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Posts posted by Sunday21

  1. You need to make friends with Heavenly Father. He is available 24/7 to provide guidance and heavenly assistance. He can help you chose the right spouse, the right career, the right school for your kids. You can pray before work to help you concentrate and for protection from politics at work. He can help you get along with difficult relatives and avoid bad financial decisions and will even help you avoid getting food poisoning from picking the wrong restaurant. You are living below your privileges. The Lord of the universe is waiting to help you live your life. His arm is out stretched to you. I do not know if you have kids but He loves you more than you love your kids, your spouse, your best friend. Take his hand and live your life with his assistance. You can pull your load with a friend beside you sharing the burden. Let Him help. He loves you.

  2. Parents will counsel with their children in greater love is a biggie. This is exactly opposiate to the popular image of the result of reading the scriptures. If you ever see a parent reading the bible in a movie, they become more intolerant with scripture reading.

  3. Here are the promises if you hold family home evening. From Joseph f. Smith, if the saints obey this counsel, we promise that great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase. Faith will be developed in the hearts of Isreal, and they will gain power to combat the evil influences and temptations which beset them.

  4. Does anyone know of any gospel promises? For example, in the 10 commandments, we are promised prosperity if we obey the sabbath. I have heard that if we read the Book of Mormon daily that we will find greater self-control. Someone one told me that there was a promise that if we hold family home evening regularly that children are less likely to leave the church. Does anyone know of any other promises?

  5. I was inactive for 25 years. My new ward and my bishop welcomed me back with open arms. I was even living with a boyfriend when I first started attending church. I experienced nothing but gentleness even from my bishop. My bishop offerered me a calling and when I explained that I was living with someone, he gently suggested that we needed to wait until I resolved that situation. No fire and brimstone. It takes a few months to readjust your life. Many former smokers slip up after baptism. G-d knows if you are sincerely making strides.

  6. Genealogy. Sigh. I have to write to elderly relatives to get some info before they drop off the perch. On the bright side I hired someone to type in about 500 individuals from a nonmormon genealogy system into the church's system.

    Decorating. Someday when I have money, I am going to hire someone to decorate my hovel. On the other hand, the longer I live here, the less i notice the the ugliness! Maybe I should just ignore it!

    I should try to do my visiting teaching in the first week of the month.

  7. It is sooooo convenient to be catholic. You can attend mass almost any time of day - even Saturday night. I went to a conference with a catholic and we both wanted to attend church. My service was held once a week, a long way away in the suburbs while there were many convenient locations for the Catholic Church and many churches all over the city. The priest was very nice too!

  8. Do you own a gun? If so why? If not why not? I live in a non gun oriented country although hunting is big business here. Most people do not own guns but if they do,it is a rifle for hunting rather than a handgun. Unless your job requires a gun, it is difficult to get a permit for a handgun. At one time, we had a gun registry program in which if you owned a gun, you needed to register with the police but no longer. I believe that if you own a gun in the uk that you need to register it with the police, store it in a special case separate from the ammo, and the police can inspect this storeage arrangement at will. Any Brits who can confirm?

  9. I want a washing machine that sits on top of the dryer, finishes the wash, and drops the clothes into the dryer, which dries the clothes and then spits the clothes into a basket. And hurry! I have lots of laundry!

    I want a robot to teach me the waltz so I can practice in my basement.

    I want a hypoallergenic cat and dog.

    I want a housemaid robot.

    What about you?

  10. For me, an electric blanket AND an electric mattress cover. Yum. It is 40 F here. Frig. Summer is definitely over.


    Gps. Was embarrassed to realize that I need it to get to Walmart. Turn off brain and drive. Just wait till we ger self driving cars.

    Lots of lights on especially in winter. It is really dark here and the sun goes down early and gets up late.