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Everything posted by sleepless3977

  1. i agree. A very good book, great read and well researched.
  2. i actually did this when i was younger. Apparently i woke up while my parents had guests, walked out the front door onto the front landing and proceeded to go to the toilet. I also did this while staying at a friends place with my sister. I apparently walked downstairs, walked into the room where my sister was asleep on a matress and got ready to aim to go to the toilet. I was foiled by my best friends mother. I eventually grew out of it.
  3. pot for medicinal purposes? i refused although the Dr's wanted me to go on it for pain management where does that fit in?
  4. welcome. i look forward to reading some of your experiences. I hope you enjoy your stay here. The people on this site are ubber nice
  5. It depends on if they can find your records or not. If after searching for your records they cannot find anything they need to recreate these and in order to do so the ordinances need to be performed under the proper authority and direction. I've seen this done several times to correct church records.
  6. welcome to the site and hope you enjoy your stay!
  7. i'll probably come off sounding like a right git here but here goes........ just re-read this thread and the following came to mind: D & C 64 9 Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin. 10 I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive, but of you it is required to forgive all men. yes bullying and those that bully and lie need to be stopped and it is human tendancy to harbour feelings of anger towards these people but the Lord is pretty straight forward. I know it is hard to let go such things when clearly you should have a been given a better chance to articulate yourself. Things will get better, and i'm sure your faith will guide you. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path" - (Just came to mind again, can't remember the scriptural reference)
  8. mabuhay and welcome to the site. hope you find what it is you are looking for. Cheers
  9. hi there from Aus also..... i had this happen to a friend of mine while i was in youth. Eventually my friend went to the Stake President as she had no other leaders that she could turn to in the ward. i would say do this under prayful guidance and make sure that the spirit has confirmed that this is what you should do. Always remember that the Church is true regardless of the people in it. People are human and make mistakes.
  10. i get annoyed at drivers that tail-gate when you are already doing the speed limit.
  11. welcome and enjoy the interaction, we are a friendly bunch
  12. having only read one side of the story, coz there are always two, i can only comment on what i have read. I think what is missing here is mutual respect. I agree with what most other people have said, and i must re-iterate that a future bribe probably was not the intent of taking your laptop, more a consequence to your inaction in honoring your mother in doing the dishes as asked.
  13. i'm not sure our minds can really comprehend eternity in fact i would go as far to say we are limited in our capacity to truly comprehend what eternity is. taking the scripture on face value, it tells us that the Priesthood is an eternal entity. We measure things in this life by time and define our accomplishments according to man's time. in the eternities, i would speculate that this measurement of a period does not exist as we know it, existing in a homogenous Godlike rhelm of something we may one day learn to comprehend, only not in this probationary sphere. i'm rambling.... does that make any sense?
  14. amen to that quote. The scriptures are there for our benefit and yet we as humans try to over complicate the contents to contend one with another. Its a good thing the Lord has given us the spirit to help us sort out our simplistic mindset.
  15. no i personally like Jaime and his approach to food. I prefer Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall but i think they have both done some great things. Ahhhh the joys of food..... moment on the eyes, lifetime on the thighs
  16. welcome Juliet and hope you enjoy the site