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Everything posted by 8cow

  1. I made this one up (you all might not get it... its kinda an inside joke) "Two losers make a winner, and I have a split personality!" (make your fingers into two "L" shapes, put the thumbs together, get it?)
  2. I'm not old enough to date. AND I'm dateless. *go me* LOL Can anyone explain to me the point of "going out". (and I'm talking about the you're my bf I'm your gf type.. the seemingly pointless kind) cuz it just confuses me..??
  3. LOL. I'm sorry. Some guys are just retarded...
  4. Lol, the sad part abou tblonde jokes, I can rarely tell them without someone present telling me to not share personal stories... Haha...
  5. Is it like a Girls Camp/ Pioneer Trek shindig? maybe? maybe not? ....
  6. Or is it that you're afraid of the answer? So you figure if you keep delaying the prayer about it, you won't have to face up to your decisions and stands.? eh? You'll have to answer eventually for it, might as well get it over with, and if you don't post for a couple of days we know that "you stinketh not to us".. heh-heh.. sorry, lame joke. Praying requires little, if any effort, as long as you ask with an open heart, you will receive the answer.
  7. So, you're saying, you believe in James 1:5, but you're sick of hearing it? Okay... *hmmhmmm Matthew 7:7* It's the same thing, people just know about James 1:5 more. Why does hearing it so much bug you? I DON'T UNDERSTAND! I think you're just confusing yourself...
  8. Woah, that hurt my head trying to read... What do you call a blonde with two brain cells? Pregnant! I got lost in thought the other day, it was unfamiliar territory... I bought a $7 pen, cuz I kept on losing my pens and I was sick of not caring.. What do you call a woman with one leg? Ilene Where does she work? IHOP Heh-heh..
  9. Now, when you say fruit loops, do you actually mean the cereal fruitloops? Or just an insult? Lol.. sorry I'm a bit slow on the uptake. I've had so many weird dreams. I hate the dreams where you have to run but you can't... they creep me out.. And when you go around without a shirt or something.. Its terrible..
  10. Why are you struggling so hard?!?! It isn't that difficult. Pray. Read the scriptures, only the Bible if you must. Pray. How can you not feel the truth? Have you seriously hardened your heart that much!? I know its true. I hope someday you can too. MormonGurl
  11. Uh... Amos is the Old Testament prophet, not Book of Mormon. It's one of the last books in the Old Testament. Read it and look for phrases like "famine for the word of God" Just FYI.
  12. Amos talks about the Apostasy. The missionaries could show you some scripture on that...
  13. I write... a lot... everything that comes into my mind, I just type it all out. Its pretty interesting to read. Journals are another thing to help you express yourself.
  14. Pride is definately a hard one to overcome. I think one of the hardest temptations is "going out". So many people have that it seems normal. The New Era for Sept. 2005 (Q&A section) helped me so much. I personally never wanted to, but all of my friends have. It irks me so much. The prophets have clearly stated that you aren't supposed to. Another hard temptation is immodesty. For some poeple anyway. It is so easy to justify, but when it brings unwonted reactions you wear things that get sleazier and sleazier. Modesty is a hard thing to follow these days. NOBODY carries enough modest clothes. The ones that do (Modest is Hottest, etc..) are such small businesses that you can't hardly afford them. Thats my views. EverClean Fan