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Everything posted by Plastic_Starlight

  1. I don't think it can be that easy. yes I want to marry in the temple to a worthy priesthood holder. but just having that as a goal is not a guarantee. sorry to say but there are just as many dirtbags in the church as there are outside of it. but I also know a few people including my institute teacher and a member of the branch pres who were introduced to the church by their spouse and they either got married and sealed later or waited the year and got married in the temple. I'm not saying it happens every time. And that heavenly father want's us all to be happy so there's no risk and hard choices involved. I just don't see why we should have to limit ourselves that way. And marriage aside. if members a few and far between- and datable members non-existant is that it do you just cut yourself off from that aspect of life?
  2. I want to see what other people think, I've been getting a lot of mixed answers about the topic from both members and non-members. so here we go. What are people's opinions on dating in real life as opposed to using an online site. and is dating a non-member really so taboo? I moved to a new city a few months ago with a very small branch. Great branch but the dating pool is.. dry. bone dry. And thats' fine I wasn't looking to get married or anything since I moved here explicitly for school. Anyway, school- there's a boy. He's charming, well-mannered, really good looking and we have quite a bit in common. I was talking to a friend about how things were going with him and she started getting on my case about wanting to date a non-member. using cliche's like " playing with fire" and " asking for trouble". she's a friend so I was polite but rolled my eyes. However, this is a small branch word gets around. ( and sometimes exxagerated) suddenly I have the relief society pres. and various friends and even one of the councilors of the branch pres. asking what's wrong with the guys we have and the dangers of part member families etc and if there isn't anyone I'm interested in I should go to those LDS dating sights instead. To me this seems silly. Is it really considered better to try and date strangers online that someone in real life regardless if they are a member or not? I mean I don't want to rag on online dating I know a few people who have gotten married from LDS Singles Mingle and similar sights, and whatever- if that's what makes you happy then more power to you. I mean I have a cousin who gave up a beautiful life by the ocean for Lehi, Utah so it must be love .. right? at the same time I heard from somewhere ( second hand info which is why I'm not sure about it ) that The brethren discourage online dating. so anyway hope this isn't too vague or confusing. I guess I just want to find out what others think about things like dating non-members and online dating..
  3. Hmm those are good songs. I agree with the Johnny Cash version of "Hurt" the man jsut sings it with more relevance then trent reznar. I also like "black flowers" by the art of time ensamble, " california" by sarah slean and " come all ye weary"-thrice
  4. but like I said.. we don't know yet if it's the same guy.. he's got a john smith kind of name. it's quite possible that it's someone with the same name who is also a creeper
  5. from what my sister tells me big trouble means.. he'd usually pick out young girls or not popular ones and the relationship either gets "scary" or immoral or both.
  6. so... my roommate and I have only been living together for a few days now. we both moved to this city from different parts of the country. last friday we went to institute together to meet some of the members in the area. We met one young man who seemed nice enough if a little forward. He asked for our phone numbers right away. I told him i hadn't changed my number to this area code yet so there was no point in giving it to him. My roommate however passed on her number and we went home. 8 am on saturday morning this young man was at our house to take my roommate out they spent the whole day together and later that evening I met up with them along with 2 other guy from the ward for dinner and games afterwards. this young man we'll call him "P" wouldn't talk to anyone else all night. not his friends, not me. no one but my roommate. at dinner he didn't get to sit by her.. so he just sat there quiet all night watching her. sunday he somehow missed his roommates and now needed a ride to church. he spent all of church right with my roommate adn afterwards stayed at our house untill our ride came and took us all to the fireside. after the fireside not 20 mintues after my roommate and I were dropped off "P' was at our house to take my roommate for a walk. she didn't return till about 1 am. it was basically the same story for monday and tuesday as well showing up at all different hours and wanting to take her out for walks or something. they're basically together all the time. last night my roommate called it a night and went to bed early. i was finishing up some homework and it was close to midnight when I hear a knock at the door. being new to the city and not knowing anyone.. I wasn't going to answer the door this late. but the knock persisted. so I grabbed a kitchen knife and opened the door. and there was 'P' standing in the dark with an envelope or something in his hands asking if he could come in. I told him no. so he asked if my roommate would come to the door. I told him she was asleep and he told me to go wake her up. I faked it hoping that would make him go away. told him she wouldn't wake up and to come back during the day. then shut and locked the door. an hour or so later I was woken up by knocking again. i didn't answer it this time. I was talking to my sister this morning about him and she thinks it might be the same guy who was big trouble for girls were she was going to school untill he moved away. she's trying to find out for sure where that guy moved to. anyway.. this guy is a member and a few years older then my roommate. his behavior is setting off a lot of red flags for me. but i don't know what to do. My roommate is really young and might not have alot of experience with guys but its' hard to tell because we've only been living together for a few days and everytime i see her, 'P" is there. so it's hard to talk about anything, let alone, what she thinks of him. plus i don't want to offend her and have her move out or make living together uncomfortable and awkward. and if this ends up being the same guy.. either way I know i should warn her at least and let her make her own decision. is this something I should take to the bishop as well? especially if it does end up being the same guy from my sister's school? or maybe i'm being paranoid and this guy just likes my roommate.
  7. I'd say the Cardston, Alberta and Portland,Oregon temples. Cardston not only becasue it was were I took out my endowment, but also because out of all the temples I've been to it's the only one that really feels like home to me. And Portland because it was the temple on my mission
  8. first of all thanks guys. I feel a little less apostate about my decision. Secondly.. " old person blues" I understand. and I'm not going to lie and say that that is not part of it. I would be attending an extremely young ward, and compared to the ward I would be coming from theres just a big difference in maturity level both spiritually and mentally. But it's not just the dating thing. Its like being a tenth grader hanging out with 6th graders. How do you really relate to people who Make out in sacrament meeting and add you to their facebook during sunday school? I've always had trouble relating to people my own age ( especially with in the church) let alone kids who are 6 or 7 years younger. It probably sounds all snooty I know. its just.. until I go back so school in the fall if I have to go to church with people i can't relate to..I'd rather it be old people. LIke I said I still plan on going to activities and institute. I'm just picky about my sundays and spiritual welfare.
  9. So this summer I'm moving back to my home town for a few months just to save up for school and such. One thing I'm really worried about is going back to my old YSA ward. I've been in that ward for many many years now. The area that it incompasses is mostly family or retirement areas so there are not many young people my age. the majority of the ward is kids fresh out of high school and brand spankin new RM's. Anyway the long and short of it is.. after last summer, I'm really sure that I don't want to go back to that ward. I could ask for special permission from the stake to go to another YSA ward but " I don't like mine" doesn't seem like a good enough reason. So I decided to go to the family ward for a few months. This decision is not sitting well with my current bishop, old YSA Bishop, Parents, and a few friends from the YSA ward I don't want to attend. because how do you mingle with people your own age, and date and get married and fortify yourself spiritually as a young adult if you don't go to the young adult ward? Good question. its not like I don't plan on going to the activities and institute and such... just not the sunday block.. Has anyone else done this? taken a break from the YSA? is it so wrong? shouldn't it be ok to choose where you want to go to church as long as it is with in the ward boundries for your area?
  10. Its not news here in Canada. We just had transfers with a utah greenie moved into our area. I'm not sure but I don't think the united states government could ban people from leaving their borders for any reasons let alone something that falls under "Humanitarian effort" ( which is what you have to claim it as when yo ugo through customs)
  11. when I was on my mission I most of my companions had one allergy or another, I had one veggitarian companion and eventually I got to the point where I couldn't handle protiens which ment no meat, eggs, nuts etc. Though we got alot of cheese pizza it wasn't really a hassel for anyone. We made sure we put our allergies and stuff on the calander when people signed up and talked to the people who were feeding us before hand if they had any questions. I don't think it's rude at all. Missionaries are still people, and its not a commandment to feed them. it's just a nice thing to do.
  12. I was sitting in my Philosophy class the other day, when my teacher brought up comic book heroes and ethics. After a whole lot of quantifying, equivocating and arguing over who is better Old Blue Boy or "Bats" ,his final question of the day was: " Which is better, Doing good, or doing no wrong?" well?
  13. A Staid Schizophrenic named Struther when told of the death of his brother said " yes I'm sad It makes me feel bad, but at least I still have each other -Anon
  14. Because Wikipedia is a reliable source for any kind of information and cannot be altered by the casual internet surfer.
  15. Far as I know, they are not " scare quotes". They are quotation marks; a form of punctuation which have a few uses. Not the least of which being that they can be used to identify when the author is quoting or even paraphrasing another. Quotation marks can also be helpful sarcasim or irony is employed.
  16. Right Well where to start, eh? First of all let us just clarify, when I say marriage I mean not only the temporal union of two people but also, temple marriage, the covenant that is made when you are married and sealed in the temple. This in basically a response to an argument based on semantics, and the definitions of terms. Anyway good for your stake I guess. I know it is important for YSA to have a focus on spiritually building their members. There is no argument there. However that is not the only focus. Special as our needs are they could be met in a family ward. One of the purposes of gathering all the young adults together is to they can meet, associate, date, and enter into that covenant with God, casually referred to as “marriage”. I’ve been in YSA for 9 years. I’ve attended a few different wards in 5 different stakes in 5 different cities in that time. That does not include the YSA wards I served in my mission. Let me assure you, marriage comes up, A LOT. Whether it is the main topic or a digression that the speaker has managed to slip in, it is there. In fact, Elder Bednar came to visit us this weekend. He had quite a lot to say about marriage and the attitudes towards it in the YSA, and what an important divinely sanctioned ordinance it is. In fact check your D&C 132 you don’t achieve the highest glory without it. To me, that puts marriage in the important column, but once again it’s all semantics. Speaking of semantics “This is because marriage is not a blessing, nor is it a privilege. It is a choice.” what is a blessing? Could the things that come out of marriage be considered a blessing? You know, companionship, love, children etc. no maybe not. Maybe those are all just choices too. Just like marriage is nothing but a choice. That’s got to be one of the most asinine things I’ve read in a while. Neither Barbara Thompson nor Sheri Dew are married. According to the previously mentioned quote they must have chosen to pass up on that covenant. They must have chosen to walk thought life never having been loved enough by another person. Chosen not to have someone else want to share in the covenant of marriage with them, it's totally over-rated anyway. How can someone make a choice whether to marry or not to marry when for whatever reason someone never finds another with whom they wish to enter into the covenant with? There was a woman that worked with us on my mission. When she was 19, she got engaged. Unfortunately for this sister, the young man turned out to be a dirtbag. This sister called off the wedding, “Making the choice “not to go through with it. Now in her late 60’s she never had another opportunity. Is that a choice? She turned down a bad option and that’s is single for life? Or a friend fo mine who is now in her early 40s’ who has never been proposed to. Is that her choice? Marriage IS a blessing , it is so obviously not a privilege, and it is defiantly NOT just some cut and dry choice, and it is not a choice if you are never in the situation to make it. There is no “romanticizing” about this. I am as aware as I can be at this stage, what marriage entails. I’m hardly some silly teenager dreaming that If we all got married our mortal lives would be perfect. It is an ordinance, like baptism, sacrament, or taking out one’s endowment, provisions are made for us that if you don’t (for whatever reason) receive those ordinances here that through proxy work you can receive them on the other side. It is different with marriage. You can’t take random names from the temple roster and seal them together. Give your congratulations to the person who never gets married, because for whatever reason they never find their eternal companions. Just don’t be offended when it means jack all for the 60 or so years of coming home to an empty house, always wondering in the back of their minds why they don’t get to “ make the choice”, and the only answer anyone can give them is “Sometimes we don’t need to know the why, sometimes we just need to endure well, and move forward”.
  17. This has been bothering me for a while now, I'm kind of hoping that if I bring it outside of my brain that it will ease a little. The Set up. As a YSA, you can be pretty sure that in any given fireside, or church meeting that the topic of dating and marriage WILL come up. There is no doubt that marriage is important. Infact it is one of THE most important blessings/ordinances we can get. It's why they invented the YSA, so we can get together, date and get married. So... If Marriage is SO important... why are there so many who will go through out their mortal existance it out it? From what I've seen marriage is DEFINATLY not a blessing based on merit,( if it were, I'm fairly certain Sheri Dew or Barbra Thompson would have been married decades ago) or maturity, or any tracable sort of grading system. There are so many people out there who are worthy of marriage, and yet will die, and wait for their chance in the millenium. I know things are all based on the Lord's time. I just don't get why,if it is so important, not everyone who is worthy of it is guaranteed that blessing in this life. anyway just wondering what other people think about this, or if I'm the only one...
  18. First of all Congrats on your choice to go on a mission. In my last area my companion and I had a chance ot meet Elder Scott. Upon seeing us he cried " Oh Sister Missionaries! we need Hundreds, no Thousands more of you!" GO for it. You'll have a blast! Sadley there are sisters who go out on a mission as a Plan B. They couldn't get married so they went on a mission. Its sort of the same with Elders who go simply because they are 19. You get all kinds really, but for the most part the sisters I served with, and around were amazing. Strong,spiritual, and fun. One Elder said he hated transfering in after sisters because the ward went into mourning. :) I think they should be encouraging girls to consider missions more. I mean, we're knee deep in the last days here. What we need are spiritually strong, educated women to raise the coming generations. We cannot simply depend on the testimonies of our husbands. Plus there are those out there who the Elders can't reach. Sisters are integral to the work. Slap that Elder upside the head, because he has no clue what he's talking about. ~ and that's my two cents
  19. Hey! Why yes I am Canadian, mostly. Living in the UK though, that must be fantastic.
  20. Hey! apart from the fact that we're completely different, we're almost the same! I'm new, a university student, and I'm studying to beome a writer. what's your genre?!
  21. There's a site for that?! If anything can be said about the internet, it certainly has given us a far larger forum to display our... "talents":p
  22. To over state the obvious, I'm new here. Its amazing what you can find on the internet, if you look long enough. So, yeah just thought I'd pop in and see what wass going on.