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Posts posted by Sunday21

  1. My husband woke up this morning and said, "I got vacation time that needs to be used. Want to go to Wyoming or Canada?" My reaction - HECK YES - I'd love to take a trip! So it's been a long while since I've been to either place, but today, I'm going to Google what's out in those regions for fun things to do as a family. We'll have 4 days (including travel) to sightsee and explore either Wyoming or Canada with a toddler in tow! We plan to take-off a month from now.



    So, any recommendations? I'd like to do a B&B type thing, and then be able to drive within reasonable distance to historic sights, etc. Something along those lines would be great. My DH is wanting to do more active stuff like rock climbing but I think he's gonna lose out because (i) we have our daughter and (ii) that isn't sounding very exciting to me. But if there's an outdoorsy activity that is family friendly, I'm all ears for that.

    Why not try Banff? Very beautiful with wild life. Stay there 4 the full 4 days. Be careful about early morning walks in the woods - there are bears. I spent 4 days in Banff while attending a conference. Each day I took a short cut through the woods to the conference center. On the last day I took the conference bus and talked to the bus driver who told me off for walking on previous days because of, you know, bears!

  2. yes I just finished this and some others in preparation to teach tomorrow〈=eng  Theres shorter ones Ive watched them as well but if u are short on time take the 1 and 2 min and 4 sec. and watch this one first  and u can watch the others later.  I still dont have my lesson prepared by I feel like I should go to the temple and im sure it will all be put together nicely for my lesson.  Enjoy it it is awesome!!!!!


    Hope you all are having a great day!!!  I am for the spirit has touched my soul and that really is the best of the best that we have!!!  Dont u agree?  Sorry that I got off of the topic. :notme:

    Great suggestions. Thanks!

  3. I have a copy of the documentary tv series \"Messiah:Behold the Lamb of God\". It was produced by the Neal A. maxwell institute and byutv. This series is amazing. Various byu religion professors visit the holy land and discuss the gospels. Other byu professors give insights into the gospel. Does anyone know of similar series or shows that might be available for purchase or available online?

  4. Do you have a scripture reading routine that works for you? A way to record insights?

    AS per suggestion in Teaching NO Greater Call, I pray before and ask the HG to b with me to help me understand what I read and after I pray to say thank you for scriptures. This manual also said to come up with a system to record and retrieve spiritual impressions. The best that I have come up with is a spiral notebook with post it notes to indicate pages that have important information.

    Do you have a scripture study method that works for you?

  5. Dear Bros & Sis\'s,

    I have developed a bad habit of being negative. I think this is because I work brutally long hours six days a week without the benefit of coffee which I miss desperately. I rarely do anything fun because Sunday is my only day off. I do need to become more positive. I am trying to : 1) smile, 2) pray at work, while driving, while walking to work, 3) do favours for people. I carry a spare umbrella when it is raining to give away. 4) say prayers of gratitude. Any ideas?

  6. If your home teachers call and ask if you can meet them at a specific time that does not work for you, suggest several other times, otherwise you could labelled "difficult". Sunday after church often works well. If your hometeachers are not very diligent, you can call the elders quorum pres and ask him to arrange a blessing for you

  7. Does anyone have any tips on being mormon? Suggestions: never pray for patience. If you do everything will go wrong.

    If your Bishop calls you to change your life radically e.g. Get married. Stay calm and say "I will fast and pray about that"

    Never get into a fight with anyone. You may end up home\visiting teaching them

    If you are asked to provide meals for a family, lean cuisine is okay

    If you can't have the missionaries for dinner, you can bring them a cooler of frozen breaded chicken and ice cream.

    You can ask for an adjustment to your visiting teaching, e.g. Some wards will let you do it without a companion

    An iPod/iPad is easier to lug around than heavy scriptures.

  8. My doorbell rang tonight and it was one of the men from the ward, accompanied by 2 of his kids. They handed me a little bag of heart shaped cookies and a bouquet of roses.

    I would have been happy with a single flower, so this was a really great surprise.

    How nice to remember the single sisters for Valentine's!

    I want to move to your ward! How great.

  9. I think that most of our time will be spent helping others with their struggles, afflictions, and trials yet we will have the time, energy, and perfected state of mind to pour out such kindness without end. Our relationships with our families will be perfect. This will also bring joy and peace to us on a level so great that it is difficult to understand in this life.

    That's some of my opinions. Here is what I know:

    It is not difficult to gain eternal life. I think it's a lot easier than most people realize. Satan uses many lies to discourage people. "I'll be happy in a lower kingdom", "Celestial glory is too hard to obtain", and "I've committed too much sin to be saved" are just a few of the lies Satan uses. Life in the Celestial Kingdom will be perfect peace, joy, and happiness. We can make it!

  10. I think that most of our time will be spent helping others with their struggles, afflictions, and trials yet we will have the time, energy, and perfected state of mind to pour out such kindness without end. Our relationships with our families will be perfect. This will also bring joy and peace to us on a level so great that it is difficult to understand in this life.

    That's some of my opinions. Here is what I know:

    It is not difficult to gain eternal life. I think it's a lot easier than most people realize. Satan uses many lies to discourage people. "I'll be happy in a lower kingdom", "Celestial glory is too hard to obtain", and "I've committed too much sin to be saved" are just a few of the lies Satan uses. Life in the Celestial Kingdom will be perfect peace, joy, and happiness. We can make it!

  11. I wonder what % of the world will b mormon before the 2nd coming

    I wonder when we will see the lost tribes

    I wonder what the millennium will b like

    I wonder what% of the Jews will convert

    I wonder when the temple in Missouri will b built

    I wonder what changes will b announced in general conference. My bishop says big changes r coming