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Everything posted by catalyst

  1. Must have missed it. I thought the sarcastic comment was in regards to the "hobby business" comment. Sadly to say I've heard this very same rhetoric in relief society a few times (had to sit in from time to time on my mission.) My wife hasn't worked since we've had kids. It was our choice. We made some sacrifices for her to do this considering the cost of living in Southern California for the most part requires a dual income for most. She does sometimes get "stir crazy" especially being a photographer by trade. Her only opportunity is on weekends with clients so she can't really begin to build up her business again until she has more blocks of time. However, as the kids get older their school will be starting soon. She'll have the opportunity to work if that is what she wants to do while they are out of the house.
  2. That's a horrible thing to say Gwen. Sometimes people are in situations that warrant a dual income. For you to make a condescending assumption like that is actually kind of scary.
  3. Pam-let's just say I live by the ocean. Backroads-I like cats as long as they are in a barn killing mice. Anatess-I attend services but in simplest terms I do not believe the "one and only" authority rhetoric and the belief that our supreme being is involved in our lives as we feel, assume, or hope that individual is. However I find a lot of the church very noteworthy and special. As I do other religions as well. It's my culture, background, and basic foundation of belief so I don't have a problem attending although I may disagree with the the discourse time-to-time each Sunday-obviously this is based on my own understandings, experiences and so forth. I try to live my life by the golden rule. I feel if everyone did this there wouldn't be many problems.
  4. You forgot "fish oil" Half of my bishopric sells "magical vitamins and pills" from multi-level marketing angles. The wives have parties all the time and generally push the products at church. It's pretty embarrassing. What is it with Mormons and multi-level marketing?
  5. I don't find this offensive at all. It's a point of view being expressed via a print advertisement. I don't see it being any different than the christian rhetoric I see from time to time on billboards, bumper stickers, and so forth, or when AT&T runs an ad about how great their service is (which is clearly crap I might add). What really offends me is when McDonalds only has their McRib available once a year.
  6. The "so he says" remark seems to insinuate that you don't believe he's gay. Or that's at least how I read it. Is there something else going on here?
  7. Personally, If my wife wasn't as active as she is I'd probably go once a month. I just don't find it very fulfilling. Never really have. My wife enjoys it and our little children seem to enjoy it (except for the youngest in nursery-he pretty much cries the whole time.)
  8. Aloha, Came across this site actually looking for something else but figured I join. A little about me: -Father to beautiful children -Husband to a gorgeous wife -Also married to the Sea -Have an LDS background and regularly go to church with my family however based on my own experience and relationship with our supreme being I have different beliefs-my "bishop interviews" are always interesting. He loves me but just doesn't quite seem sure what to do with me:p -I currently repair surfboards for a living -Oh...and I like dogs-always been a dog guy.