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Posts posted by Sunday21

  1. A former bishop does not go inactive because someone was rude to them. There is something else going on for sure.

    His wife left him for a nonmember. Perhaps he is embarrassed. Sometimes with the new emphasis in class on sharing your own experiences it can be tough. "Can anyone think of a time, when you really needed Heavenly Father's support?" I sometimes feel that I should stop sharing. We are a small ward with small classes- it's embarrassing to be honest about your trials. For most of the long time members others have seen us at our most vulnerable - post divorce, coping with illness, unemployment... It's hard to face people when your life is falling apart.

  2. I have a feeling this is more than that. In a sea of 50 nice welcoming people, one rude encounter can be forgiven by somebody who wants to be in church. In a sea of 5000 nice welcoming people, one rude encounter can be the excuse somebody who wants to leave the church is waiting for....

    Yes I think this is true. Sometimes I think people feel embarrassed that their life is not going well ..their spouse leaves them, they develop health is hard to go to church and feel that others are judging you.

  3. Yeah I liked the ward here, though it's very small (building small, the congregation seems a good size) though I normally find insane faults with most everyone I meet I ultimately felt they were a nice bunch.


    Just thought I'd say a nice thing about the folk. Mormons are the reason I love egg salad sandwiches lol.


    Do you know why they leave, do they say?

    Apparently someone was rude to them. This is what I hear.

  4. Only about 1/3 of our members are active. We try hard to maintain. We have many different activities. Many with food. We are warm and friendly to others. We shake hands and greet others. Our classes are friendly with lots of participation. We are really trying but still we lose great people who are from strong families and who have held important positions. It is heartbreaking.

  5. Groan. Really stalwart people are going inactive in my ward.. And taking their families with them! My former bishop! One very nice mother of five and her former elders quarom president apparently because someone said something rude to her. What a waste!

  6. I'm solo every other weekend.

    On weekends with my chilluns..... There's no rest whatsoever, most of the time.

    I'm working all durn day, doing what I do all durn week!

    14-20 hour shift of childcare.

    Easier, now that they're older, but it's still work.

    My favorite kind of work, but it's still work.

    And with church it's still herding cats, driving, herding cats again. In formal wear.



    Seriously, though, Sunday with kids is like anti-rest-day.

    Wake up at oh dark thirty, work until the last one drops off 14+ hours later, crash yourself.

    The classic stay-at-home-parent-ism

    "When vacation is just another day, but going to the grocery store by yourself feels like vacation" sort of thing.

    That's what I took 1:1 / by yourself to mean.

    No other responsibilities that supersede the sabbath.

    Be it parenting or anything else that's in the "loophole" section.


    Yes life with kids means that you rarely have time weighing on your hands.

  7. I don't think there is anything wrong with taking a time out for yourself. If you are wore to the bone...what good are you in doing anything for anyone be it Sunday or any other day. You have to rejuvenate for the coming week too.


    I am not sure I understand the question either. Are you thinking if you have other family around it is easier to keep active doing Sabbath day things? Cause sometimes I am so exhausted with the whole family being here that I HAVE to take a nap... I just excuse myself and do what I need to do...only to come out of my room to find out that everyone else is napping on the couch, chairs, and anywhere else they can find to have a rest time.


    I don't believe there is a thing wrong with taking time out on Sunday.

    If I lived with someone else, I would go bug them until they asked me to go away!

  8. I'm also a bit confused by the question. Is plum tuckered out or living alone meant to justify something that would otherwise be Sunday inappropriate?

    I'm also a bit confused by the question. Is plum tuckered out or living alone meant to justify something that would otherwise be Sunday inappropriate?

    If I lived with someone else, I would talk to them or help them do something mindless. If I had more energy I would do genealogy. I used to read the Jeeves series of novels by PG Woodhouse on Sunday nights. These novels were written pre WWII and are very gentle and non offensive but I decided this was not obeying the sabbath. Our bishop has asked us not to watch tv, which I do not have, but Jeeves novels are close to gentle tv. I had a great time watching The District, a tv reality show that follows missionaries. If you have not seen this go to byutv and search The District. It is great. I have read articles in lds living. I have watched YouTube videos of elders returning from their missions and people singing hymns. I have googled images-christ. I have listened to the children's song book. I have looked at YouTube pictures of temples. I have spent a lot of time on the mormon channel. I have a serious health problem and so am trying to be very good in hopes that G-d will have mercy on me. On the plus side, I am super thin!

  9. If you live alone and are determined to obey the sabbath, what do you do when you are dead tired on a Sunday?

    You have read your scriptures, gone for a walk, read an improving book, meditated, phoned a friend, now what? Assume you are plum tuckered out - too tired to do anything remotely useful. What to do with those last hours before bed time?

  10. I wish I could come up with something - but for my entire life, whenever I have thought I have discovered the best spiritual advice it has later come to be overshadowed by something much more profound, sometimes from the most simple of sources. 


    In thinking I do remember on my mission as my companion and I had experienced a most spiritually profound miracle.  Unable to express myself and my feelings I turned to my companion and said that I could not believe what had happened.  My companion kind of smiled and said, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”


    I cannot say that every spiritual experience is greater than the previous but from time to time I see something I have not seen before and I am surprised at the incredible beauty of it.  I am sure that I am \ the most blessed person on earth – then, just like this Sunday a Sister missionary expresses her testimony and I think I am lucky just to have heard and to be associated with so many in my life that have spiritually lifted me up like her.

    Any spiritual advice would be gratefully received


    Sorry friends – I have no best spiritual advice.

  11. Best spiritual advice that I received was to obey the commandment even when you are not sure how things will workout. With respect to the law of tithing the first time you pay can be very scary. A friend told me just to think of it as walking off a cliff and believing that God will catch you. It has been a bit like that in my life especially with not working on Sundays. I think that Satan tells us that certain commandments are more difficult to live than they really are.