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Posts posted by Hala401

  1. What happens a lot of the time is someone says, "America's actions in the Middle East have helped create the conditions that are spawning a bunch of people who hate us." and it comes across as either, "You and the people you know are creating conditions that are spawning a bunch of people who hate us." or "America deserved to have 9/11 happen to them, it was morally justified by their actions."

    Sometimes a combination of the two.

    I think it is called something like battlefield guilt. I do not say that Americans created the problem, but that the actions of some people at our State Department, certain branches of the government, and some unscrupulous business men, both American and foreign created the wars.

    For example: Why would our CIA and British MI6 feel entitled to undermine and overthrow a democratically elected government? I think the short answer is that Iran was getting friendly with the USSR, and in the Cold War that was not acceptable. Even now, some in the West are pushing very hard for the US to fight with Iran. It all feels really icky.

    I know that the church is true and that somehow Heavenly Father will help us find a role that is pleasing to him.

  2. Thank you Anatess. I am definitely American, and I love to know about other peoples and countries. I can easily say Heavenly and Father in the same sentence now with out experiencing the terror and hate that I did even a year ago. This is because God has taught me a new context for belief in a Father. And now Heavenly Father is taking me on yet another new journey and I have no idea where we are going.

    Of all people, I would think that members of our church would begin to see the world in an international context. Geeze Elder and Sister Missionaries go all over the place, and live with so many different people. Can it be that the Missionaries have gone out to witness of Jesus Christ and have not experienced the cultures that they lived in?

    There was a short time after my divorce that I experienced so much darkness. I could have easily become one of those people we loosely call terrorists. Even when I did not recognise Heavenly Father, he was guiding my steps. So consumed by grief and pain, I did not know that I fought him. I am sorry Heavenly Father.

    I've been privileged to experience some of the language and culture of a dozen different countries, some more, some less, and I believe that in a very real sense we are all the same. We want good things for our babies. We find love in some people and fear others. I am incurably American and happy to be so, but I am also an international child.

    I recognise words respectful and devout toward our creator in a few different languages. Khoda Hafez, Bismillah, Jesu Christo, Shallom Alechem, Salaam Alaikom, and others that I will recognise but can not recall at this time. It is 4:00 AM and suddenly I am awake, in a way that seldom happens to me. I wonder what Heavenly Father wants me to see this morning?

    As a people that Heavenly Father has given special grace and knowledge, we need to embrace our special purpose. It was Sister Missionaries that showed me how it is believed that our church will save the constitution, and bring the world into a new understanding of God's will and purpose.

    So, I have met people who have drilled water wells for the Peace Corps (CIA) in Africa, and who have crawled in tunnels in Vietnam with an un pinned hand grenade and a pistol. It is difficult to make sense of how a Saudi Man that I love hates the American Military. I can't understand how it is that Shia and Sunni Muslims hate each other and for some reason, both hate the Jews. I have experienced Jews from both sides, and can scarcely make sense of it. Arab children who were raised on the hate and injustice that their parents have experienced have thrown rocks at the bus I was riding.

    So, some of you experience shock when I say that some of our American history is dark. Still, I do not know a country in the world that has given away its wealth like America has. Its confusing and hard to understand. I hope that I have done what Heavenly Father got me up to do. I'm gonna pray and try to go back to sleep. I remember that Sr. Golightly told me, "Keep sweet Sister Boucher".

  3. I hate Effexor. I feel like I'm living in a dream, like I am only semi-conscious. I think it works to reduce anxiety by reducing ALL emotions and thoughts. I sometimes think I'm like a zombie. Previous attempts to get rid of the drug have failed.


    I am not a Counselor nor do I impersonate one on SNL. You may need the drugs, but I still maintain that DBT helped me a lot. If you can get me your address, I will go out and find a Good DBT book and send it to you. I am that sure of what it did for me.

    Are you a Military Veteran? They have a very good program.

  4. None of the Muslims I knew feel that the 9/11 attackers were true Muslims. All seem to agree that while these folk may have been nominal Muslims, they were living according to their lower natures. It is a whole study finding out how Muslims view their walk before Allah SWT. I found it very interesting. Of course, my primary contact with Muslims was with the Sisters, and those in America, though I did talk to some men on skype, but these sorts were mostly out to talk dirty and degrade women. I don't need to go into detail. It did not take more than twice to become wiser.

    I did meet one man who responded to a comment I made on an article in Arab News, and he and I became very good friends. I met him when he came to America to attend College and I must say that while he was a little sexist, were our ages close, I would absolutely marry the man. He was a prince to me.

    Some Muslims call the terrorists, Freedom Fighters, those mainly being in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and keeping in mind the suffering of the people there, the point of view is not surprising.

    The US involved in insidious mischief.

    Most American Muslims I know do believe that the whole truth is not known by the people. The other day I was viewing an analysis of what ever hit the pentagon. For a long time, I had been convinced it was a cruise missile but on viewing this new video on youtube, I can see where it could have been an airliner. This new one showed where half a dozen light poles where knocked down as it approached.

    In the case of the Pentagon attack, the secrecy surrounding the whole incident worked against the public good until they revealed more information. I think a lot of government secrecy is pointless and the public would be better off knowing it all as it happened. Just my opinion.

    I have heard people say that the WTC was deliberately demolished and I say it was, and here is why, though I expect to be called names over this. I was an Electrician for over 30 years and had to attend refresher classes 3 times a year to make sure we knew the constantly changing electrical law. Of course, a woman sitting with a bunch of men at lunch, is subject to two things. "The First Liar does Not have a chance" and "We gotta impress the little woman".

    So in one of these classes, I was sitting at lunch with a quite handsome elderly Electrician and the conversation got round to 9/11. He was a high rise Electrician and these guys are specialized because of the verticle height. He said the following, and I believe him. "All high rise buildings over 10 stories have demolition charges built into them so that in the event of a large fire or disaster, the charges can be blown, thus making the building fall straight down rather than fall over." Who sets the charges off I do not know and when I revealed my interest, he said he couldn't tell me more because of security. Imagine what it would have been like if either of those towers had fallen over. It is not my story, it was his. Now I will brace myself for the ridicule.

    It is a well documented statistic that 10% of those who died in the towers were Muslims.

    Now, as to sneaky government deals, the President was aware that Pearl Harbor was being attacked before it happened. I am told that he wanted the old worn out fleet destroyed, and that he wanted the American people mad enough to declare war.

    Now as to rich power hungry Americans being dangerous, I give you the last several years of American History. Clinton gave us a 2.9 Trillion budget surplus. Bush gave us a 7 Trillion dollar short fall. Hmmm. Look at the way banks collapsed. Remember Bernie Maddof? Of course, I think a major part of the collapse was overspending on credit cards by Americans.

  5. I hate Effexor. I feel like I'm living in a dream, like I am only semi-conscious. I think it works to reduce anxiety by reducing ALL emotions and thoughts. I sometimes think I'm like a zombie. Previous attempts to get rid of the drug have failed.

    In the early 90's I was on Haldol @ 200 mg and I think the clinical dose is around 6-700 mg, so my dosage was minor. I was in a mysoginistic male work group and it insulated me from their harassment. There was no emotion at all, and for that time, it was helpful.

  6. Well, I must admit that I have a prejudice against drugs, and that is because I was once on some very heavy drugs, and not to elaborate, they ruined my life. I still take a small dose of Trazidone at night to stop the nightmares, but it is nothing compared to what was once administered.

    Though, it is well proven that some of us must have drugs, and I support that fully.

    I will, at least pray for you. So, please do not kill yourself.

  7. Cheers.

    Ok, what would you like addressed first? Lets start with Muslims as terrorists? At some point this conversation may get banned.

    I was Muslim for almost seven years, and was extremely immersed in the culture, and I am finding it very difficult to get back into American culture. Talking to other Muslims, and Punjabis, they have a long list of grievances about what the West, has done to them. According to a Welsh man I know, and a woman who is second generation Punjabi living in the UK, they both agree that the British Colonialists created huge problems in India and what is now Pakistan and Bangladesh by partitioning the country after WWII. There is a passable movie on the subject called "Partition", and it is available on Netflix.

    I know people from Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Egypt and other places. While every single one of them wants to be rich like Americans, they eschew the past actions of the Western Governments. Afghanis will tell you that Americans created the Taliban by giving tribal Afghans weapons to fight the Russians and then not helping them recover after the Russians committed Genocide there. Soviet war in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    OH, make no mistake that I am absolutely American and patriotic too. I just want the dirty dealings to stop.

    A more consumer level account of what happened in Afghanistan is in the movie, "Mr Smith's War", Or "Senator Smith's War".

    A bit of history that I only just found out about, really made me ill. Apparently In the early 50's Iran had a democratically elected government and they started getting friendly with the Soviets. So, the British MI6 and the American CIA engineered the overthrow of that government and installed the Shah, who according to Shia Muslims I know was a despot.

    Aparently it got so bad that the people of Iran, threw she Shah out and installed their own radical Shia Muslim Government around 1979. So, that is partially the reason for animosity between the Iranian government and the West. While they say that there is a big issue with Iran building a bomb to attack America, I am told that the real issue is over the oil that Iran has and sells to the same customers that the Sunni Muslims do, thus undercutting them. The Shia and the Sunni do not like each other at all. There are about 5% Shia in the World and about 95% are Sunni, with some insignificant factions like the Suffi and others mixed in.

    I will leave you with that for now.

  8. I love the "if you don't agree with me you're stupid/uneducated/ignorant" approach.

    I don't always appreciate Klein's method, but I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for backup to big claims, and throwing out insults instead doesn't do much good. Of course if you just don't want to talk about it, that's your right.

    OK, you are right Eowyn. I have spent so much time discussing these sorts of issues on islam.about.com, and it is very wearing, but I will do it.

  9. I must confess that I wish I had a simpler life, but I am married and we have for children. We don't have car payments, though, and our mortgage is moderate. There are many stresses still. I wish I could take a break. I think that if I get a week off from work for mental health issues, then my manager will be far less likely to recommend me for a promotion I am shooting for. I probably couldn't the handle the promotion anyway....

    If I am being nosy, I apologise. I am just trying to help. What is it that you do? Call center work can be awful. Sales calls on the phone or in person are just awful, especially if they are cold calls. Places like Home Depot, and other big box stores are very high stress because they like to run short of people and then guilt trip you into trying to do more than is humanly possible.

    I used to work in a Manufacturing Plant that made Chain Saw Chain as an Electrician, doing everything from installing Programable Logic controls to changing the elements on huge furnaces. Some of the work was so frightening that I would scamper off to the bathroom and cry at times. My peers said I was very good, but management was always doing the carrot/donkee thing, making us feel inadequate and prompting us to work harder. After 20 years, I finally could not do it any more and left. They of course acted like I was a murderous traitor; guilt mongers to the end.

    So, perhaps if you spoke to a labor counselor or career guideance person? Just making suggestions here, trying to help. Suicide is Not the answer.

  10. It is not my intention to render you angry or ugly, I am merely curious to see where you found the information that has brought you to your previously stated conclusions.

    If I were to make such outlandish claims, I would not recoil were someone to request sources.

    If such sources do not exist, or are unreliable, you may do better not to make such baseless statements.

    You need less time in fight cage and more time in school.

  11. So a few weeks ago I did a paper on why homosexual marriage is wrong, and ever since then, I have been looking for people to debate on the topic with, as I feel a strong sense of "spirit" whenever I do so. I eventually found myself on youtube, arguing with around 23 different people over 7 videos, and I was soon overwhelmed and depressed because not only was I not able to rebuke the arguments, but I was being bashed for being LDS and my faith began to take a huge nosedive. After about two weeks of bashing my faith and relationship with God had been reduced to rubble and I finally deleted my email account but I still am pretty much back to Sunbeam level. Does anyone have any advice for me? I've fallen back into my old sins again and I feel absolutely horrid and confused because I don't know what to do!

    We may feel that homosexuality is wrong but that does not free us from the duty that Jesus Christ placed before us, IE Love each other as we love ourselves. We may not understand a thing but we must have compassion for others. Remember Hansens disease used to be a death sentence and was thought to have been caused by sin. Now days we know it is a treatable bacteria.

    Have you seen the video on youtube called, "It Gets Better" ? GBLT folk feel damned when they first begin to grapple with their feelings. We know that negative reinforcement for Gay conduct does not work, and that the Ex-gay club is a farce.

    I do not condone the problem; only that I am not Heavenly Father and must give mercy; trying to give as much as I have been given.

  12. As you wish.

    Hala401, I feel we have crossed into some interesting territory. Would you do me the courtesy of continuing our conversation in another thread? I would be happy to create it.

    This is old business for me. I do not wish to discuss it any more. I was only trying to show the original poster the progression of depressive thought.

  13. I don't know what your job is, Fireman, Doctor, Dentist, Electrician or what ever. I understand that Dentists have a high suicide rate because they are Artists, and the people who are the recipients of their art are often just slobs.

    Not to seek sympathy, but so you know that you are not alone. I was absolutely suicidal from about 2003 to 2007, and was in the hospital 5 times.

    In retrospect, I can not see that it was likely due to an extremely abusive childhood, and later an abusive marriage, and finally a career that was just beyond my tolerance for stress. The end came for me after 9/11 and seeing all the mischief the government got up to. I was working for a small city then and I can see that America was in great danger then, not from Muslims but from evil, power hungry men right here in America.

    In childhood, he threatened to kill me several times, and showed me he was serious by beating me unconscious a few times. In my marriage, I did everything I could to keep everyone happy and if I failed, I felt at fault. I worked as an Electrician in Industry for over 30 years, and was very afraid of Electricity. Some say that the fear keeps us alive, but looking back, I can now see that doing that job was way too much stress for me; often telling Jesus that I had tried as hard as I could and then cutting my feelings off and doing the job, often in live electrical panels.

    Going to Honduras, and Kenya in the hope of making a better world really showed me how helpless and insignificant I am without Heavenly Father guiding my every step.

    And I can now say that having lived for so many years in a constant state of tension that sometimes turned to terror, I most certainly expected to feel the blessings that now surround me today. But, I first had to learn that I am not God, and most certainly do not even come close.

    Does Heavenly Father want you to give up and take a look at what is important to him? I know about the stresses of trying to pay for a big house, 3 televisions, 2.3 children and more cars than we can drive.

    Now days, I own an old car, and everything I own will fit in the back seat, I rent a room in a house and I write when I have time, have time to help others, and I'm a Mormon. These are the best days of my life!

  14. Though I have not completed the research yet, we think that one side of our family was from Alsace. The supposition is that the "Bouchers" were from there, and could have been Amish or Menonite imigrants to Worcestershire in the UK. In the early 1700's I think there was a religous war in that area and that may have been how the Bouchers got to Virginia around 1725. The other side of the family are "Webb's", and from information furnished to me by a Welsh national living in Cardiff, Webb is an old Norman name.

    Interestingly, I also found out that the Boucher family name is also represented in a cemetery near Landcaster, PA. It will be fun putting all these pieces together. :)

  15. I understand your panic attacks, I think.

    I am just becoming aware that faced with a socially threatening situation, I sometimes sort of shut down, maybe even disassociate and now I'm being very mindful about it. The thing that really brought me out of denial is the other day I went to Temple for baptisims, and as I went into the atrium to wait to be called, had full blown asthma attack; the worst in years. The medications did work and sitting still helped much also. It was wake up moment for me, having not previously understood how fearful I was.

    In my old job, when things got really stressful, I had to just turn it off and do the job no matter how I felt.

  16. Eight years ago I was nearly 25 years old. I was suicidal. I kept items in my car to complete suicide. I knew how and where, but not when. Then one day I was ready to do it. I was cold-hearted enough to leave my wife and two small children behind. But there is something else that saved me. My wife was pregnant and I wanted to meet the baby. I couldn't leave a pregnant woman behind. So I spent a few days in the psychiatric ward of a hospital.

    Here I am now thinking the time is near. I don't want to be alive anymore. My wife sometimes asks "Are you suicidal?" It sounds accusatory and I lie to her. I have slowly broken her spirit. She used to be an angel to me, but someone can tolerate depression cycles for only so long.

    The thing that stopped me when I was the lowest was I realized how abominably selfish my act would be. The last time I tried around 2007, I walked onto a busy expressway in the dark and heavy rain. I was wearing black Muslim Abaya and Hijab, so must have been almost invisible. I turned my back on traffic and walked into the street and as the cars bore down on me, my shadow grew more distinct, the car that would end it grew louder, and I knew that in seconds it would be over for me.

    Just a second before impact, HE said to me, "And what of the feelings of the driver that kills you?" In micro seconds I realized that I did not wish to hurt the driver, that I had to live. Somehow, the car missed me, and I walked out of traffic.

    Life did not get better after that, but I knew that I could not kill myself because of how I would wound others. I realised that I could not be so profoundly selfish, and that to do so would be asinine. I can not tell you comforting things; give you much sympathy, and certainly no one was around to give me sympathy, though I did start to cooperate with those whose purpose was to save human life.

    It is like Heavenly Father, even when I felt despicable, placed a lock on my actions.

    Now, Heavenly Father has placed me with people who are loving to me, and someday perhaps I will feel worthy. For me now it is unspeakable joy.

  17. Sorry, I don't have the political gene. I was confused about the "Occupy" movement, but when I attended some of their events, I was shocked at what banks can get away with. I am not in big debt, I was astonished that $800 I put on a Best Buy credit card is still about $750 after paying on it for 14 months. So, I will pay that off in the next few months. I had no idea that the interest laws had changed. Someone snuck in and did it. Was it a republican or a democrat?

    I was astonished that this whole banking melt down thing happened because bankers were doing some really sleazy things that I would never think of. I mean who in their right mind would take out insurance on a loan that was sure to fail? Of course, I think the majority of our trouble originated with us. We all spent more than we had.

    So, when you say that Obama has negated free speech, I have to tell you that I will be looking for opposing arguments on the issue, not because I want t argue, but because I just don't understand.

    So, if they can negate the 1st amendment, then what stops them from making Islam illegal? and if they do that, then what makes any religion safe. Surely all Mormons understand what it is like to be deprived of their religious rights?

    After that, what stops the loss of the right to bear arms? What about the 13th amendment, or the 15th amendment? I for one do not want to be a slave to my husband.

    I wish that rather than make inflammatory, partisan statements, people would just suppy informative, truthful information. Speaking from the depth of my ignorance, I need all the help understanding these things that I can get. :)

  18. I can point you to source material where this is debated.


    Dr Zakir Naik is well thought of.

    However, even in Christian realms, the penalty is severe. IE

    And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: [book of Leviticus 24:16]

    So, if you are going to dis Muslims over this, it is best that we know what our own book says.

    Doesn't the book of Mormon talk about one day Heavenly Father punishing the unfaithful with only those who kept to his word and spirit being spared.

    So, in a sense, this Indonesian only getting 5 years is relatively minor. I am fairly sure that in Saudi Arabia, it would be death, or worse.

    As for me, I am not a "helper of God". God will kill those he wishes to.

  19. In the last two weeks I have visited with my stake president and bishop and have never felt so much love and mercy before. I am on my path to complete repentance now and look forward to holding a recommend again in the future. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I understand now the power of the atonement and the love my savior has for me.

    To update everyone on what is happening with the girl, her bishop was informed of everything by mine and he called her in for an interview and brought up the allegations of what went on in our relationship and she completely denied them. A few days later she moved out of his ward down to Utah to be with her fiancée which prompted him to flag her membership records so that when her new bishop requests them he will be able to talk with her former bishop and be informed of what has happened so that he will not allow her to obtain a recommend and go to the temple to be married in June.

    I broke down crying when told she has denied everything because I am saddened by her unwillingness to rely on the power of the atonement to make her clean again and that she is continuing in sin thinking that she can run away from this when it only will come up right before the wedding and hurt her and others like her fiancée and his family even more. There is nothing else I can do though as I have done everything that I can and I am confident that the temple will be kept sacred and she will eventually repent and be made whole again, so please send prayers my ex's way so that she can find the strength to confess, repent and move forward to become clean and pure.

    I finally feel like I am at peace. Now I just need to rebuild my foundation and make sure this never happens again so that I can marry far above myself and find my future bride and be worthy to take her to the temple and spend the rest of my life trying to catch up to how amazing she will be. I am so excited for what the future holds for me.

    I am glad that you repented and hope that you are once again set on the path.

    I do have some reservations about all this. In this thread, I always felt as if she was cast as the aggressor, and I don't think I like that much. One thing that I think I have seen in my short association with the church is that we women are supposed to support the men in all that they do. I am fine with that but in LDS culture, I wonder if somehow women are conditioned to look up to and rely on men for direction much more than in my previous experience. And, I am really OK with that.

    However, that firmly places the men in a position where they must not take advantage of their position. So, I want you to accnowlege at least half the responsibility for the situation. To blame her for your lapse in judgement is not acceptable.

    It seems that you feel that you have been justly treated. Now I challenge you to pray for her now that she is being hounded where ever she goes. The challenge now if for the church to take the path that Heavenly Father has set for it. I do hope that future counseling with her will take a tone of healing and restoration, just like you got!

  20. Okay, I'll study DBT.

    I do not claim to be an expert, but only a survivor. Some times it is our own biochemistry, and other times depression can be a result of systematic abuse by those who are supposed to take care of us.

    There are several good books out on Dialectical behavior modification, and as I said, at first it all seemed really lame to me. At first I felt that it was ludecrous to think positive thoughts about myself when I was in fact, quite stupid and inept. Over time, I found out that those ideas are often instilled in us by those around us who ought not do such things.

    If you begin to study DBT, it is not a quick fix at all but I hope that as in my case, as you work, you will have little epiphanies where you realise that your thinking about a certain issue is perhaps too harsh on yourself.

    Today for example, I have been reading on maschochisim (I am not venturing into a talk about sex here) and learned that the need for punishment is often accompanied by several other self destructive conduct issues. One of mine is procrastination, and an almost hystercial avoidance of problems that seem insurmountable. DBT has allowed me to be able to be quite kind with myself while examining these issues.

    I know that some parents get quite defensive when a child's issues are brought up, and let me assure everyone reading this that it is not my intention to spell out how bad some parents are. In my case, my parents were very disturbed, but since becoming a church member, I can see that they tried as hard as they could.

    Much peace
