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Posts posted by Hala401

  1. While I do agree that the young woman should be covered, I think that in the future more effort to prevent such a thing should happen. Perhaps a large sign at the entrance to the Prom would be a first step. I'm actually surprised that revealing any more of one's body than the garments would is acceptable. I'm also very surprised that a Mormon woman would wear a bikini out on the lake.

    This from a woman that is still unused to life as not Muslim.

  2. Think first about the kind of person that Heavenly Father has made you through the Church. The doubts about the BOM pale in the light of being pleasing to Heavenly Father. Think on your love for him, and the fact that you are loving and kind to others. Believe me when I tell you that there are lots of people who call on God, and even name the name of Jesus Christ who are NOT loving to others.

    The most impressive thing about the Church is that they rescued me! My experience with the Holy Spirit that day on the road through Kirtland, Ohio was the start of a series of astonishing events that has not stopped even yet. It all began on March 13th, 2011, a Sunday evening. I was driving on the road through Kirtland, and saw this curious looking church. Then something extremely compelling made me pull over. For me it might as well have been someone sitting on a white horse, and holding a sword commanding me.

    I looked up Kirtland on my Android and in a series of what I now recognize as Holy Spirit driven events, I wound up at the Stake center there, and women there directed me to the Historical Center. I wish I could tell those women thank you. At the Historical center, I very reluctantly began a relationship with Sr Missionaries that would ultimately lead me inexplicably to become a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    Joseph Smith as a Prophet, and the Book of Mormon were not much of a stretch for me because as a devout Muslim, I already believed in a prophet, Muhammad PBUH, and in the Holy Quran. For a very long time, I had wondered why God had stopped talking to us, his creation?

    Evangelicals believe that the Bible is a closed book, and they even interpret the last paragraph of the Book of Revelation to mean that Heavenly Father closed it. Years later, I realized that read correctly, those sentences only close off the Book of Revelation, not the whole Bible.

    Then, just recently I realized that the Bible was not even complete as a Book until John Wycliffe, in 1300, translated it from Latin to a language that others could read. So, before then, the common person had no access to the Bible, and were at the debatable mercies of those who practiced priestcraft.

    What at first sounded to me like more idle hate talk is now very real to me. The great apostasy has become very real to me. From one who was rescued from certain death this church is true.

    Had my experience not happened that day, my future would have remained very doubtful.

    My experiences since I began to study with the Sisters continue to underline for me, that Heavenly Father loves us.

  3. If they are genuinely abusing people against their will - and advertising that fact on their website - I can't believe they weren't shut down long ago. I suspect this is really a case of staged abuse involving consenting parties, and what this "cast member" said was part of the act.

    There again, I doubt I'll find out the truth about this since I'm not going to look at that website either. Downloading images of faked abuse is now illegal in the UK, even if it's done purely out of curiosity. It's true the authorities are finding this hard to enforce, but there's no point taking stupid risks.

    (For the record I personally disagree with this law: pornography should be discouraged, but people should ultimately be allowed to do what they like so long as they're not hurting anyone else. Of course some anti-porn lobbyists will argue that fakers of violent porn are hurting innocent people, but I've always found their arguments very tenuous. They'll tell you that it "encourages men to commit violence against women", but the best evidence anyone can provide to support this that one or two convicted murderers were also collectors of violent porn. It's the classic confusion of correlation with causation. One might just as well say that Wagnerian opera and chocolate cake are dangerous because they were both enjoyed by Adolf Hitler.)

    70+% of the money made on the internet is from publishing porn. This is an unbelieveable figure, but it is true.

  4. Somehow I have managed to avoid contact with G-------on, and am fearful of even typing their name, lest some web search cold, reveal my existence. I pray for the rescue of the victims of that community, though most who participate believe they do so voluntarily. Many of the victims are desperate for an income, and have pathological psychology that lets them believe that their keepers actually do care for them.

  5. My boss is a devout BMW fan. I'm not sure what kind of driver he is, but I do know that his 5-series randomly burst into flames a few months ago while he was driving. He now drives a 3-series.

    Being farm girl, I can not imagine owning vehicle that can not haul some hay, a day old calf, my dog, a dead Elk, and get me to the dance and sacrement service without mud on my dress.


  6. I'm a Cadillac girl. Yeah, do I get it from everyone - family and friends. Asian driving a Caddilac. Most Asians who can afford it - and even some that don't - get a BMW... or a Lexus. The Cadillac, they keep telling me, are for old black dudes.

    And yeah, most of the young Asians I know driving BMWs drive like they're on the autobahn. The ones getting the SUVs drive like they're driving on eggshells... and wash the car daily before parking it in the garage at night.

    Okay, okay, so I'm generalizing. Major.

    It is funny, because when I was Muslim, I had no car and decided to buy one. I found cute little pickup that was light blue, and when I ask the salesman to show it to me, he said this car not for woman. He absolutley would not sell it to me, and being conditioned to be obedient to the men at the time, he sold me Toyota Corolla. I must say that it is great little car and we have driven it all over the USA.

    Now days, since I am catered to Mormon Princess, I would have my little pickup for hauling gardening supplies, and antique store steals. LOL

  7. They must be the same people who drive Dodge trucks in the US.

    No kidding. It was bought for me by spouse. It was 93 4x4 Dodge Cummins that I had to climb into because it was so high. I always tried to be nice to everyone, and with diesel you win no races, AS IF! It was not truck for church and modesty.

    My biggest problem with Dodge truck was that all the men who drove Ford trucks became consumate winers when they saw my truck. They'd spend so much time telling me how much better their trucks were that it became intollerable. Finally, I told them that the person who made the payments should drive what they wished to drive.

    I never resorted to revealing the true acronym of Ford Truck. (Found On Road Dead) snicker snicker. Promise. :twisted:

  8. Hala, isn't there some kind of analog to the LDS temple garment in Islam? I remember seeing an Ottoman Empire exhibit at BYU some years ago, and one of the displays included a couple of shirts with prayers inscribed on them which were worn by soldiers under the armor and supposed to give some kind of spiritual protection.

    Please keep in mind that I am not a non Muslim professor of Islamic studies, I was one for 7 years, so I have my own bias. I know more about the culture than I do the fine points of the belief system. I started out as very conservatiive Sunni and was Shia when I started to work with the Sister Missionaries.

    There are not significant undergarments for the Women, and I do not think there are for the men. However, with the men, the area between the knees and the waist is not for public exposure. It is immodest.

    For the woman, the area above the lower ankles is forbidden to display. Depending upon the particular culture and the husband of the woman, the husband may require the wife to cover her hands with gloves and her neck and hair. The Niqab covers everything but eyes. When I first started out, even one hair sticking out from under my scarf and one of the older women would fix it and correct me.

    I have been to Masjids where I could walk in with black Abaya, and proper Head scarf, and then some women would put "Prayer Garments" over all that. Wallah! It got very hot and I abandoned the additional garments. As far as special garments as in the LDS context, I do not know of them.

    If you are within driving distance of Provo, UT, there is a beautiful display at the BYU museum of Shia and Persian Art. You may find this enjoyable, and I promise that viewing this art will not convert you to Islam. :) There was not examples of Muslim clothing, either Sunni or Shia and I thought that would have been quite educational and enjoyable.

    The Muslim Prayers are quite involved. The following Youtube vid is for Magrib prayer only. There are 4 other prayes during the day. Enjoy.

  9. Posted Image

    Make whatever humorous or snarky comments you want, but let the first word of your reply be an honest "male" or "female" judgment on the sex of the person pictured above.

    By head size, I would say Male, but by eye size, I would say female. The absence of makeup and those ugly clothes; it hasta be a guy. But then with those lips, gosh female. We find it imposible to tell. However, if this was video, we would know in 3.2 seconds.

    After what I have seen, I totally reject the binary construct.

  10. A frustrating problem I have seen in people is that they seem to somehow feel entitled to judge the actions of another, even when their own actions are less than stellar. I do not "get" homosexual intercourse, it is icky to me. However, and this is my Islam sticking with me, is that we are not to judge another person. Yes, Islam has the same sorts of rules in that regard but they too seem to think it is somehow acceptable to weazle out of that and set themselves up as little Gods.

    Yet, some Islamic authorities seem to think it is right to stone and hang the offenders. I would hate to think that the LDS church, with all that the members present and past have experienced would do it.

    My feelings are quite harsh and strong on the subject because I have experienced it myself.

  11. In Phonetic Arabic the word sounds like Jenn, but who knows what it sounds like for real in Arabic. There actually is a branch of Shia Islam which is very mystic, and they believe that the Jenn live in Bathrooms, and do eat fingernail clippings and other non living body parts, or things which come from body.

    Wudu (ritual washing) is also very interesting. You can probably find good video on youtube about it. One simply washes their feet, hands, arms, and face in a certain way. It is also the reason for the prohibition of nail polish, and um makeup.

    So, for me things like holy garments, and temple ordinances were not much of a reach. The symbolisim is beautiful, while the uninitiated may not understand.

  12. Hala! Is that you in that avatar? The same woman from the previous avatar with the hijab?

    Wow, girl, you are super pretty with awesome hair. Loving the highlights. Filipino me has one hair color - plain dark brown. Boring. LOL.

    Shhh. The men are not to hear this. It is not permissible. The hair in the new Avatar is wig as about three years ago it was all gone. I am still very selfconscious about it but with Sisters at church I do not wear wig, though when I first started with church I wore Hijab.

    Thank you.


  13. I cannot determine that from here. Please send me your phone, so I can check it for any evil spirits. Of course this may take several months to determine, so please keep paying your bill while I manage this very tricky and difficult issue. If I do find Jenn in your phone, it will take longer for me to exorcize it.

    I took phone to bathroom with me so perhaps that is where it got the deamons? They live in there, eating fingernail clippings, but of course you knew that, right?:satanflame:

  14. What makes a gun dangerous? The people who wield it. A gun is just potential energy. How an individual uses it determines whether it is used for good or evil.

    So it is with technology. It can be used for good things, as some have noted with cell phone credit card attachments, or for evil by those who steal numbers. And yes, perhaps the Beast will someday use a similar technology. That does not mean the technology itself is evil.

    You are saying there are no evil Jenn in my phone?

  15. For a long time after my divorce, I would get depressed and to sit on the rail of the bridge, or call crisis line, or even go to Hospital for a few days.

    Then after after treatment for many months, I'd get depressed and call counselor, eat Ice Creme, take hot bath, or watch good movie.

    It seems lately that when a bit of depression overtakes me, I call someone who needs help, chat on forum, or get busy doing one of my Relief Society assignments.

    In my case, it was a learned response to the depressive cycle. I am not saying it is for everyone, and maybe I really do not have a chemically induced depressive cycle.

    For me it was learning to be a real, independent person because I had never been allowed to make my own decisions. I had to learn to be an adult.