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Everything posted by sleepless3977

  1. hello and welcome Jenny
  2. welcome to the site and hope you enjoy it
  3. g'day from melbourne and welcome to the forums... hope you enjoy it
  4. HI all, thought i would post an update as to where I am with this one. Well Bishop has advised that he will hold a disciplinary council but is not comfortable with holding it just yet. I can deal with this and know that whatever the spirit guides the Bishopric to do will be the will of the Lord. I've been attending an addiction recovery program which is run by LDS Family Services as well as seeing a councelor from LDS Family Services as well. A lot of things have happened over the past few weeks and my wife has flat out said she wants a divorce. In Australia there is a year period after seperation before you can apply for a divorce. So I have a year to try and change my ways and show that i do love her. Her sister says that she may be acting on emotions at the moment and i can understand that and wouldn't expect anything different and that there looks like there is still hope, however very small. I've been praying and reading the scriptures harder and more dillegently than I have since i returned from my mission. I carry a prayer in my heart as much as possible and last night was a rough night for me. I had 3 hours sleep, however in saying that I found peace from within. I know that I need to submit to the will of the Lord in all I do. That i need to trust in him. If i have faith and do this then if it be His will that we get back together and work on our marriage and relationship, then after all I can do he will provide a way for it to happen. I have small stepping stone goals at the moment with regards to my gospel development and my relationship with the Lord with the ultimate goal of returning to the temple. I just pray that i can be a better person and overcome this and in the end the will of the Lord will be done. Cheers for letting me share sleep
  5. Your Pokéname is: Moomon Profile You live in the blazing deserts of Libya, and your diet consists mostly of garbage, donuts and wine. Characteristics (Combat and Non-combat) You have a fear of slime. You can puke acid. You can spit evil glances. You can swim in air. You can puke Mr. PiBB. You can resist fire. Natural Enemies Your natural enemy is Polirina.
  6. hello and welcome to the forums..... hope you enjoy yourself.
  7. g'day from aussie land also and welcome.
  8. gday, welcome and congrats! this site is awesome, you'll enjoy it
  9. welcome to the site and hope you enjoy your stay
  10. Hi all. thank you for your support and words of advice. small update..... We went and spoke with the Bishop together, finally whereby I was told by my wife that i had lied about things to the Bishop and hadn't confessed it all. We went through the discussion whereby I related to my wife what had happened yet she refused to listen to it and insisted that i was lying. I understand that she is hurting and that she is angry and upset which is why it was a heated conversation between us and the Bishop. We have agreed to some things although she has indicated that if it is ever going to work again that it is going to take years to repair and she doesn't even know then if she will take me back. I have a good support network and i'm doing what i need to do in terms of repentence. I just pray that I can do what it takes to reconcile with my family. Cheers all
  11. i get choked up at the ending to the movie 'Cool Runnings'
  12. welcome and enjoy your stay here.
  13. g'day and welcome. People are really nice here and friendly and just make sure you suck up to Pam..... coz she's the best
  14. unless the Stake President refers it to the Bishop to handle due to the nature of the transgression
  15. Thanx Hemi. I know that there is forgiveness for the repentant in nearly all cases except a few unforgiveable sins. I'm prepared to explain my acts before the Lord as I know that we must do this. I have a fear of God rather than man and know that it is only through Him that we can be saved. Thanx Gwen. My wife has asked that this already take place, that the Bishop, my wife and I meet to talk about things. I've spoken to my Bishop about my brother in law and he said he would discuss it with my wife as well.
  16. I have a situation with which I'm not proud of. I've done something extremely stupid whereby i know that i will be disfellowshipped and put on probation. This i am aware of already and I know that it is the right course of action for the things I've done. I am preapred already for this to happen. The thing that saddens me at the moment is that I may potentially loose my wife and kids. The things that may have led to my marriage being over are as follows: - I committed a sin. Howver it was not of a physical nature, yet has been implied and assumed to have happened over the course of our entire marriage. The fact is it has occured over the past year and several things led up to it. Again not physically committed. - The assumptions potentially have been fuelled by my wife's brother and sister-in-law who appear to have already passed judgement without allowing me to give an account of what happened. - my wife's brother is a Bishop in another stake. being that he is a Bishop, and her brother I understand that she would take his advice pretty strongly. - My wife moved me out of home to my parents place and has told me she won't talk to me without Bishop present. This I can deal with but it is killing me as her conversations with my family have pointed that it is over already without hearing the other side of the story. I went and talked to my Bishop and laid myself mentally, spiritually and even physically out there with a confession of all that I have done. My Bishop's reaction was suprise to say the least as he had expected far worse from the informaiton that my brother in law had given him. I'm willing to do what it takes to get myself right and have another chance, but I'm not sure i'll be given it by my wife. (I won't share the extent of what I've done, but it is bad enough for a disciplinary council. For those that need to know as to give any advice please pm me) I feel as though i'm lost and that there is no coming back from this but i know there is somewhere. I'm surrounded by family who i love to bits, but have consumed themselves with this and keep asking me questions about "what if" it is over. I love them but they are dragging me down i feel. I've been reading the scriptures and praying more than ever for the past week and i spend the majority of the day beating myself up. i'm not sure what advie or what I'm asking for but I needed to share my state of mind and my suffering with someone other than my family and a few close friends. If anything I just ask that if you could keep me in your prayers I would appreciate it. this site is the one place I can come to for solace and comfort from the real world. If i could give anyone advice at all from my predicament, it would be listen to the words of the prophets.
  17. welcome and enjoy the site