go broke because when they are on the losing streak, they expect to win later (which, they eventually will) so they throw their houses for capital to keep the game rolling.

    But, my case in point is ONE GAME - or in poker, one hand. Only 1 person can win. The others lose. Therefore, they spent their money without receiving any value for it other than the CHANCE of winning money.

    One hand of course is random. But pros play over a lifetime, and that is the long run.

    I don't really equate Blackjack with poker, although one can win if one is allowed to card count. That's not luck, but simple mathematics. Otherwise with perfect play, the odds are on the House's side.

    Actually, even lotteries can be investments. The megamillions here in CA is currently $240MM. Since the odds are 40MM to 1 against, it would make sense to invest up to $6, since that's ($6) a breakeven proposition. At less than $6, the odds are actually in the investor's favor. In fact it would theoretically make sense to buy every possible number, with an expected profit of $200MM. I'll let one of you smarties out there figure out why this is not happening.:D

    Don't know anything about Mah Jong.

  3. The stock market is certainly not gambling as a value is received on one's investment. Of course this is predicated on people making actual investments. Most people in the market don't understand it, nor the companies that they invest in. So they lose money, and call it "gambling". Likewise those who trade in commodities and derivitives and understand the purposes of these tools are also not gambling. These can be useful tools to LOWER risk, not increase it. But since the average investor does not understand the fundamentals of trading in this area it is also called gambling.

    By anatess:

    Okay, so let's say there are 3 people playing against each other on a game of poker. All 3 put in say, $100 to the pot overall. All 3 are highly skilled, professional level card players. In a game, eventually, 1 person will win, the other 2 will loose. So, money moves from 2 people to 1 person - 1 person ends up with $300, the other 2 ends up with -$100.

    This is simply a completely false statement that I cannot let stand. Poker is a zero sum game. Three equally skilled professionals would play "forever" and eventually come out equal. A professional poker player plays against people that are not at his skill levels in understanding the mathematics or psychology of the game. His superior understanding of these areas are his profit margin. Over time, this is a mathematical certainty, there is no luck involved. The random dealing of the cards can appear to have the effect of luck, but a professional player understands how to minimize the effects of "bad" cards and maximize the outcome of "good" cards. I realize you probably don't play poker, but this is the kind of thinking that allows the pros to make money!

  4. I always thought that the Lord was born in the spring due to the fact that the "shepards were tending their flocks", normally associated with a spring activity, at least here in the northern hemisphere. Assuming that to be true, then the Lord could have been born in the spring.

    Due to Herod's death date, however, it would seem that He would have had to have been born prior to 1BC. Of course that assumes that the Herod spoken of was "the Great" and not the Herod that reigned at the time of Christ's death.

    Who really knows? It was a very interesting article. Different scholars can even disagree as to what the "facts" are, so we can certainly have a lot of interesting speculation. I personally always assumed that the revelation was correct in every way, but as I have studied the scriptures more and more I have come to realize that everything needs to be taken in context. Not only in the literal sense of the scripture itself, but of the times in which it was written. I came to my own independent conclusiion that the date in Sec 20 was probably a little dogmatic, and I'm certainly open to not taking it literally. It may be 100% correct, but if proven not, it would not affect my testimony of the truth.

  5. I don't think you answered my question. The verse condemns any other gospel after the New Testament. Wouldn't that be the Book of Mormon?

    This simplistic argument might cut it in the shallow Bible discussions you have somewhere, but it reflects an ignorance of how the Bible was compiled at the most, and a further ignorance of Book of Mormon teachings at the least.:cool:

  6. Personally I think at least a year to get to know one another is a minimum. That gives both of you a "life cycle" in seeing each others attitude during holidays, vacations, work habits and times of stress. It also allows eaach person a chance to get to know the family of the other, assuming reasonable proximity. Actually if there is no reasonable proximity, it should be made.

    I did this, an so far almost 40 years, and we still had a lot of teething problems so to speak.

  7. IMHO you don't know either of these girls well enough yet to do anything other than meet FTF and evaluate them. You have not met the families or interacted in any sort of real life situation. And their visits to you are not a real life situation either. Maybe when you are able to return the visits you can begin to get a grip on reality.

    Choosing a life companion takes a lot of time, and one cannot let one's emotions get in the way by being overly physical with either of these girls. Even something a simple as a kiss can give rise to expectations and emotions that at this time are very premature.

  8. Marriages that survive all things are based on "Unconditional Love"

    All relationships based on Conditional Love shall end. Because when the conditions which we contract to give out our love changes so does the love. So with time we change so does our love. And we end up in a retaliatory relationship.

    Please note it is very hard to leave a person when we are in a relationship that has unconditional love for us. And if both are only concerned about giving out love to each other instead of worrying what is in it for me...that marriage will have ties that bind that cannot be broken. For there is no greater power than Love/charity.

    The only help we can give is teachings on correct doctrines and on "Unconditional Love". And if the people are willing to learn healing shall come.


    I'm not quite sure what you mean by any of this. Sounds like psychobabble to me.....................:confused:

    Bottom line is that marraige is a tough thing. In my courtship there were red flags that I didn't even recognize due to my youth and lack of experience. Luckily we have stayed married because we have both been able to change somewhat. YMMV.

  9. Um..... Gathering everyone together in a safe haven in anticipation of the second comming?????

    I don't think we should get carried away with such ideas. When I hear that, 2 ideas come to mind: "Jonestown" and "Heaven's Gate".

    No offense, but that idea really, REALLY creeps me out. I would never let anybody talk me into doing something like that.

    The safe "place" is the House of the Lord and your righteous home. I doubt you'll be doing much traveling.

    The "gatherings" mentioned in the scriptures, are in general, the gatherings of the righteous in the Stakes of Zion. Of course there are certain historical gatherings as well such as in Jerusalem (already happening) and the New Jerusalem (already happened and continuing). For most of us, unless you receive some kind of missionary calling you are already "gathered". Remember the prophecy in Daniel: The Church will fill the whole world. Temples are being built everywhere.

  10. The familiar convention used in the KJV (thee, thou and the conjugations) is used in other language translations as well. This has fallen so out of favor that many Protestant religions have dropped it altogether. Mormons are still taught to pray this way.

    I think JS in his translations etc sought to use the conventions he knew. The language of the bible was pretty basic in rural US during his times.

  11. Those filters don't work for me. I can't seem to restrain myself from just getting past them. I have used k9 in the past.

    The Church has a network to help you and has used a 12 step program for addictions.

    BTW, don't self diagnose. You may not be addicted. Leave that up to the professionals. I'm personally not a big believer in personal behavior addiction myself. But there certainly can be physical and psychological problems.:(

  12. A number of years ago when I traveled to Adam-ondi-Ahman I saw something I thought was rather strange. In many of the fields along the road I saw lots and lots of surveyor stakes. It is like home plots had been laid out for a city or something – definitely not a layout for farming plots. I also recognized some large junction boxes and stopped to take a closer look. They contained large fiber optic cables. Looking around, I thought to myself there is nothing within miles of this place to warrant this. I thought it to be something like building an ark (boat) on a mountain – miles from water to put it on and the ark being too large to move. Anyway I made some rough calculations that this stuff would support a population well over 200,000.

    So I ask my friends that work at the church office building, we all think they know secrets. I was able to find out that the church was involved in “restoration” efforts for land around Adam-ondi-Ahman but no one had heard of anything to this extent. Some of my “contacts” should have known, what if anything was going on.

    However, all this does not mean that we cannot start some good old faith promoting rumors. :D

    The Traveler

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I live in a very rural area, and there are fibre optic cables all over the place installed during the TeleCom boom. Even on dirt roads. I don't think it's indicative of anything other than over exuberance of the old (now broke) telecom companies.:o

  13. The Holy places spoken about are, in order:

    1 The Temple

    2 Your home

    3 The Stakes of Zion,

    Be Temple worthy, have a safe and righteous home, and stay close to the Church, and attend regularly.

    Maybe some of us will be called to go somewhere else other than where we are now, but I believe that this will come as a Church calling, not as any dramatic mass exodus to Adam-Ondi-Ahman or anything like that. I think all that sort of thing (going to Missouri) is a "Church Myth". There's nothing at all scriptural about it.

  14. I find it ironic that piercings are allowed for women's earrings after all the railing against anything else by President Hinckley. I guess even the prophets are not immune from long established tradition.:-)

    Edit: This custom is so strong among certain cultures that my Granddaughter had her ears pierced at one year. My daughter had hers pierced at around two years old.

  15. I think you're nuts. I can understand paying his tuition so long as he maintains good grades. But with holding tuition because he chose to drink at a college party and still maintained good grades...well, you can set that rule if you like, but what will happen is he won't tell you much of what he does in his free time and he'll do what he wants anyway.

    The last thing you want to do when a kid takes this path is do things that will make him feel like he can't talk to you about anything. It's imperative you keep the lines of communication open.

    If he wants to drink and have sex...fine. But he'll have to get a job to earn money to buy his own liquor and condoms. But it sounds like you're trying to exert control over his moral behaviors through financial manipulation. This is really dangerous and probably will neither produce the results you want, nor lead to a better relationship with him.

    Couldn't disagree more MoE. When a person is 18 he's an adult. And should begin to be self supporting. OP does not owe him anything, and in fact would be doing a disservice to him by giving him anything. I realize we're an "entitlement" society, and that this person's "friends" can get what they want, but it doesn't make it right.

    The person in question has not yet received a testimony, and is probably onbly going through the motions of activity to keep peace in the family.

  16. Thanks for all the replies so far. She still wants to write to me on my mission, and like rameumptom said, maybe writing certain things to her might do something. But I am giving too much faith for this all to happen. Like you guys said, if HF has us plan, it will follow up.

    Distance and time will make both of you see clearly in the future. She wants to write and be friends and that is something.

    But when you go on your mission your priorities should change, at least for two years. Be friendly. That's a lot.