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  1. I'm watching the news and wondering who ignored God's warning to build an Ark? ETA to say this is a joke, I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
  2. I've moved 12 times in 4years *dodgy share houses and landlords who would only rent for 6 months at a time. The trick with packing I've discovered is to put some adrenaline pumping loud music on and get up and do it, no use over thinking it just start with one box and the rest will follow. I also *reward* myself so say 5 boxes packed then I can watch a TV Show or watch a bit of a movie. It helps motivate me when I want to know whats happening on my favourite shows
  3. Thank you for your helpful posts guys @ Jayanna that link to the manual explained what I was wondering clearly.
  4. One question I've had in my reading of the BOM and studies of Mormonism is how do Mormons feel the spirit? I was raised a pentecostal christian where things like speaking in tongues, (don't really know how to describe it here) but "preacher praying over you and then the holy spirit entering you and you passing out" and manifestions of different sorts were the example that the holy spirit had entered you. For me as a child I spoke in tongues and "felt funny" and fell over when the preacher prayed over me but I looking back I don't feel personally they were true manifestions but more the power of suggestion and doing it because my mother was doing it or the other kids could do it. How do mornons feel the spirit and receive the gifts of the spirit? How are you personally able to feel that you've received the gifts of the spirit? I hope this makes sense.
  5. New Subject title please: Idiot smokes Bible and Koran There thats better, this wanna be intellectual moron needn't be lumped in with all Australians.
  6. I think as well with the father situation It goes both ways. Many times the guy is not around or he doesn't want a child or he won't support a child. I have a friend who's boyfriend demanded she get an abortion, she said no and he left her, she now has a beautiful baby boy who he refuses to support and she's on unemployment but she loves her child, and I support her decision. I have two other friends who both had abortions when contraception failed and both had been told by their boyfriends to "get it fixed".
  7. I am pro choice mainly as I have some health issues which mean I can not carry a pregnancy to term. I have 2 family members who have the same condition and one lost the baby during the 3rd trimester and a distant cousin lost the baby and ended up with kidney failure. There's a state in Australia, Queensland, where I used to live where a couple is being charged for arranging their own abortion with drugs smuggled from Overseas which through a loop hole in the criminal code came to reveal and doctor or nurse who assisted in a medical abortion could be charged. Hospitals and Doctors in Qld stopped all medical abortions and you had to go interstate if you needed one. There where women who had to drive 3hrs interstate to get an abortion after finding out their child wouldn't survive past birth. It's since been amended but it was still shocking to think that in this day and our age our laws could be so backwards. I'm not pro death nor do I think any pregnant person "should just go out and get an abortion". I love kids and I would one day hope maybe there is a medical solution for my condition and I could have children, until then If I ever get married and by chance do fall pregnant I would be on birth control still but I would more then likely have to have an abortion and I don't want that option taken from me. Whatever man I marry will be made aware of this way before there's a ring on my finger and I would hope that they support my decision.
  8. Nice to meet you, I'm not LDS either but everyone here is welcoming and lovely!
  9. Thank you guys! I actually found an iPhone application and I've downloaded that!
  10. Hi Guys, So I'm reading the BoM which I received for free from a blogger who posted it to me and I'd really like to read the other scriptures as well. My only issues is that I live in Australia and I'd rather not purchase something from a church site and have missionaries turn up at my door (my housemates would freak). Does anyone know where I can buy the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price online that ships internationally? Thanks.
  11. Kraft are idiots. Rember the iSnack 2.0 debacle? I can't believe anyone in their right mind would think there wouldn't be an issue with this?
  12. Congratulations! I was in a similar position as well. Last year I paid everything off and cancelled my credit card! It's such a fantastic feeling. I now used a debit card and if I can't afford it, I don't buy it.
  13. I dont think this makes much sense but: I think everyone has a different version of God no matter if you are in the same religion or a different one. To me I see a mericful God, someone who is there for me during bad times, someone who I can call on for comfort and someone I can look to (ie bible and prayer) for guidance and comfort. Yes he may have been able and step in and I would never experience these trials but I would have no free agency as a human being. Our faith and character would not develop if we lived in a "perfect world". We would have no chance to prove our faith. I don't believe just purely being born gives you the opportunity to go to heaven, you should prove your worthiness, through belief in him and belief in god as well as your actions here on earth and come judgement day you will know where you will go. I don't belive God is an unmerciful character, he gives us ample opportunity, a lifetime to prove ourselves and follow his word, but if we don't follow him or attempt to seek him out and listen when he calls why should we enjoy the riches of Heaven and his presence?
  14. So was Hinckley a President/Head prophet then and after he died Monson was appointed the President? Who are the other 3prophets and Quorum of 12 then?