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Posts posted by Hala401

  1. On the farm where I grew up, there just was not the oportunity, and I deathly feared my stepfather who I thought my actually kill me. It was very different times.

    Now days there is very suggestive TV (this when it could have been an educational tool), video games with women represented as lust crazed objects, inattentive, self absorbed, materialistic parents, and we are surrounded by scoffers.

    Though I find birth control for teens personally abhorent, I am not going to criticise any parent that uses it on their children. I do think that the parents and the child will lose Heavenly Fathers best blessings.

  2. huh?

    You believe that "organizers" of the New Testament "did" the Council of Nicaea?

    OK, don't yell at me please?

    So, in evangelical land, it was generally thought that the Bible was cannonized at the council of Nicea. Recently, I was watching a video, could have been an LDS video, and found out that the Bible in its entirety did not exist until Wycliff translated it into English.

    So, I am still sorting through all this, and may have made some mistakes in my conclusions.

  3. If I remember correctly this knowlege about Thomas is recently discovered by the West; in the last 20 years. I personally don't place a lot of credence in the organisers of the NT because they did the council of Nicea after the great apostacy began, and I think they excluded books that should have been there. It is not actually a belief for me; rather more of a suspicion.

    Were Joseph Smith alive today, I wonder how he would have dealt with books like the Book of Nicodemus, the Book of Mary, and other "Non-Canonical" Writings.

    Please keep in mind that I am very correctable, and I am an amateur biblical history researcher, so I know that some of my conclusions may not be correct.

  4. When I was a child, no female left the farm in anything but a dress, arms covered and scarf. Gee that was rural Oregon in the 50's. Now days, in the summer, I constantly see young women out in spagetti strap mini dresses that barely covers their utmost.

    Of course, being new to the LDS culture, it is pleasantly conservative, but no where near as conservative as what I just came out of. AND, males are conditioned from 12 (?) to be part of the priesthood; the guardians of the faith. So, college age makes this dude somewhere between 18 and 24? The peak years of serum Testosterone are probably on him and the weight of his responsibility is probably a bit overwelming to him.

    On the farm in the 50's he'd have been worn out from bucking hay, and Mom would have locked her in her room until she finished getting dressed. There was no FB or Twiddle then, only a 4 party line. I'll go to bed giggling about the folly of youth.

  5. OK, dumb question here:

    I've always associated sexual harassment with either pressuring a victim for sexual favors, or openly mocking a person for sex-related traits that are beyond the victim's control.

    When did it become sexual harassment for Person A (male or female) to point out to Person B (male or female) that Person B's attire is unprofessional and/or borderline trashy?

    Not justifying this clown's behavior here; but I'm a little uncomfortable with taking general churlish behavior and re-defining it as sexual harassment.

    I never saw it as harassment, and I think that those who do are going a bit over the top. This whole matter is being blown out of proportion, and as one commentator mentioned, it is such a non issue that BYU is not commenting on it. I am sure that we all will be laughing about it in the years to come.:lol:

  6. Uhm, yes. If I see my classmate wearing a bustier to BYU, I won't bother with a note, I'll go give her my jacket. A bustier to a concert - no big deal.

    This is so funny! :) When I was much younger, um well I can't really say how much I wanted to be like totally wild, and by the mercy of Heavenly Father, I somehow survived the times when I wore only ounces of clothes. I mean I wanted to please God, but when a party came round, I really tried to be like all wanton and desirable. At one party, I knew there were drugs around, and asked someone for some LSD, but the two guys I was trying to impress looked at each other and shook their heads. "No, you are not getting any LSD". They and their dates took me out for breakfast right after. Apparently they thought I was too much the "church lady".

    Wasn't that long after the I converted to Islam and all thought of those things was smothered under an abaya and hijab.

    I imagine that this young lady will get through these times and hopefully she will continue to encounter people who are good and protective. Deep down, she has to realise, doncha think?

  7. Check this out: Berea Baptist Church- 859-986-9391 > dress code guidelines

    Sigh...wannabes. (kidding [insert smilelycon with tongue sticking out])

    Well, I totally get the deodorant, cologne thing. I have big time breathing problems when I get around that stuff.

    It's like totally funny to find um "religious police" in the LDS University. In Saudi Arabia, they are called Mutaween. Hmmm. Maybe not SO much difference between Islam and LDS. :o


  8. Well, finally got motivated to actually go to FB and look her up an SEE the outfit. Hmmmm As a brand new member, with membership record number, :) , well I haven't seen anything that short in church. I did wear a pink and white shirt dress that was about knee length but with leggings; more the Salwar Kameeze look, and later got the talk about pants not being allowed in church. Hmmmm. It was a very indirect, um talkin to, so my feelings weren't hurt. I wasn't even sure it was about what I had worn.

    If she were my daughter, NOPE girl not to church, but that is just me.

  9. Perhaps if we were concerned with what the students were learning, or if they were acting in a Christlike manner, being good citizens etc. and less interested in what they were wearing...then we wouldn't have these kinds of stories.

    Something about teach them correct principles...

    I think there were others that had rules about who could where what and when and how...seems like it was somewhere in the old testament.


    There are so many factors in this... I am hoping that she learns from this. There really is little need to "push things" but we all do it. It's a good thing that I am too old to act on some of my clothing impulses. LOL Back in the day... NOPE!

    There are so many reasons that they guy did what he did.

    So, I forgot if this is college age or high school. At any rate youngsters that age are all about getting their brains to unfog.

    Personally a Mini dress with leggings? I couldn't make it work for me.

  10. I don't wish to sound sacrilegious or anything. I don't understand the idea of the Temple or special clothing but I have learned that rather than say it is silly or I don't believe in it, I have learned to just put so many things on the shelf and wait until I do understand.

    Right now, I am struggling to addapt to a new cultural experence for me. Prayer is very special to me, as is service to others. The rest, I just do not know about. The LDS culture is very different to me; about as different as adapting to Muslim culture was. Of course, I was Muslim in America only, so did not experience some of the cultural/tribal things that Muslims in other countries do.

    So far, I have no issues with LDS culture and everyone has been gentle and kind, though I am warned that there are those out there who are "having a bad day".

  11. I love the DriSilque garments :)

    I have a while to wait for Temple privileges:whip:, and no one has talked to me about the garments, but I thought I had heard that you only wear them at the Temple?

    In Islam, there was lots of variation around the "norm", as far as clothing. I saw it as a sort of game where the most conservative dressers were super spiritual. I always observed Hijab, but there was always someone who was "more perfect". :whip

  12. Well gang, in another week, I will have been a member for a year. Yay! I was just on the lds.org site, planning to buy a dress, but I have no idea how they run. I'm plump, but not big busted. I know what sizes I can wear from Penney's and Macy's, for example, but wonder if I should get the next size up (actually it will be 2 sizes, they way they run). I don't want anything to cling, but I don't want to be swimming in it either.

    Any suggestions? Also, how about the slip? Does it run true to size or small? Would I be better off trying to find a long slip elsewhere?

    I gotta tell you all, my stomach turns knots every time I think about the temple. I thought that shopping would help me get over some of my nerves.:D

    There are some lovely Temple Dresses at DI for less than $10. It is what I will use. :)

  13. Am I going to have to go into my rant again about how tights are not pants, no matter how opaque they may be? Her dress is short. But if that outfit is getting him all hot and bothered, he might have other problems.

    In Islam, it is always the woman's fault if some man can not control himself. In Christianity 8.1 women are still being flogged over the apple incident. I think that she just needs to blow this guy off. He's probably not husband material anyhow. Maybe she should ask him if he would prefer she wear Burqua? Ooops sorry, now that I am a newly numbered member, I must behave. :eek:

    Lds is new to me. Women are not always the "fall women".

  14. I am not sure how this thread popped up again. No one had replied to me. Hmmm perhaps I am supposed to say something, so I will sort of journal here for a minute.

    There is no more doubt about converting to "Mormonisim", because I have, in separate study, now learned more and find that Heavenly Father has me exactly where he wants me to be, finally I listened! Wallah (I swear it in the name of God.)

    There are far too many things happening right now to write them all down. It is too wonderful for me, and I know that I do not deserve to be treated so well...

  15. The most important things about the Gospel are that we are to love God and one another. We are to forgive when we are hurt, but we also get to protect ourselves from being hurt again. Some times it helps to try to understand where the other person who is being an agent of unease in us, is coming from. Is he afraid if he teaches incorrect doctrine that it will be on his head, and so if you leave it is his fault?

    That would be not helpful thinking on his part and might cause him to be pushy which is not Christlike. It is not the doctrines ABOUT Christ (what he looks like exactly, what "powers" he has etc- ) that are so important, but what we are to DO to be like Christ.

    I do think all of life is a test-- how are we going to act/react, are we going to choose to be loving and kind or angry and rejecting? I think you are on the right track, but realize that it is not a "all or nothing" type of thing-- it is line upon line, precept upon precept.

    Would it help if you could feel comfortable enough to share your feelings with this teacher? What if you said something to him like---

    "I have issues from my childhood with having things forced things on me that hurt me, so I really like to be invited/shared with and not force fed even the wonderful teachings of the gospel. So if I start feeling forced, then I have trouble not fighting back. Can you be extra SUPER gentle in teaching me please? "

    Do you think something like that might help?

    Well, that is a great suggestion, and I had the germ of an idea to approach him like that and I just hope that my emotions don't interfere. Part of this issue is that in Islam, women are not to argue with men because they say we get too emotional; it is forbidden. So there is that to overcome. Heavenly Father will guide us.

  16. I would stand up and not put up with it.

    BTW, this story reminds me once as a teen, visiting my grandmothers church. A new visitor priest came in to do his quick sermon. He was so loud so verbal, you could see the veins popping out on his neck. Al the church people heads looked like they were wind blasted with there heads tilted slightly back by this intimidating very vocal priest :)

    While reflecting on the incident, I realised that his voice sounds somewhat like my very abusive stepfather. The realisation has had the effect of giving me a bit of peace on the matter. I will do my best before Heavenly Father, and perhaps we shall both learn from the experience. :)