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Posts posted by mrmarklin

  1. Careful here. This is not some random boy likes girl scenario. They married each other, that must at least mean something. I would hope that seeing as they are already married, they'd at least love each other enough to give everything a go to make it work before deciding to end it. That's not a decision to be made lightly.

    It is marraige and that's certainly important. But we are talking about Four Years of bad behavior. People don't change that readily, and bad habits are very hard to break.

    Leaving can be a wake up call, and not necessarily final. It's the only lever she has left, and remember she was very young when first married.


  2. A long time ago I posted here claiming that I was addicted to porn. But now, I don't think I really was. I think I looked at it in a couple nights in a row once every few months or more. I haven't looked at porn since I've posted back then either. Do you think I still need to see the bishop?

    I don't think it's necessary. You have repented and forsaken the sin. I agree you are not addicted, and never were. Addicts have a behavior pattern that they will forsake all else but the addiction. Your pattern is not that of an addict.:)

  3. Time heals all wounds as they say.

    My experience in the church tells me that the average LDS jumps into marraige too fast. Nine months is not very long, and I'm certainly an advocate of "4 season" courtship ie. seeing someone through an entire annual cycle of holidays, vacations and normal stressful life! Take your time. Have you dated other men since your divorce? Participated in singles activities as part of a group? Had a chance to meet a lot of other men? Talking marraige after only 9 months seems like a lack of maturity and life experience to me. You were married very young, and a lot of normal growing up over the last 4 years has passed you by. You have not had the normal life experiences of someone your age because of your bad marraige.

    I reiterate..................take your time.

  4. Since the road to exhaltation is through marraige it is logical in LDS doctrine that the Christ was married. After all the Christ was baptized so why shouldn't He have been married too?

    It has been postulated that the marraige in Cana was His wedding (His mother was evidently in charge). It also strikes me as significant that the first person to see Him after the crucifixion was Mary Magdalene-even before any of the apostles!

    Of course there is no scriptural evidence of His marraige, but logic says that it must be so.

  5. Thanks everyone for your great advice. Has anyone claimed bankruptcy? He is wonder if this would be the "best" option so he could work on rebuilding his credit and not involved with his ex?! The student loan in a private non-government loan at around 16,000 and the equity loan is 25,000 eeks

    I wouldn't marry any one that deep into debt. You're not being a snob, just smart and prudent.

    And remember that once you are married any bankruptcy would affect BOTH of your finances on any thing you decide to buy together (such as a home). Unless you could afford a home on only your credit, you would be precluded from buying one for a long time if he has filed bankruptcy. In addition the law has changed regarding most student may not be possible to discharge it in bankruptcy.:huh:

    A wise man once said...never go into partnership with anyone who has more problems than you do. Because when adversity arises, they have nothing to lose, while you do.:eek:

  6. Your older kids are big enough to be on their own so I would get at least 2 tents.

    Buy the best you can afford if you want them to last. Coleman is a good brand. I have one that is 35 years old this year and still going strong after only minor repairs. I have give it to one of my sons. I don't think you will find good quality at Wally World. Go to a decent sporting goods store.

  7. We know that the concept of time changes as we leave this mortal coil. There are some hints of it in Einstein's work on relativity.

    Remember that in Moses, God states that "all things are before Him". That covers a lot, and implies that time as we know it may be irrelevant.

    My personal belief is that all revelations about the "pre-existence" and Saviors, etc only apply to this world. It would be very egocentric to assume that we are "it". The references to "all things" and "the beginning" were made to very primitive peoples whose understanding of the universe and even the earth's would be very limited so we have to look at those sayings in the context of the times they were given.

  8. I know one thing. American Cadbury's chocolate taste nothing like English Cadbury's chocolate. Maybe it's all mental but I swear they taste nothing alike..

    This is probably due to sugar being used in England and high fructose corn syrup being used here in the US.

    Unfortunately, sugar is expensive here (the US) due to tariffs and price controls.:mad:

  9. But it also looked from some responses like a lot of people feel real secure living in cities. I'm surprised by that because Joel Skousen (who is a Mormon) advises people to live in rural areas for their best outcome, should troubles arise.


    I would be good (maybe) to live in rural areas, but that's not an option for 90+% of us in the west. Here in the US only 2% of the population is engaged in agricultural production, and the rest of us must live in some sort of urban area to make a living.

    The US and Europe are so interdependent on the rest of the world for almost everything (12% of the world's population using 50% of the resources), that to believe any but a very few individuals have the resources to be truly independent is naive.

    The rest of the world is evolving in the same way as the last great populations living in rural areas migrate to the ever industrialising cities of those huge nations. Those populations were mostly at a very basic subsistence level anyway.

  10. That Christ showed up in South America.Outside of Mormonism?

    Since there were no video cameras in those days, of course there is no absolute proof.

    However, there is a lot of things that infer that He was there, namely the legend of the "White" god that was waited for by both the Incas in South America, and the Aztecs in North America.

  11. Wow, Thanks for the support MrM. (not) I'm brand new to this board. Is this how warm and helpful it always is? You sound very chauvanistic. And by the way- no, it has ALWAYS been about where my husband wants to work and where our kids have done well in school. It has NEVER been about me in 25 years of marriage. EVER!!

    AND I will still support him no matter what, but he tends to get complacent (too comfortable) and not stretch and reach out of his comfort zone. I think he is using this bishop thing as an excuse to not have to broaden his horizons.

    Ok, I edited it out my last comment because it wasn't very nice. But honestly, are you married? If so, is it ever about her??

    Been married for almost 40 years. My wife is visiting her home country even as I write. When she married me, it has always been for her: me. our children and wherever we were at the time. Now that the children are raised, it's about each other.

    We've had a good life, and my wife has always followed my career wherever it went, and never whined.

    To think being a Bishop is not broadening his horizons is so self centered on your part that it would make me laugh if it were not so tragic.:huh:

  12. So is it just bad form, selfish, lack of faith, putting our eternal salvation in peril to leave a job as bishop after only a year? Do you think extended family relationships trump church callings?

    Why haven't you grown up??????

    Has it always been about YOU????

    Supporting your husband's calling only if he keeps trying to leave it is selfish and really very non-supportive.

    Your home and family is where your husband and children are, and always has been. I'm glad I'm not your husband, because I would want to take a vacation to somewhere other than my old hometown.

    You must be driving him crazy.

  13. I'm 30 yrs old...aint no way in heck it'll be around when i get that old

    You're right. But thanks for paying for me.:D I'm 62 and will need the money in a few years when I retire.:lol:

    Sorry, but the whole system is a giant Ponzi scheme. Don't people get arrested and prosecuted for that?:eek:

  14. Why is it that our new buildings have wonderful RS rooms and no room for the Priesthood?

    And why does the wife always speak before the man in Sacrament Meeting?

    Any why do the wives always only say the opening prayer and the husbands always say the closing prayer?

    (Was sitting in church on Sunday thinking these random thoughts. you are wondering if the speakers were boring. :lol:)

    Don't know about the first, but the latter two are conventions from "older" times. My ward has certainly gotten away from the latter very definitely, and ocasionally from the second.