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Everything posted by JoshuaFKon

  1. Sorry :) But as we have seen some teddy bears are evil. Is your teddy bear evil? Take the Test Josh B)
  2. I would be more careful when I spoke to a ninja teddy bear! Josh
  3. How on earth is that possible you might ask. Go here to see how: Dr. T Are you trying to ruin the good name of teddy bears everywhere?! Josh
  4. Hello Sharyll, Let me first say I am not a Mormon, but I have been researching Mormonism. While I have found many problems with it, I have never heard about Joseph having "mind altering experiences" or that "Jesus was just a prophet" But there are other major concerns. You said this is could possibly hurt your marrige, may I suggest that you research the other side before you make such an important decison. I am not permited to give you links to "anti-mormon" sites on this fourm. But I would suggest you research such things as: (1) The lack of Archeological Evidence, and how the Book of Mormon contradicts the archeological evidence avalible. (2) The Plagiarism from The KJV, and other sources (3) The Book of Abraham, and how it is a common Egyptian Furneral text. (4) Joseph Smith's failed prophecies. I am not going to suggest you to only reseach anti-mormon sites, but do look into them. There are also good pro-mormon sites which I can give you, I personally don't think they are correct, but I can give you links to them: "fairwiki" is probably the best, but it is not quite finished yet. "Jeff Lindsay" is good, if a little disorganized. And of course you have "FARMS" (a little hard to find info on there though...) Feel free to email me if you have any questions... respectfully, Josh
  5. Fine, just for fun, pick something "not subjective" I can't promise anything...but what do I have do lose? Why don't you throw out a couple of ideas... Josh
  6. Can I play? I have something picked that I'd like you to ask God. How about asking if the Book of Mormon is really true? Hi Ray :) (1) I already asked God about that. (2) I said "not 'impossible'" Josh
  7. The Blogs don't seem to be it just my computer, or is it the site? If it's my computer, is there a way I can fix it? Thanks, Josh B) P.S. This is the error I get... mySQL query error: SELECT count(*) as total_entries FROM ibf_blog_entries WHERE blog_id=122 SQL error: Can't open file: 'ibf_blog_entries.MYI' (errno: 145) SQL error code: Date: Monday 25th of September 2006 07:04:46 PM
  8. Yes, I literally believe If I wanted a Mt. to move, and I built up my faith, I could move it (anywhere paticular you want it? :) ) I am willing to do a test, (I have never personally tested my theory) Pick something (not a Mt. please :) ) and I'll pray for it to happen, something reasonable, unlikely, but not "impossible" Josh B)
  9. Nope. :) But then...I don't I have the faith to move a mountian either, Josh B)
  10. I remember something from a news story when it first happened, something like: Muslims were outraged today that in a speech the Pope linked Islam to violence, in response to the speech about 30+ churchs have been bombed in Gazza.... Almost Ironic, don't you think.... Josh
  11. I would say yes. I mean, you can move mountains...but you can grow an arm back? If you're going to take the Bible literally, I would say yes. Just my opinion, Josh B)
  12. God must have a mean streak I'm unaware of..... Josh B)
  13. I'll just copy my post on the other thread... Well, lets see. Keep in mind this is only my opinion, and I haven't studied it as much as l'd like to yet.. But, I don't think God is sitting in heaven saying...Ok...I'll answer his prayer, but not this guy's... The Bible says God is no respecter of persons. And I cannot believe he chooses to only answer some prayers. Right now I'm going to pray for $25,000 dollars. Did I get it? (I'll let you know if I get if before I finish this post ) I believe that your prayers being answered is some how dependent on your your belief that God will answer your prayer. Think back to When Jesus healed people in the Bible, Did He say "My great power to intervene has made you whole" no, He always said "your faith has made you whole" your faith in Jesus. I won't pretend that I can really explain this. But I feel it is imposlsible that God is picking and choosing which prayers to answer. Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. And all things you ask in prayer believing, you shall receive" I think it is clear that God does not Choose which prayers to answer. It is somehow dependent on us... Just my opinion. Josh B)
  14. I know, but would it be harder then hearing God choose not to help? And in the hypothetical situation, I would not blame the parents or anyone else, I don't know why all prayers are not answered (It could be lack of faith, many peolple are unsure as to "God's will") But I don't think I would blame God. Josh B)
  15. Well, lets see. Keep in mind this is only my opinion, and I haven't studied it as much as l'd like to yet.. But, I don't think God is sitting in heaven saying...Ok...I'll answer his prayer, but not this guy's... The Bible says God is no respecter of persons. And I cannot believe he chooses to only answer some prayers. Right now I'm going to pray for $25,000 dollars. Did I get it? (I'll let you know if I get if before I finish this post ) I believe that your prayers being answered is some how dependent on your your belief that God will answer your prayer. Think back to When Jesus healed people in the Bible, Did He say "My great power to intervene has made you whole" no, He always said "your faith has made you whole" your faith in Jesus. I won't pretend that I can really explain this. But I feel it is imposlsible that God is picking and choosing which prayers to answer. Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. And all things you ask in prayer believing, you shall receive" I think it is clear that God does not Choose which prayers to answer. It is somehow dependent on us... Just my opinion. Josh B) I guess so...Do you have a better explanation for why God does not intervene? Josh B)
  16. I heard I theory, That In Genesis, God gave dominion to Humans (Adam) and therefore He can't intervene. That's why: (1) Jesus had to come to earth as a human and not just "God" (2) The demons always screamed "You are the Son of God" (a.k.a. Hey, you're God you can't stop us!) According to this theory God "leased" earth to humans for a certain amount of time (6000 years I believe) and when it expires God will return. Really I find if very logical, if God exists (and I believe he does) then He must not be able to intervene. Think of all the evil in the world...World War II, sickness...etc. If God could stop it, He would be obligated to. (I think) Josh B)
  17. Hey! I know that one! :) Josh B)
  18. Mrs. S, Don't you think you are being a bit hard on Dr. T? He did nothing more than ask questions, he never made a judgment, he never even shared his opinion, he merely asked her to clarify her answers. You call this "bombarding" her with questions? Your concern for her is admirable, I can see you truly care for her, but I think saying that Dr. T was "barraging" her is going too far. May I point out that Dez was free to ignore his questions, and you (or any other "older LDS") were also free to step in with your own answers at any time. And of course the board does have moderators..... I would understand perhaps if you said I was out of line. But from what I have seen, Dr T has been exceptionally polite, respectful, and non-agressive in every post he has ever made. I frankly don't know how he mantains such composure. Just my opinion. Josh B)
  19. I'm not upset in the least.... But I'm done... Josh B)
  20. Let me get this straight, BY says "God reveled it to me" By says "any thing I preach I consider scripture" But you say, becasue it wasn't cannonized he didn't really think it was "aboslutly" true? (1) He did teach that Adam was God (2) He did say "God reveled" this to him (3) He did consistanly preach this doctrine (4) He did say the anything he preached was as "scripture" But you say its all meaningless because it's not in the D&C? What exactly did Brigham Young consider real revelation, what did he cannonize? I am though disscussing this with you. It is clear BY taught this as a true doctrine. Josh B)
  21. Well, sir. You might not like it. But it does say that he claimed this was from God. He also said: "I have never yet preached a sermon and sent It out to the children of men, that they may not call Scripture." (Journal of Discourses, vol. 13, p. 95) You might not personally believe the Adam-God theory, But it is clear that Brigham Young believed it and taught it as being "reveled by God" Josh B)
  22. Sure it could. The most telling evidence is that BY never submitted this to be considered for canonization as doctrine. If he thought it was important, wouldn't that rate a canonization, as actual revelation does? Yes. Bottom line: it was never considered doctrine, and never taught by Brigham Young as such, which would be very odd if he heard it from God. It is entirely a non-issue. Let me see if I understand you correctly.... In your opinion, Brigham Young did not say that "God revealed" it to him.? Josh B)
  23. I did take it up with Oushined, he has yet to reply. I don't think he was lying, he was just wrong. I think it is, it proves that (assumeing Brigham was a prophet) that Prophets can be wrong about what they say they "heard from God" Josh B)