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Everything posted by boyando

  1. Now all of a sudden, I'm hungry for a JR Whopper with cheese. Thanks a lot truly........thanks a lot.
  2. I look forward to clips on Utube
  3. My twenty four year old son, has had the Avatar blues, long before the movie came out. Seems that he is really upset that James Cameron locked up the name "Avatar" so another movie, (Avatar) the Last Airbender could not use it. So he had forbiden me to see Cameron's film. I don't let my son dictate what films I see, but gave in, because in the last James Cameron film I saw, I was hoping for the boat to sink and put an end to my misery.
  4. You know, if it wasn't for Pravda, the National Inquirer would have no competition.
  5. I hope that Egowaffles wasn't banned, just because he or she didn't like the movie.
  6. I want to say something very funny..............but I can't.
  7. I was on vacation for a week and didn't know there was a problem with Dems or Rebs, retirement. Maybe the sinking ship is the USS Congress?
  8. I believe the more accurate word, you were looking for is teabagers.
  9. Cheer up Guy. If I could stereotype this latests plan, as I see it, it is very fair. It will increase bankruptcies, but it will increase bankruptcies for everyone. That's fair, isn't it?
  10. Diplomacy is only good when it works. Diplomacy only works when there is a reward for what you wish to accomplish or a disincentive for actions contrary to your goal.In the case of Iran for instance, we have nothing they want (except maybe if we did a mass suicide, by every non Muslim in the US). They don't believe we will attack them. So, why are they going to give up there nukes? Is it because we will, through the United Nations, cut off food and medicine, like we did with Iraq? What does the government of Iran have to gain by dropping their nuclear program? We tend to think that they would think like we do, but they don't. We like to think that they want peace because we want peace. But the government of Iran has already shown that they don't care for peace, but prefer chaos. Chaos, will bring there Messiah, who will bring peace through the elimination of infidels. Not every one of the Islamic faith believes this way. In fact I would say that 95% do not. But a 100% of the leaders in Iran do. So how do you achieve a goal of security for our nation, through diplomacy, with a government like Iran's? b
  11. My point is that you can state a policy, as President Bush did by making the statement, we will fight terrorism wherever we see it, and then not follow through. FDR's policy, from his first election, was to never enter into a war in Europe again.Bush's policy was based on being attacked and finding way to not be attacked in the future. Roosevelt's policy was too try and stay out of war. But war came anyway and he did not falter. Obama's policy is, diplomacy will alow us to avoid conflict, all together. All three of these Presidents, will or have fallen short of there stated goals. All because the aggressor set's the rules. And we Americans, don't like being the aggressor, so the rules keep changing. Long term policy will continue to fall apart, as long as terrorist continues to make changes in there tactics. I think diplomacy works very well, among peoples with like minded thinking. That is why I believe that our nations safety, has gone from bad to worse. b
  12. We are all still children, at times. But I think the question is, do politics play a role in the security of our nation? They must, when you are talking about the politics, on a federal level, because that is one of the things that the federal government is charged with doing.FDR's policy of "Walk softly, but carry a big stick" was designed to keep us out of war. It didn't work, but in my opinion, was the best policy for the time. After world war one, Americans didn't want to get involved in the wars of Europe. The currant Presidents policy, seems to be we will make friends with all terrorist, except al-Qaeda. That is a stark difference from the last Presidents policy of we will fight terrorism any were we find it. You may want to notice that having a policy, doesn't guarantee out come. But having a policy, clear or muddy, is designed to let others know what your intentions are and how you will react to situations, as they will, or might happen. FDR's policy, meant that he had to follow through and use that big stick, when necessary. The currant administration is sending signals that he has opted for a smaller stick and instead, will rely on civil courts and world opinion, to protect us. I am sure that some feel safer, with this policy. I don't. b
  13. Many years ago, I saw a report that linked the disease to aluminum. Maybe it is all those years of drinking Diet Coke from a can.
  14. Been there, done that. And yet, I still love turkey. (Although I think you are thinking more like Manti, Ephraim area.)As a teen, I worked on a egg farm, gathering eggs. And at time the smell was so bad, it made me woosey. I have lived a couple of years, on a small farm, with half a dozen milk cows. And now when I drive past a farm, with my wife, she say's "I smell animals" and I just think, it smells like my home away from home. I once made a delivery to a million acre cow ranch, were because of snow, I had to spend the night, sleeping in the bunk house, with the buckaroos. There is a distinct smell to a real bunk house. Driven past many unique smells, in my life time. Never past (to my knowledge) a fat rendering plant. Been to cattle yards and butcher shops and the smell doesn't come close to a dog food plant. Here's why {(I am doing this in white, because I know that many of you dog owners love your dog's like family)The white thing is something I saw on another thread. I forgot who it was who showed this trick, but thanks to who ever you are.} To read, just highlight. The reason a dog food plant smells so bad is because a main source of meat, for dog food, comes from dead animals found on farms and ranches. If a rancher comes across a dead animal, he will make the call and someone will come and pick it up for him/her, so they don't have to get rid of the carcass. Think of six hundred pounds of hamburger, just lying in the sun. Then the animal, be it cow, horse or pig, goes through testing, to make sure it doesn't have a disease that can be past on. Then it is cooked, long and hard. Kind of like dead animal in a crock pot, set on high, for hours, or days. Not that it improves the smell, but you can really smell the vegetables, cooking with the dead meat. You know, I really do like dogs. Just not more than I love my SUV. So the only carbon foot print I care about is a tire track over the foot of any one who wants to cram me into a clown car, or worse, mass transit. b
  15. You know, I can't remember a late night commercial, about raising alpaca's, in a very long time. Maybe there is something to your theory.Who wouldn't want there own unicorn farm? Or is it a ranch? I can't decide, I'm just so excited about Unicorns(sarcasm).
  16. I heard that there was a class action suit coming out of the African American community. Seems a drug company stole what sounded like a traditional African American name, for there drug to cure male patterned baldness. Propecia. Merry Christmas everyone b
  17. If you have ever driven past the dog food plant, in Ogden, Utah, in your SUV, the fowl smell alone would convince you to get rid of your dog. And every other dog on the planet.
  18. Scripture would suggest the Middle East.
  19. Growing up, I thought I was going to be a rock star. I'm O.K. with my given name, but it never would have played as a singer in a rock and roll band. I had a great name (in my mind, anyway) for my band, B.B Smith and the Working Man's Band, so I am going to chalk my lack of success up to a lack of talent and initiative. After watching a few "Behind the Music", I had to add another "thank You Father" to my prayers, for not being caught up in that life style.
  20. Here is a copy of an e-mail sent to local town councils. It is a rebutal to a Tribune article, that I can no longer find. I am posting the whole e-mail here, instead of linking too it, for security reasons. You may want to notice how Salt Lake County, cleverly called it a fee, so they could tax Churches. Everyone, There have been a lot of things being said out there in regard to the Unified Police District and the proposed fee to be assessed to the homeowners and businesses of the unincorporated areas. Some of it is true. A lot of it was presented with no context as to how UPD came up with this fee, or why a fee is being used in lieu of assessing a property tax. Given many of the concerns I’ve heard today have everything to do with this lack of context, I’ve prepared this information in hope of giving those of you who read it the necessary information to understand where we have been, why things look the way they look; and why the UPD chose this path to get itself funded. Overview Under the old funding structure, we paid for our policing services through the municipal services fund. The fund received its revenues from the local option sales tax and the property tax. If you go back far enough (prior to UFA), we used to pay for our fire protection from this fund, too. In 2004, by request of the public and contract cities, we moved fire out of the competition with the other municipal services and gave it its own dedicated funding stream with the establishment of UFA. Due to a robust economy, the property tax increment needed to fully fund UFA was transferred from the municipal services fund. There was no tax increase to notice; and no funding discussions to be had. The establishment of UPD is the next step towards completing the move of our emergency services away from the competition for funds with other county municipal service departments; and away from the effects of the economic and political volatility of sales tax. In the long run, we will all benefit from this transition as the service area inevitably grows, costs are further spread to reduce the cost to homeowners, emergency services are better allocated during times of need; and crime fighting is done on a more unified platform. Even though you may not believe it right now, the transition to UPD has already saved us 6% over 2009’s costs. By the sheer reduction in administrative costs for setting up the contracts with the cities that were contracting with the Sheriff, and will now be contracting with the UPD, the Sheriff and the board were able to realize a 6% cost reduction with no reduction in our level of service. This reduction in costs was calculated into overall costs and formulas that were used to come up with the fee. The fee was spread evenly across the contracts; so the cities are going to be paying the same prices we are and will be served by the same level of service model that we are served under. Now to answer the question… Q - Why the fee and so high? A- The fee being proposed is the lowest cost of the funding options that were available. The old funding system of the municipal services fund was heavily reliant on the use of sales taxes to pay for our policing services. Over the last 2 years, the Mayor and Council have used some of the reserves in the municipal services fund to fill the funding gaps in our services and maintain our level of service. This was not an option for them for 2010. If we had stayed on the old funding structure, we would have paid more than the proposed fee (around $300 on a $262,000 house for 2010), due to the loss of sales tax revenues. Given the forecasts and challenges to sales taxes for the municipal services fund for the next 5 years; the choice to use a mixed funding stream (sales tax / property tax) was not a viable option. The fee will save us hundreds of dollars a year and has the following reasons for savings: i. The fee is spread over everyone. Unlike property taxes that have exemptions for non-profits, governmental entities, churches and the like, this fee will be paid by all which helps reduce the costs to homeowners. ii. The fee is distributed disproportionately. To minimize the costs to individual homeowners, the fee was spread heavier to those businesses and housing types who tend to use the services more. Multiple unit housing, and business types who generate the calls will be paying a higher fee. The Trib article outlines their costs. iii. In the overall scheme of things, our costs for our services will still be lower than the cities. I don’t know if this can be said enough - an increase was coming – the question was where and now we know. I know I’ve tried for the last year and a half to prepare you for this reality. In the short run, it may look like some of the cities are going to have lower costs; but don’t let the here and now fool you. The cities haven’t had the discussions we are having now. When it comes to increases, we (the unincorporated county) got to have this discussion first. The cities will not have their budget discussions until late April and into May. Given many of the sale tax funding reports I’ve seen from the cities over the last 12 months, every last one of them is going to be having a more expensive discussion for their residents than this one. All of them have been using their reserves – just like us, to fund their operations; and they don’t have the money in the well to go back there again for 2010-2011. They will be passing increases. There will be no exceptions and some of their increases will be considerably higher than this increase we are having considered by the UPD board. iv. The UPD board is working on a fee abatement process for those homeowners who cannot afford to pay the fee. The board realizes there are a significant number of folks out there to whom this fee is a fiscal non-starter. In short, they simply don’t have the income to pay it. This is why the board is working to set up a program where the fee can be reduced or eliminated for these people. To say we walked into an economic disaster to kick this off would be an understatement. How we fund going forward is a point of discussion you can have with the UPD board at their meeting on Wednesday January 6th at the Sheriff’s Administration Building (Southeast corner of 3300 South and 900 West) at 6:00PM. I hope this helps answer the questions. If you have additional questions, let me know. Thanks Greg Schulz West Township Representative Serving the Townships of Copperton, Kearns, Magna, and White City
  21. I don't know if we can totally blame the media, if we are going to be so fascinated by this case.
  22. As natural as a rock star on a airplane.